Great Nurse = Great Leader???

Often times it seems that the unprepared are thrust into leadership roles without any preparation. Have you ever seen this happen in your workplace? Is it seen as a problem or "just the way it is?" What can be done as a remedy to the problem? Do nurses even view that a problem exists? Let me share what I have seen as a problem over the years and offer some encouragement to those that might want to effect solutions. Nurses General Nursing Article

  1. Nurses are routinely in leadership positions without preparation or training

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How many times have you experienced the ramifications of this perceived axiom? The nursing profession is replete with casualties of this faulty premise. An excellent nurse/clinician is thrust into leadership with the rationale that "you are such a great nurse you'll be a great leader!"

They are then thrust into the arena with little or no preparation, training, or support. When the ill-prepared house of cards falls there is utter dismay because it fell and the "great nurse" may even lose that title as well. The whispering "maybe so and so wasn't such a good nurse after all" fills the atmosphere of the organization. The search for another "great nurse" begins as the cycle continues to wreak havoc on work teams and projects.

Contrary to what most people seem to believe, leadership skills are taught more than they are caught. Like most skills, there is careful study, intentional preparation, and practical application involved in the development of a leader. Let's take a look at these three ideas and how they can help to develop leadership skills.

For me, personally speaking, you cannot go wrong by employing Biblical principles to anything in life that you are doing. Having said that, just a couple of principles come to mind:

1) The Golden Rule:

Treat people as you would like to be treated (Luke 6:31).

This is a great place to start no matter where you are or what you are doing. An excellent foundation for interaction with all humans no matter when, where or in what context is wrapped up in this principle.

2) The Servant Leader:

"If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all." (Mark 9:35).

So much could be said about this principle! History is filled with examples of "Servant Leaders." Gerard Thom (c. 1040-1120), the founder of the Hospitallers, male nurse, the servant leader is one such example. Others include; James Derham (c. 1757-1802), the first African-American to practice medicine in the US. He bought his freedom working as a nurse! Study leadership and study leaders, both good and bad.

Intentional preparation is linked to a careful study by self-reflection: what you hope to accomplish as you serve others. Set aside time to prepare for your leadership development and be intentional.

A great friend and mentor to me over the years has been Dr. George Manning, psychology professor and author of, The Art of Leadership (ISBN-13: 978-0078029080). I highly recommend this text for anyone with leadership aspirations. A character study of good leaders that are around you or leaders that you have had is an excellent source of intentional preparation too. Remember that there are lessons to be learned from bad leaders too. Learn from their mistakes, even if they are sure that they have never made any. I have been influenced by and learned much from several excellent leaders over the past 30 years, but I have also seen many fail and fall hard because of the application of the premise that titles this article. Much is learned from these leaders as well.

Practical application is simply putting into practice the things that you are studying, learning and teaching about leadership as you go. No matter where you are in life you are leading others in some way or another. The issue is: are you doing it intentionally because of your study and practice of leadership or is it unintentional, just because you are a great nurse?

Nursing leaders

I have personally seen this "great nurse =great leader" model many times over the years and it is a sad disservice to unprepared leaders being developed by unprepared leaders. Years ago, a great nurse friend of mine was hired by our company as a flight nurse. She was an "excellent" critical care nurse. Before she could get her bearings as a flight nurse and how that all worked, she was put in charge as the base supervisor; the leader of seven highly autonomous clinicians that were experienced in critical care flight operations. It was an extremely difficult time for her because no one prepared her for the leadership aspects of her non-clinical duties. With some mentoring and coaching by several seasoned veterans and a willingness to learn and study leadership she weathered the storm and became successful, but there were times when she was almost written off as a nurse failure. This phenomenon happens way too often in healthcare in general and nursing in particular. We need to break this pattern. Intentional action is required.

Finally, let me encourage the new and the old, the novice and the expert: Lead right where you are! People are looking for leadership everywhere. Remember to serve others and you will lead others. It is also extremely helpful to be a good follower, but that is another article for another day. What has your experience shown you in these matters? Please feel free to share your personal insights with others; ask questions, share knowledge! Nurse on!

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

I guess that my worldview got in the way of your understanding. Treating people how you would like to be treated is simply this: showing respect, kindness, love and compassion to other humans. That is grounded in Imago Dei, the belief that all humans are created in the image of God. It is a Judeo-Christian idea. That was my point in bringing it up. Worldview shows up In everything.

It seems to me the "platinum rule" would essentially lead to the "inmates running the asylum." A leader shouldn't check with the led to make sure they approve of how they lead. The other glaring problem with the "platinum rule" is that the opportunity for consistency is thwarted. Everyone gets different treatment.

I couldn't agree more with your comment (at least part a):

"The best leaders know how to use multiple approaches and can tailor their approach to the individual situation."

but, part b is really a non-sequitar. Boundaries are everywhere, no one is immune to them.

As far as "simple platitudes" goes, mine were spoken first by Jesus, yours, on the other hand......

WOW! For someone who spouts Bible verses without prompting, you can sure get snarky.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
Lol me too but I'm a tad offended that not one of you gals gave me a heads up that this thread is one that shouldn't be missed!! :D

:laugh: no one could've predicted how this was going to turn out... :no:

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
Gee, what a surprise -- yet another "article" by an OP who says in the article that s/he is encouraging others to share their views and ideas on the topic, but then, when s/he gets any responses that differ from her/his opinion, lashes out at anyone who dares to have a different perspective or not share her/his enthusiasm for ancient religious writings as a legitimate academic/scientific reference. (Helpful tip for OP: Getting nasty with people who don't happen to share your religious beliefs is not a great advertisement for Christianity.)

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm starting to have some grudging respect for the people who post here who state right up front that they don't want any responses that criticize or disagree with them ... At least they're honest ... :)

I thought this post was so good that it needed repeating.

Loved it!

I thought the first one was an unfortunate "one-off". That was the one who also put quote marks around the word "articles" when she referred to those written by our membership when that topic came up.

At this point I am genuinely perplexed as to the reason this is going on. I find member-written articles much more enjoyable and informative. If anyone thinks it's the sign of a professional writer to **** off your readers, I'll take the "amateurs", thank you.

To the OP. I really hoped to contribute to the discussion of good nurse, good leader. I wasn't offended by the Bible verses, because I have recently been pondering the topic of "what is a leader". I'd call that a missed opportunity, especially with the specific people who understandably responded to your snark instead of sharing on the topic.

To the OP. I really hoped to contribute to the discussion of good nurse, good leader. I wasn't offended by the Bible verses, because I have recently been pondering the topic of "what is a leader". I'd call that a missed opportunity, especially with the specific people who understandably responded to your snark instead of sharing on the topic.

The first person who tried to "share" on the topic and offered a different perspective got the snark. I imagine that has a chilling effect on anyone else who might be interested in participating in a real discussion.

Specializes in Critical Care, Flight Nursing.

Snarky Fact check:

The first person (HouTx) did share, with examples from their personal experiences, as had been my hope in writing the article from the start. My "article" as you say, was written from my 30 years of personal experience, not anyone else's experience. As is quite often the case, my worldview permeated my writing (it doesmy spoken word too) and viewpoint (like everyone's does at times).

The second "guide" shared nothing except an example of the "platinum rule." Otherwise, llg's "sharing" was a critique of the frame of reference of the "article" beginning with the first sentence: "I have a problem with the 'golden rule'....." and ending with branding the content as "simple platitudes." Evidently that is what the Guides are for? To make sure that you (the rank OP) know what they think of the content of your "article"? Not much share in that....

Maybe Mulder was right after all!

"Sometimes the need to mess with their heads outweighs the millstone of humiliation."

or as Inigo Montoya said in the Princess Bride: "You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means."

A quote from one of the brightest minds the world has seen and a great leader. I don't agree 100% but respect it.

Specializes in hospice.

As long as we're tossing out Einstein quotes:

To sense that behind everything that can be experienced there is something that our minds cannot grasp, whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly: this is religiousness. In this sense...I am a devoutly religious man.”

everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe—a Spirit vastly superior to that of man.”

Let's just say that Albert Einstein, like most people, is more complicated than the box you'd like to put him into.

As long as we're tossing out Einstein quotes:

To sense that behind everything that can be experienced there is something that our minds cannot grasp, whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly: this is religiousness. In this sense...I am a devoutly religious man.”

everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe—a Spirit vastly superior to that of man.”

Let's just say that Albert Einstein, like most people, is more complicated than the box you'd like to put him into.

I like that Red! Thanks for sharing.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
The first person who tried to "share" on the topic and offered a different perspective got the snark. I imagine that has a chilling effect on anyone else who might be interested in participating in a real discussion.

I hope my comment didn't come across as critical of people responding to the snark. I actually meant the opposite. Having you and others participate in any discussion is a high value thing to me and probably many others reading the thread.

airwaynurse - I reread Ilg's post and I honestly didn't see it the way you did. I believe she tried to made sure to talk about the concepts rather than the person, so this comment:

As far as "simple platitudes" goes, mine were spoken first by Jesus, yours, on the other hand......

Jumped out as a reference to the Church Lady, unwittingly perhaps. Were readers supposed to finish that with oh, I don't know.......could it be...Satan???

Say what you will about any of the guides, I don't think any actually dwell in The Dark Place. A lot of the issues in this thread lead me to believe Alan Greenspan was right after all...

I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”
I hope my comment didn't come across as critical of people responding to the snark. I actually meant the opposite.

(No, I didn't think you sounded critical. And I appreciate the Church Lady reference. :))

Specializes in hospice.

Doesn't everyone love The Church Lady?