Gwinnett Tech Fall 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Is anyone here applying to the 2017 session? I've seen some other GTC threads from previous years and am wondering if there are any current pre-nursing students lurking around. Those were fun to read, btw.

I just recently took the Kaplan for the first time and will be taking it again in January so I can hopefully get a better score.

Is anyone completely done with the admissions process? I'm anxious to see who gets in and who doesn't because it doesn't seem like there's a sure-fire way to tell based on what I've seen. Time will tell! I sure hope I'm one of the lucky ones.

Wow!!! I truly appreciate your thorough feedback!! I will take all of these excellent pointers into consideration! I wish you the best of luck on your endeavors! Question, about how many students were accepted in your class??

I'm not sure how many were accepted. I was wanting to ask and was curious where I fell at on the list but haven't asked.

I'm pretty sure the advisor told me there were 60.

I think where we fell on the list may be included in the email...? I have no idea.

Looking forward to that, by the way! Today is the last day to claim your spot so emails should hopefully be going out soon. So anxious to receive it.

Ok great ! That's a great number ! I wish you all the best on your nursing school journey, and I look forward to being accepted into the program as well upon completion of my pre requisites. Thanks for your continued feedback! It is greatly appreciated!

Did anyone receive an email with our details this week? I thought they would go out after the 15th.. but I didn't get anything. I do know orientation is on March 9th from 1230-130 (she wasn't positive about the time).


I haven't received anything yet.

No, nothing yet. However, I did ask about orientation and was told March 9th as well.

Neither have I. I'm sure we'll get it soon, as soon as all the spots are filled.

Emails went out today! Finally..

I'm so excited! I've been checking daily for this email!

Me too!! Yay, so excited!

Woo! Reading over all the information is so exciting.

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