Published Jun 29, 2009
the sparrow
36 Posts
For all of you who've taken both the NCLEX and an exit HESI, which one do you think was more difficult? I've been told the HESI is harder. I did well on my exit HESI and will be taking the NCLEX soon.
What do you guys think?
61 Posts
Hessi is harder, in fact, has nothing to do with NCLEX. Just lowers your self esteem.
star77, MSN, RN
219 Posts
I thought the NCLEX was much more difficult than the HESI.
414 Posts
I heard rumors that NCLEX was much harder.
431 Posts
Easily HESI was harder...
CrufflerJJ, BSN, RN, EMT-P
1,023 Posts
HESI was longer (hours & hours), versus a shorter 75 question NCLEX.
You'll hate them both. Take them & move on!
20 Posts
Hesi was harder.
231 Posts
I heard from my classmates that HESI is harder. I had quite a few friends who took and failed almost every HESI test in our program, we had 5, and passed NCLEX in 75 / 1 hour 30 mins.
Personally, I passed all of my HESI's at least over the 85% benchmark (don't ask me my grades i can't remember 900's or something) and I never studied at all for them. My instructors actually told us not to study for them, that it would be a great indicator of what we actually did need to study.
i haven't taken NCLEX yet, but i've done the hurst review twice and i'm not scared of it! :)
Hessi is an extreme benchmark to compare competency for NCLEX IMO. It is in no way an accurate reflection of you ability to pass NCLEX. I will say this though, the people making in the 550 and 600 range on Hessi are the only 2 people who have failed NCLEX in my class. Although, last years class had a student that never got over a 550 on Hessi and passed NCLEX in 75. But, for a University to hold grades or even make a student repeat b/c of Hessi is rediculous and needs to addressed.
wow...550 and 600 on the HESI is really low...but oh well as long as you pass nclex...thats all that matters