Grades, Gre Scores, Experience, etc...

Nursing Students SRNA


I have looked up information regarding statistics for those who have been accepted into anesthesia school and haven't found information regarding the average of grades, GRE scores, years of experiences, certifications, etc. Remember when you were applying for you undergrad, you could find out information about the incoming class and their average gpa, SAT scores, etc. To those of you who are CRNA's and SRNA's or soon to be SRNA's if you don't mind can you post what your gpa, GRE scores, years of experience, and other information so I can get an ideal of what to do to become a CRNA. Thank you for all that reply!!

Specializes in Trauma, Emergency, Urgent Care.
I just turned 49 and will be starting CRNA school in August 2005 at Florida International University. I can't wait!


Good luck!

Hi all. I am only a new nurse right now, but am thinking of CRNA school in the near future once I get more experience. I was just wondering...because someone mentioned it on here that they didn't get accepted because the classes were too "old." How old do the classes (nursing classes) have to be before applying to CRNA school? I guess every school differs. I was just wondering. Thanks everyone. :)

Specializes in SRNA.

Well - I've heard that some school want five years or less, I've heard others say ten years. None of the schools around me care about that. Since you're 22, I think you're in good shape.

Welcome to nursing!

Well - I've heard that some school want five years or less, I've heard others say ten years. None of the schools around me care about that. Since you're 22, I think you're in good shape.

Welcome to nursing!

Thank you! :)

This is my first post here so I guess that makes me a newbie :) Anyhow....I'm in my 2nd year of an ADN program. I will graduate in May and will probably start back to school soon after to get my BSN. I might be getting ahead of myself here but I've been thinking a lot about the whole CRNA thing. A friend of mine is a CRNA in my hometown and absolutely loves his profession. I shadowed him for a few days prior to applying to nursing school because he thought it would be a good experience for me. I really enjoyed it and the money isn't bad either :) I looked through a bunch of the posts and was floored when I saw the GPAs, etc.....WOW. Good job guys! So here is my question. Do I have a chance in hell of being accepted later on or is it too soon to tell? I had a decent GPA before nursing school (3.1). I'm not real sure what my GPA is right now. I got a C my first semester (it was a much needed wake up call ~ I never had to study much before). I've had Bs since then. Do most schools require several years experience? What will happen after I get my BSN? I'm assuming CRNA school isn't something I can just jump into applying to. Is there anything I can start doing now that would be beneficial to me later (besides get my grades up :))? Any advice, etc would be much appreciated.

This is my first post here so I guess that makes me a newbie :) Anyhow....I'm in my 2nd year of an ADN program. I will graduate in May and will probably start back to school soon after to get my BSN. I might be getting ahead of myself here but I've been thinking a lot about the whole CRNA thing. A friend of mine is a CRNA in my hometown and absolutely loves his profession. I shadowed him for a few days prior to applying to nursing school because he thought it would be a good experience for me. I really enjoyed it and the money isn't bad either :) I looked through a bunch of the posts and was floored when I saw the GPAs, etc.....WOW. Good job guys! So here is my question. Do I have a chance in hell of being accepted later on or is it too soon to tell? I had a decent GPA before nursing school (3.1). I'm not real sure what my GPA is right now. I got a C my first semester (it was a much needed wake up call ~ I never had to study much before). I've had Bs since then. Do most schools require several years experience? What will happen after I get my BSN? I'm assuming CRNA school isn't something I can just jump into applying to. Is there anything I can start doing now that would be beneficial to me later (besides get my grades up :))? Any advice, etc would be much appreciated.

Although I just started nursing school I have emailed quite a few CRNA schools throughout the country. The average acceptance GPA that ALL the schools gave me was at least a 3.50, but I have heard of nurses getting in with average GPA but make up for it during the interview along with lots of ICU experience.

There are a few schools, however, that consider only the last 60 semester hours when they calculate your grade, so do your best getting your BSN; I don't know the schools right off my head, though.

You definitely have a chance, so keep your head up. Good luck!

Does anyone here have Pediatric ICU experience and get accepted? If so how many years of experience?

Here is just another example of the road to getting into CRNA school. Got my ADN in Aug 04with a GPA of 2.8 (but got A's and B's in sciences), started working at a large ICU in Sept04, Went back for my BSN(which the hospital paid for) in Jan 05 and finished that in May 06 with a GPA of 3.8, got my CCRN PALS ACLS in there somewhere and applied to four schools. Midwestern in AZ (got an interview in Jan), New Britain in CT -interview and accepted, and then i withdrew my apps from MN's program and PA's program. Pretty cut and dry. I just sucked it up for my BSN and got good grades. I also believe that the interview is where the acceptance is gained. All that paperwork and letters after your name gets you the interview then it is up to you and how you come across. Good luck.

Hi guys,

This is my first post and let me start off by saying that this forum is a great way to get information on how to become a CRNA and more importantly what to expect during the interview. I say that with the caveat that this information overload can lead to insanity. It will cause you to doubt your own skills and abilities. To let you all know, I got accepted into 2 schools, the only 2 that I interviewed. My demoraphics are as follows: nursing school GPA 4.0, prerequisite GPA 4.0, GRE 700 math 570 verbal = 1270, 5 months experience in a CVICU at a large teaching hospital. Second career, age 36. Please, to all of you out there trying to get into school; (1) Don't let the information on this posting borad drive you to the brink of insanity (2) It can be done (3) You can get in (4) You can do it with less than 1 year of experience. My other advice to you is to keep your mouth shut at work about going to CRNA school. Not only before you apply, as we all have heard that being a CRNA is not real nursing, and secondly do not tell anyone at work that you got in. I and several of my cohorts made this mistake and it is almost as if a switch was turned on and everyone treats us differently. One of my coworkers was actually denied attendance to educational inservices. I digress, if you get anything out of my post please remeber that YOU CAN GET INTO SCHOOL. Do not let this forum discourage you or let it consume you. If you let it, it will devour you.

How long does the whole thing take from start to finish?

Specializes in SRNA.

How long does what take?


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