Published Aug 1, 2017
67 Posts
I finished my school 2015. After that I was studying then found out I was pregnant. I was not ready for it and it affected my studying. That time I have to take the exam because it was the last day for me to take it. I took the AANP and ANCC on December 2015 and both failed it. After giving birth I took the AANP on October 2016 and failed again. I was devastated. The pregnancy was hard and I had complications until I gave birth. Till now I still have my postpartum depression. I change my position to per diem so I can study. But my husband lost his job and now we both have no medical insurance. I have to work overtime to take care of the family. I have 3 kids, 11 y/o, 9 y/o and 1 y/o. I found a website for tutors and went to meet this person. I am not sure of him. I just need somebody to help me overcome my anxiety and help me with test taking strategy. I thought I was ready before but I guess I was not. Its 2017 and I am still here, not licensed, financially unstable and depressed. I lost my concentration to take the exam. My faith in God is declining. I don't know what to do. I am totally lost. :-(
shibaowner, MSN, RN, NP
3 Articles; 583 Posts
I am very sorry you are going through this. First, if your husband is unemployed then he has plenty of time to help out with the kids and housework. Second, you need to be evaluated for depression and anxiety and get treatment if necessary. Talk to your church pastor about local resources. Many pastors are also trained counselors. If you are working, why don't you have health insurance? Third, if you don't trust the tutor, then don't use him. I suggest you research live exam reviews and attend those - you might need more than one. Some reviews are online, so you can do them from home at your convenience. There are many threads on this forum about study tips for the NP license exams. Finally, what are your difficulties with the exam? Can't remember everything, certain topics or areas were difficult for you, etc.?
I don't have medical insurance because I am now per diem. I changed my status after the birth because I had complications. My husband that time had a job so we're using his insurance. Unfortunately, he lost his job. He does computer jobs house to house for now. My kids pediatrician referred me to a free counselor which I am using now. I am aware that i have anxiety and depression that is why i go to counselling. I will try to study even though there's a lot of distractions. I can't afford to go to live review or buy another reviewer. I still have my leik book, Fitzgerald and apes. I am just not sure if those were enough. My classmate gave me her password for examedge. I know God has a plan and there's a reason for everything. Thank you for your reply.
DizzyJ DHSc PA-C
198 Posts
You may need to decide if the stress of being a provider is right for you. Imagine dealing with this stress/depression and then also needing to focus on properly evaluating and treatment patients. I know for PAs we get 6 attempts or 6 years from graduation and then you are out of luck. Honestly, I think that is too many tries and to long of a period. I see AANP gives two chances a year, but doesn't specify how many years you get to keep trying.
adamRn79, BSN, RN
185 Posts
If you haven't, attend the APEA course, it will be helpful. Also, reach out to your school for advice. Best of luck, you can do it.
Thank you but I can't afford as of this time. Have you heard about Necessary NP Workshops and Nursing ?
SaltySarcasticSally, LPN, RN
2 Articles; 440 Posts
I am not an NP but experienced PPD and complications after the birth of my third child so trust me, I know how defeating it is. But you cannot afford not to do this review if you haven't passed the last two attempts. Put it on a credit card, borrow the money, sell things. That or you need to pull in some former students who have passed that you went to school with and have them tutor you.
You have got to get on medications. I am not being dramatic when I tell you the antidepressant and short term anti-anxiety I was put on for my PPD saved my life. I had no previous hx of depression and PPD hit me like a freight train out of no where. I got treated 4 weeks PP because my husband knew something wasn't right with me but it took me until 1 year PP to feel fully emotionally and mentally healed. Some family docs will let you pay a cash fee up front for a discount to be seen, find one ASAP.
Why isn't your husband out looking for another job? Even if it's just pizza delivery. I have been there too, my husband was laid of like 4x/18 months during the recession because it was in the auto industry. It was rough but he took whatever job he could, even if it was a $10/hr pay cut from his previous position. We staggered our hours so we didn't have to pay for daycare.
Your in a really rough spot right now but there ARE ways out of it. PPD was the most defeating time of my life. But I promise you, if you seek a PCP who will put you on the right meds, you will slowly start to come out of the fog. While part of me wished I hadn't gone through PPD, now 2.5 years after the birth of my child, I am thankful for what it taught me. It made me resilient which is priceless IMO.
Big hugs to you, this WILL pass, but you have to do what is necessary to get on the other side of this.
322 Posts
Hi, OP:
How did you study for the AANP and the ANCC each time you took them (i.e. how long each day? Every other day? Number of questions?)
I used the leik questions and exam edge questions for almost a month. 100 questions for the exam edge and with leik, I do 75 in the morning and 75 in the evening. It takes me 6-8 hours a day to study. If I don't know the questions I read the content.
First, you didn't study long enough. Given you are working and you are struggling with PPD, I recommend planning 4 to 6 months of study time, to be sure. Barkley has CDs that are recordings of their live class. Look on Amazon and eBay to see if you can buy them used. Listen to the CD for one body system, then read all of your books and do the questions for that body system. You can also buy the Hollier practice question book for cheap, used on Amazon. (Body system - cardio, ortho, etc). DO NOT just do questions. You must focus on knowing the content first! Really study the CONTENT. Only after listening and reading all of the content do you take practice questions.
Second, you didn't say what your problems with the tests were. Could you just not remember everything? Were there certain topics you struggled with? You should have received exam results that also listed how well you did in different areas. This can guide your studying.
Third, please read the numerous threads with study tips on this forum. I wrote a long post on this.
Fourth, instead of cramming 6 to 8 hours a day for 1 month, try 4 hours a day for 4 to 6 months. And constantly review what you have already learned - use lots of flash cards.
Fifth, how do you learn best? By listening, writing, drawing, etc. Use what works best for you.
Finally, you should check on what services are available to you for your depression and anxiety. For example, Federally Qualified Health Clinics (FQHCs) are either free or accept payment based on your income. You don't have to be on Medicaid - anyone can use these. Here is a link to find one near you:
You can also search on social services available to you from your state, county, city. Do google searches on low income mental health services in "--(your area)---" You should also check to see if you can get any public assistance, since you have 3 children. People who work, but have low incomes, can still qualify. Also, check on getting Obamacare insurance assistance - there are subsidies for low income people. In addition, find food pantries in your area where you can get free groceries.
And, please, use birth control from now on! You are not in a position to get pregnant again until you get over your PPD and pass your license exam.
Your husband needs to hustle and make $ any way he can. The economy is good now so he should be able to get a job. He can also do other things for cash, like yard work, walking dogs, handyman work, buying stuff and fixing it up then selling it and so on. He must take a job like waiter, cashier, etc until he can find a better job. My dad always had 2 jobs! A full time and a part time. I know lots of young men and women who work even 3 part time jobs if they have to. Farmers all over the country are dying for workers and many are now paying very good $ and offering benefits! If you live in a depressed area with few jobs, then you need to move!!!
I've heard of the Necessary NP review and it seems good. You must find a way to get the $ for a live course or the Barkley CDs and then do the intense review as I noted above.
First, you didn't study long enough. Given you are working and you are struggling with PPD, I recommend planning 4 to 6 months of study time, to be sure. Barkley has CDs that are recordings of their live class. Look on Amazon and eBay to see if you can buy them used. Listen to the CD for one body system, then read all of your books and do the questions for that body system. You can also buy the Hollier practice question book for cheap, used on Amazon. (Body system - cardio, ortho, etc). DO NOT just do questions. You must focus on knowing the content first! Really study the CONTENT. Only after listening and reading all of the content do you take practice questions.Second, you didn't say what your problems with the tests were. Could you just not remember everything? Were there certain topics you struggled with? You should have received exam results that also listed how well you did in different areas. This can guide your studying.Third, please read the numerous threads with study tips on this forum. I wrote a long post on this.Fourth, instead of cramming 6 to 8 hours a day for 1 month, try 4 hours a day for 4 to 6 months. And constantly review what you have already learned - use lots of flash cards.Fifth, how do you learn best? By listening, writing, drawing, etc. Use what works best for you.Finally, you should check on what services are available to you for your depression and anxiety. For example, Federally Qualified Health Clinics (FQHCs) are either free or accept payment based on your income. You don't have to be on Medicaid - anyone can use these. Here is a link to find one near you: can also search on social services available to you from your state, county, city. Do google searches on low income mental health services in "--(your area)---" You should also check to see if you can get any public assistance, since you have 3 children. People who work, but have low incomes, can still qualify. Also, check on getting Obamacare insurance assistance - there are subsidies for low income people. In addition, find food pantries in your area where you can get free groceries. And, please, use birth control from now on! You are not in a position to get pregnant again until you get over your PPD and pass your license exam. Your husband needs to hustle and make $ any way he can. The economy is good now so he should be able to get a job. He can also do other things for cash, like yard work, walking dogs, handyman work, buying stuff and fixing it up then selling it and so on. He must take a job like waiter, cashier, etc until he can find a better job. My dad always had 2 jobs! A full time and a part time. I know lots of young men and women who work even 3 part time jobs if they have to. Farmers all over the country are dying for workers and many are now paying very good $ and offering benefits! If you live in a depressed area with few jobs, then you need to move!!!I've heard of the Necessary NP review and it seems good. You must find a way to get the $ for a live course or the Barkley CDs and then do the intense review as I noted above.
Hi, yes I am on counseling. I immediately seek help when I was aware my depression is not subsiding. And yes, I am taking birth control pills :-) What I am planning to do is next month I will be studying for the whole month without working. I told my husband if we can get a home equity we can pay our bills when I am not working and take that opportunity to study for a whole month. I am using APEA, Leik and Fitzgerald for studying.
Thank you for your response.
2 Posts
I'm hoping things are going better for you now. I understand having declining faith in God. I feel the same somethings. I failed ANCC twice and now am terrified to take it again. I took a long look at myself today and counted my blessings which include a very supportive family, awesome kids, and a fabulous husband. I need to now find that inner strength to push forward and become what I was meant to be, just not sure where to start. If you have taken the test again and passed, please let me know your strategies. If you have not, and want some extra support, I'd be happy to be there. God bless you and your family.