H1C visa St. Bernard Hospital Chicago,IL

World International


I've been browsing lots of topics hoping there I would find answer on what I wanna know but I decided to create one. St. Bernard Hospital in Chicago,IL is one of the very few hospitals in US that is allowed to petition/sponsor nurses with H1C Visa.To be specific what I really wanna know if they petition Filipino nurses. If, yes does any body know what is the process on that specific hospital,because I've read so much about it that I want it to be specific on St. Bernard Hospital. Hope those who have experience or knew someone who had could enlighten me. I know the disadvantages of this H1C that's why I'm still doing further "investigation" about it. Please also include your experience in the hospital if possible.:typing

Thank You So Much In Advance!!:wink2:

This person that you have mentioned is a recruiter, she does not work for the facility, and cannot guarantee anything. We have seen this over and over again, promises of jobs and then none exist. And to offer to bring you over even with a pending petition is not considered the proper thing to do when someone has a pending contract with another company.

She is not the one offering the job, nor doing any sponsorship either. Suggest that you check directly with the actual facility as we tell others to do, do not think that things are going to mysteriously happen, they do not.

She will be offering you to the facility, and nothing more than that. She is not acting on their behalf, but will try to get you placed. And better check directly with the facility to see if they even have visas available.

And for those of you that are thinking of applying, you must hold a license for Illinois already and actually have a VSC in hand. Otherwise the US government will not even accept your petition to start off with.

Please check out this thread from the Illinois forum that we have here, it will give you the true information that I am sure that none of you have bothered to look at. This is something that all must always do and check out a location, etc. Not just get excited about a job prospect when it is thoroughly unsafe. Chicago has a high murder rate right now and add that to an area that is already considered unsafe, to electively go into an area like this is purely insane.

Suggest that you talk it over with both of your parents and show them this link.


Specializes in I am a nurse period!.

You mean nurses in St. Bernard Hospital are all insane??!!!! What if all nurses thinks like this and if no one will work there,who will work there?No one??!! The people there are already suffering from the high crime rate and takes a lot of risk in choosing to live there,maybe they don't have a choice or money matter. Imagine what will happen if let's say there's an incident wherein there's a big number of local casualties but NO nurses??:banghead:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
You mean nurses in St. Bernard Hospital are all insane??!!!! What if all nurses thinks like this and if no one will work there,who will work there?No one??!! The people there are already suffering from the high crime rate and takes a lot of risk in choosing to live there,maybe they don't have a choice or money matter. Imagine what will happen if let's say there's an incident wherein there's a big number of local casualties but NO nurses??:banghead:

No one mentioned that the nurses working there are insane. You have taken it out of context. H1C is up for renewal in the next couple years and no idication that it will be renewed. If that is the case and you are not able to AOS then you will have no alternative but leave the country. I agree some may not have the choice in working there but they at least know the area and know places to avoid. Someone from another country who does not know the area may end up in trouble of which may be serious and not be able to protect themselves. That is the bit that is insane, are people so desperate to risk their health and lives to work in an area of high risk without knowing what they are entering with no guarantee that nothing will happen to them. For this would also indicate to me that management do not care if they are having this problem

Just my :twocents:

It is hard enough as it is to come to a new country, but then add in the fact that we all know that there is increased crime in that area to a point that Americans do not wish to work there, why in the world would you wish to jeapordize your life?

And unfortunately, crime affects foreigners in an area usually more often since they are not aware of what is going on in the area.

And what you are forgetting, this recruiter is only a recruiter, she is interviewing and then sending your information onto the hospital, she does not work directly for them. You also need to check directly with the facility and see if they even have visas available now. Just because that name is on a list, does not mean that they are actually hiring at this time with that visa. They do not have an unlimited supply of them and as we keep stating, there are only 500 total for the entire US. Not 500 available every few months or for each facility, but for all of them total.

So even having a chance of getting hired is not going to be as easy as you may think to begin with. Since we have already mentioned contacting the hospital directly, have you actually done that?

You are more than welcome to go there, but you are not going to get out blessings over it. And suggest that you check out the crime statistics in that area and share it with your parents, and then see what they wish for you to do. The link for that is on the top of the Philippine Forum.

Safety should always be number one concern, over and above everything else. Please do not think that there are not enough nurses in that facility, if things were that bad in terms of staffing, they would not even be able to remain open. You are looking to pull at straws, but we do not see any long ones, only the short stick.

Hi, Ulyza.

This is my very first post here. I am entering the US on an H1C visa. In fact, I will be arriving on the 28th. I am bringing my 3 kids with me.

Of the hospitals that have H1C authority - all of them - will be in a "bad" area. So really it boils down to how much risk you are willing to take. But consider the alternative - which is waiting it out in the Philippines.:no:

Anyway, I know of a lady who recruits for an H1C hospital but she requires one year hospital experience. You have any RN experience? If you don't, start right now.

I wish to be of help. But I want my email to remain private. Also, you can imagine the mental state I am in right now (Wangbu is my User name) as I am leaving on Tuesday. So I just wanted to drop a line to give you some encouragement. :redbeathe

I wish you well. By the way, I was able to log in only after 6 tries!:bugeyes:

Best wishes,


Hi, Ulyza.

This is my very first post here. I am entering the US on an H1C visa. In fact, I will be arriving on the 28th. I am bringing my 3 kids with me.

Of the hospitals that have H1C authority - all of them - will be in a "bad" area. So really it boils down to how much risk you are willing to take. But consider the alternative - which is waiting it out in the Philippines.:no:

Anyway, I know of a lady who recruits for an H1C hospital but she requires one year hospital experience. You have any RN experience? If you don't, start right now.

I wish to be of help. But I want my email to remain private. Also, you can imagine the mental state I am in right now (Wangbu is my User name) as I am leaving on Tuesday. So I just wanted to drop a line to give you some encouragement. :redbeathe

I wish you well. By the way, I was able to log in only after 6 tries!:bugeyes:

Best wishes,


Safety should be your primary concern and please stay safe.

But be aware that not all of the hospitals that are on that list are even hiring any longer. And you also need to be aware that the H1-C visa is due to expire in 2010, and if it does, then you will have to leave the US.

We just like to make sure that everyone is very aware of their situation when they come here and do not expect things to be different that they are.

Best of luck to you.

And one must also be aware that the recruiter that was mentioned before is not an employee of the facility there in Chicago, but only markets nurse to them, nothing more than that. And she is not the one that does the hiring and ther are only a total of 500 H1-C visas for the entire US and that is not per year. That is the total at any one time so there are not alot of visas available as well.

Does not matter what a recruiter tells you, just the facts.


could you send me info of the recruiter who recruits for H1C on my email. . It would be of great help. Thanks

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I am going to go ahead and close this thread since there is nothing new to be added to it.

Going for the H1-C and you are doing it at your own risk.

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