Gulf Coast State College Spring 2014 Class

U.S.A. Florida


Anyone else out there apply to GCSC and waiting for acceptance or anyone already get accepted? I got my letter last Friday and have seen only one other person! Looking for other students!!

This is the study I was talking about, by the way... I tried to pry any bit of info that I could out of my adviser during the application process, but GC is very tight-lipped about their selection methods in general. After I read this, it confirmed the rumors (to an extent).

The GCSC bookstore has a great website in terms of course text info, they actually go into detail as far as what is required, recommended, or completely optional. Here's a link, I used our first class as an example.

Search by Course | Buy Textbooks | Gulf Coast State College

Wow out all the books!!! It has been so long since I have done school like this I didn't remember there being so many and costing this much.LOL!!! It has been 9 years since I was in a program at a University!

I know, highway robbery! The good news is that I found all the required books plus the DVDs and 2 of the supplemental for around 100 total online, some new and some used.

Really that's awesome!!!!

how funny! I know Adam. We weren't good friends or anything, but I know who he was, we had a lot of mutual friends. I actually think we went to elementary school together first, but I left public school after second grade to go to a private school til I started Tate in 9th grade, so I never went to Ransom. I should pull out some old year books.

My brother graduated in 2005. You might know him?? Adam Hill

Well I say you might know him, but I didn't know since you were only at Tate 2 years. But maybe from middle?

Oh and I haven't found a list of books. Maybe Euphonicus did!

thanks for the link! Do you think we will need the Cd's and literally never use them! I am going to start looking for the books and buy them online. Its always so much cheaper to buy them from other places besides the school bookstores.

I think GC might rely heavier on the HESI as well. I have a good GPA, but definitely not a 4.0 or anything ( I wish they only took pre-req GPA and not a cumulative, I kinda played around the first year of my last degree before buckling down and taking everything seriously, and barely passed a couple classes) , and didn't have some of the pre-reqs done, but had a good HESI score, and was accepted.

I doubt we'll *really* need the CDs, but who knows? I tried to find the used CD by itself but no luck. If I could figure out a way to share the disc, the used foundations 1 books alone are available for under 20 bucks.

I'm going to talk to a recent grad I work with at the prison and see what supplementals she used for first term. I am guessing the NANDA guide of choice, a pocket reference and a NCLEX comprehensive review would all be very helpful, but I have no idea about anything else. I have a NCLEX-PN review on Kindle and I'm sure there are some helpful phone apps out there.

I was in the same boat as you, I spent too much time partying and not enough time doing my work when I went to music school ten years ago, and I've had a couple of mediocre grades here and there at GC before I decided to go for nursing and got serious. It left me with a 3.3 (if I remember correctly) but my co-reqs have been all As so far, and I had pretty good HESI scores as well. I think I may have been screwed if GPA was a huge factor.

how funny! I know Adam. We weren't good friends or anything, but I know who he was, we had a lot of mutual friends. I actually think we went to elementary school together first, but I left public school after second grade to go to a private school til I started Tate in 9th grade, so I never went to Ransom. I should pull out some old year books.

That is too funny!

I also didn't focus my first year and I hate how they take those grades and use them. Most students do this and should, so to say, be given a second chance! Especially those of us who are making or have made great grades on the pre-req's. That should show them we are serious about the program. But I get it. In the end it helps them weed out the people that they think will not do well. I feel my bachelor's helped me a little in showing them that I was able to follow through and finish an intense program before so why not this one.

Yeah I need to get on the ball about the books and finding them online. Let us know if you find anything out about the cd's and which books are really needed.

So, I found out a bunch of helpful information today.

Most of the supplemental texts we shouldn't need. The guide for nursing diagonses and interventions will get used a lot, so that one is key. NCLEX review/prep book is also vital. Other than that, not so much; maybe on an individual basis depending on what helps you personally. As far as the CD that comes with the first text, I'm not sure. She said they didn't use it but I'm not positive as to which edition of the book she had (2012 grad).

She also showed me an awesome resource, Nursing Central. It is a massive online database of disease, drug, terminology and (lab) test information. The subscription costs 150 for a first year and 100 per afterward, but it seems to be quite worth it considering the price of the texts alone would get you there, and the portability factor in huge. She said it was a godsend during clinicals and she wishes she knew about it during first semester.

For clinicals, shoes *must* be all white, including the logo. 2 pairs of scrubs (white top, blue bottom) and one white lab jacket should be enough. Definitely remember the lab jacket if you get cold easily.

Also, she recommended that I start practicing taking manual B/P early, because we get tested on it after 1 week and if it isn't accurate within 2 points or so of the proctor, it's adios senor/senora. Besides the stethoscope and B/P cuff, she recommended a good penlight, scrubs with as many pockets as possible, and a clipboard with a built in calculator. I was advised to go cheap on the B/P cuff but get the best stethoscope I reasonably could.

There was more, but that's the gist of it. I would say for me personally, I am going to absolutely hammer my anatomy review prior to class, especially since I haven't taken part II yet.I'm also probably going to make my wife and family hate me after all the times I am going to try to take their vitals, lol.

Wow thanks for the great info! I am definitely going to make sure I grab the books she said are used alot. I am going to start looking for the books for the classes as well, once I finally decide about the CD's. I have honestly never used a CD for my classes, but watch us need them the one semester I decide to buy used and not purchase them! I am definitely going to look into the nursing central.

Where is the best place to get the BP cuff and stethoscope around here? I am honestly lost on what the best stethascope would be. Do they have to be a specific color or brand?

So, I found out a bunch of helpful information today.

Most of the supplemental texts we shouldn't need. The guide for nursing diagonses and interventions will get used a lot, so that one is key. NCLEX review/prep book is also vital. Other than that, not so much; maybe on an individual basis depending on what helps you personally. As far as the CD that comes with the first text, I'm not sure. She said they didn't use it but I'm not positive as to which edition of the book she had (2012 grad).

She also showed me an awesome resource, Nursing Central. It is a massive online database of disease, drug, terminology and (lab) test information. The subscription costs 150 for a first year and 100 per afterward, but it seems to be quite worth it considering the price of the texts alone would get you there, and the portability factor in huge. She said it was a godsend during clinicals and she wishes she knew about it during first semester.

For clinicals, shoes *must* be all white, including the logo. 2 pairs of scrubs (white top, blue bottom) and one white lab jacket should be enough. Definitely remember the lab jacket if you get cold easily.

Also, she recommended that I start practicing taking manual B/P early, because we get tested on it after 1 week and if it isn't accurate within 2 points or so of the proctor, it's adios senor/senora. Besides the stethoscope and B/P cuff, she recommended a good penlight, scrubs with as many pockets as possible, and a clipboard with a built in calculator. I was advised to go cheap on the B/P cuff but get the best stethoscope I reasonably could.

There was more, but that's the gist of it. I would say for me personally, I am going to absolutely hammer my anatomy review prior to class, especially since I haven't taken part II yet.I'm also probably going to make my wife and family hate me after all the times I am going to try to take their vitals, lol.

I've used software twice, by choice in developmental psych (for test prep, but I would have been fine without it) and by requirement in nutrition. The nutrition course is the only reason I have any reservations about disregarding it, the major project was 100% geared around the program.

You can get a decent BP cuff at any pharmacy, it doesn't have to be anything special and definitely not digital. Stethoscopes are more subjective, everyone's ears are different. The only suggestion I can make is to get one with a bell and diaphragm (2 heads). If you don't want to spend too much the Omron Sprague Rappaport is a good buy at less than 25 bucks. I found a mid-90s Littmann Cardiology II in good shape for around 70 on ebay, which is less than 1/2 what its replacement costs today. Whatever you end up getting, online is definitely the way to go.

So, I found out a bunch of helpful information today.

Most of the supplemental texts we shouldn't need. The guide for nursing diagonses and interventions will get used a lot, so that one is key. NCLEX review/prep book is also vital. Other than that, not so much; maybe on an individual basis depending on what helps you personally. As far as the CD that comes with the first text, I'm not sure. She said they didn't use it but I'm not positive as to which edition of the book she had (2012 grad).

She also showed me an awesome resource, Nursing Central. It is a massive online database of disease, drug, terminology and (lab) test information. The subscription costs 150 for a first year and 100 per afterward, but it seems to be quite worth it considering the price of the texts alone would get you there, and the portability factor in huge. She said it was a godsend during clinicals and she wishes she knew about it during first semester.

For clinicals, shoes *must* be all white, including the logo. 2 pairs of scrubs (white top, blue bottom) and one white lab jacket should be enough. Definitely remember the lab jacket if you get cold easily.

Also, she recommended that I start practicing taking manual B/P early, because we get tested on it after 1 week and if it isn't accurate within 2 points or so of the proctor, it's adios senor/senora. Besides the stethoscope and B/P cuff, she recommended a good penlight, scrubs with as many pockets as possible, and a clipboard with a built in calculator. I was advised to go cheap on the B/P cuff but get the best stethoscope I reasonably could.

There was more, but that's the gist of it. I would say for me personally, I am going to absolutely hammer my anatomy review prior to class, especially since I haven't taken part II yet.I'm also probably going to make my wife and family hate me after all the times I am going to try to take their vitals, lol.

That was awesome! Thanks so much for all of the detailed information! It's making me nervous thinking about it.LOL!! I am def going to be getting into the books and reviewing stuff (especially A&P as it has been a couple of years) and practicing with the b/p manually too! I have never done that so I don't wanna screw up. Sounds silly, but if I get nervous enough I just might so I need to know what the heck I am doing before I get in there!

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