Greenville Tech Nursing Program Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey there, I applied in March for a seat in the Fall! Anyone else out there applying during the March-May seating? Now that we are heading into mid-May I am getting nervous. Obviously about getting in, but secondly, I feel like I know nothing, like what books, and materials we would need to start. I am they type of person that has to prepare lol, so I feel lost that I can't (or don't know how) in the event I do get a seat!!

How many papers were in your acceptance packet?

1. Congrats letter

2. physical form

3. Health and Wellness checklist

4. Letter of Intent

5. Background check

6. Fall Schedule

Not sure in that order but that is what I have.

I had 7. That is the one your missing. Unless for some reason your cohort isn't doing one. Try and find out on here from someone starting with you. It says save the date at the top in big letters.

I think Dnprice95 starts me with in October. Oh man, I want one! LOL! Thank you so much for figuring it out with me!

It's mandatory too.

Well, I am glad I asked. I may have never known about the other one!!

Did anyone who get the denail letters that should have gotten accepted contact the school yet?

Skye1313 and mallori89 maybe they will give us the other orientation date at the mandatory one on the 6th since don't start until October 15th.

I contacted Dr. Samoya on Friday, and she replied that she will get back to me on Monday (today). I am still waiting to hear back form her.

I drove down to the school and asked for the missing orientation page. Got it! Now I feel complete lol.

Did anyone filled out the background check form? It says prior addresses but only has a line for the city and state.

Skye1313 will you email me a picture of the sheet you picked up please! [email protected]

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