Happy Emergency Nurses Day!!

Specialties Emergency


Happy Emergency Nurses Day to all of you!! :) Thanks for everything you do. I hope your day was great!

Specializes in Trauma/ED, SANE/FNE, LNC.

thanks! No one in our facility even bothered to acknowledge it. of course we are being inundated with "infection control week" which is right around the corner... bah humbug:devil:

Wasn't even mentioned but Med-Surg Nurses Week gets a big write up in the daily email with week long activities/events. Guess we really are the bottom of the food chain.

Specializes in ER.
Thanks Lunah.....however....I AM a sucker for the pens....can I keep the pens? :lol2:

food is also a great way to say thank you. And chocolate. Lots of chocolate. Makes us ER nurses quite happy on a not so great night.

Specializes in ER.
Wasn't even mentioned but Med-Surg Nurses Week gets a big write up in the daily email with week long activities/events. Guess we really are the bottom of the food chain.

week long events? That's great! Enjoy that.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

We got:

-meals from pharm vendors.

-a "thank you" email from the director's secretary.

-15 or so of us got prizes from, again, the pharm vendors.

That's all. Nothing else. Certainly nothing from the management team. And don't get me wrong. The meals were lovely, and it was nice to snack on tasty food. But let's be honest: the pharm vendors have an ulterior motive. And it takes next to no effort to send an mass e-mail. And while there were the 15 of us who got prizes (I wasn't one of them), there are 120 nurses on staff.

I'm not saying I expected something huge. Donuts would have been great. Cheap pins. A poster. A bag of candy. A bunch of flowers for the break room. Individual cards. A $1 coupon to the cafeteria. Anything that showed they took a little bit time and put forth a little bit of effort. But maybe that's too much to ask for.*sighs* Thanks to every one who posted though! Nice to know someone appreciates what we do.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

It's kind of like Hallmark inventing a holiday, and then not making cards for it. Who came up with this stuff anyway?! We should all appreciate each other year round. :)

Specializes in ER, IICU, PCU, PACU, EMS.
food is also a great way to say thank you. And chocolate. Lots of chocolate. Makes us ER nurses quite happy on a not so great night.

Oh, chocolate is a must! :D

Our management did a bunch of nice things for us: bought us all lunch, an ice cream cart, and some prizes (calendars, mugs, pens :)). The best part was our supervisor and director telling us that they truly appreciate the hard work we do for them. And..these are interim supervisors. It made us feel good. Kudos to them!

Specializes in Trauma/ED, SANE/FNE, LNC.
Oh, chocolate is a must! :D

Our management did a bunch of nice things for us: bought us all lunch, an ice cream cart, and some prizes (calendars, mugs, pens :)). The best part was our supervisor and director telling us that they truly appreciate the hard work we do for them. And..these are interim supervisors. It made us feel good. Kudos to them!

wow, I want to work where you work!! We were inundated with reminders of "infection control day".. but no one gave a crap about the ER. Of Course thats the norm in our hospital. They only care about the ER when one of their patients code or they need an IV or a NG tube, or a difficult cath insertion etc etc....

Hello guys, this is my first my time to post here. I am currently working in certain nursing facility, I love working there people are great. however, being an ER nurse is really my dream. I am more than willing to spend my time for any training and schooling needed to become an ER nurse, but my problem is, I have no idea where to acquire all those skills and knowledge. Please help me. Thank you so much for any help you could extend.

Specializes in Med Surg, ER, OR.

I completely understand! We also did not receive anything from management during the week, but thankfully our MD staff (a private contracted agency) appreciated us enough to care. $15 gift cards from Speedway...thanks again Premier!!!

Specializes in ICU,OR,PACU,ER.
Happy Emergency Nurses Day to all of you!! :) Thanks for everything you do. I hope your day was great!

We must have upset some folks in the front offices because we never heard a word from any of them on ER Nurses Day..... Amazing, life goes on!

Specializes in ER x 29 yrs.

Somehow I feel better reading these posts. I thought we had the only Mgr who would blow off ER nurses week twice in 3 yrs.

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