Published Oct 22, 2009
miss81, BSN, RN
342 Posts
This young lady become disabled 10 days after receiving the H1N1 vaccine. I'm not saying it was caused but the vaccine, but I am saying that this is a good reason why it should be each nurse's choice if we get the vaccine, not managements! Of course the media are going to highlight the "1 in a million" stories like this, but it just proves that my body does not belong to management and I should control what is pumped into it! I'm not exactly tech savvy, so let's see if this link works...
Wow, I just read my OP! Sorry about all the mistakes. I was so concerned about getting the link correct that I totally threw spelling and grammar out the window! Anyway, I hope you guys can look through that an see my point! :imbar
9 Posts
This video has been circulating around facebook as well. If you watch the video they say it was the seasonal flu shot that caused her dystonia, not the H1N1 vaccine.
Sorry, I DID know that it was the seasonal flu shot (I should have put that in the OP). Although management is not trying to force us to take the seasonal flu vaccine, they are trying to "FORCE" us get the H1N1 vaccine. I was really trying to highlight the effects of vaccines (albeit 1 in a million) and how we don't really know enough about this vaccine yet to "FORCE" people to get it!
Thanks Saramarinara!
2,642 Posts
Additionally, in the Pandemic Flu forum, someone else reported that in all of the vaccines ever given (so, not just flu shots and not just this year) there have been 63 cases of dystonia reported.
Should you not be required to cross streets as well, how about walk across a room?
Statistically, both those things seem more likely to have inherent danger, then getting dystonia from a flu shot.
33 Posts
People who work in the medical profession should be informed enough to realize that big brother and big pharma do not have the people's best interest in mind. Baxter patented their vaccine in August of 2008 and the first real outbreak of swine flu happened in March 2009. Stats like this are just the tip of the iceberg. Nurses and everyone else need to do their research. Look into the Gardasil HPV vaccine, look into Gulf War syndrome and the theory behind military vaccination, research the low rates of Austism among Amish children who don't get vaccinated. Instead of swallowing what the government, doctors, and worst of all your nursing manager tells you, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and make an informed decision. Quit relying on the media as well. They are bought and paid for.
Additionally, in the Panemic Flu forum, someone else reported that in all of the vaccines ever given (so, not just flu shots and not just this year) there have been 63 cases of dystonia reported.Should you not be required to cross streets as well, how about walk across a room?Statistically, both those things seem more likely to have inherent danger, then getting dystonia from a flu shot.
I'm NOT against the flu shot, I am against being forced to get it! When you have surgery, the doctor gives you every risk (no matter how small) and benefit and only then do you make an informed choice. That choice will not be the same for all of us based upon how we (internally) weigh the risks! That is what informed consent is all about. I am trying to highlight how we should have control over our own bodies.
No one is saying you shouldn't have informed consent. No one is saying you have to get an H1N1 shot. You as a patient have the right to refuse a vaccination.
There are things that folks are required to do in order to work as a licensed nurse. You are mandated to go to nursing school, you are mandated to pass a licensing exam. Workplaces also have mandates in order to work there. I used to work on a curise ship. I was mandated to get a chest x-ray every year, I was mandated to have certain vaccinations, as well as other things.
These mandates didn't take away my human right to make choices for myself...however, if chose to not comply with the mandates, I would need to choose to work somewhere else.
There's a huge difference between being forced to have a shot and having it be a workplace requirement.
2 Posts
In my state there has been talk that you can refuse the H1N1 and Influenza vaccine but that your place of employment can then make you wear a mask at all times during the flu season due to the risk you will expose patients
ghillbert, MSN, NP
3,796 Posts
These mandates didn't take away my human right to make choices for myself...however, if chose to not comply with the mandates, I would need to choose to work somewhere else.There's a huge difference between being forced to have a shot and having it be a workplace requirement.
Ya know what? That is actually is ok with me. I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet, but at least your state is offering a choice! If someone feels that strongly about not getting the vaccine then they have an option. If I was the mom of that girl in the video, I'd probably being choosing the mask!
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,553 Posts
That is heart breaking. I wonder if that was the first time she had ever received a seasonal flu shot. Anybody know?