Graceland University online FNP program


Specializes in OR, ICU, Home Health.

I am interested in any information and opinions surrounding Graceland University online FNP program. I am considering applying to the program and would like to hear from anyone that has been through this program or knows of someone who has.

Thank you

i have a friend that went there and she does not reccomend it i went to uab fnp online and i really liked it

Specializes in ER; CCT.

I have not heard anything positive about Graceland. Fastest and most expensive is not always the best.

Wow! I am sorry to hear that some people didn't like the Graceland program. I went there and found it to be WONDERFUL! I had two small children at home and I found the program to be very flexible! I loved it!:yeah:

Specializes in ER and family advanced nursing practice.
I have not heard anything positive about Graceland. Fastest and most expensive is not always the best.

Its neither the fastest nor the most expensive. I am not sure where you get your information from, but please check your facts before your post please.

As a current Graceland student for going on two years, I can tell you that there are many positive qualities about the school. I am not suggesting that it is perfect, but what school is?

Is it in Memphis, TN?

Specializes in ER and family advanced nursing practice.
Is it in Memphis, TN?

Uh, no ma'am, its in Iowah and Missourah.

Thank yuh...thank yuh very mhuch....:cool:

Specializes in Recovery Room.

I am slated to start the FNP online program @ Graceland 8/31/09. I am debating between this school and Univ of Colorado - Colorado Springs. I was accepted to both but am really unsure which is a better fit for me. Does anyone know if Statistics is required in either program?

Specializes in ER and family advanced nursing practice.
I am slated to start the FNP online program @ Graceland 8/31/09. I am debating between this school and Univ of Colorado - Colorado Springs. I was accepted to both but am really unsure which is a better fit for me. Does anyone know if Statistics is required in either program?

Stats is required for Graceland, and I assume it would be for CU CO Springs. Did you not have it for your BSN?

I have no complaints about Graceland. They have made some changes that won't effect me, but that I feel are really positive. The HARDEST thing IMHO for any of these programs, distance or otherwise, is finding a preceptor. You should be looking right now! If they are easy to find in your area, then you have just completed the biggest obstacle to FNP training.

Consider the cost. I don't know how expensive CU CO Springs is and if you are considered out of state or not. Graceland is exensive (around the Univ/Phoenix range). Also consider how flexible you can be in terms of schedule. Odds are if you are currently working 5 eights/9-5, you will have to change positions or seek other employment, as the bank schedule will interfere with clinicals. If you are working 12s and you can move the days around pretty easy (weekends/nights, etc) you will most like be able to continue to work. Of course there is spouse/significant other, kids, family, etc to consider.

They are both good programs. The first NP program in the country was in CU Denver. It began with a PNP course and grew from there.

Good luck,


Specializes in Recovery Room.

Thank you for replying! Very helpful. Are you currently enrolled at Graceland?

First, I did take statistics in the BSN program. But, I heard that an additional statistics class is required in the MSN programs. Yuck. It was my least favorite course. I am hoping I do not have to take it again.

I think I am ahead in the preceptor area. I have an internist stepping up for me. Lucky me!!

I just finished my BSN at Univ of Phx last week. So, the cost factor will be the same for me. Unfortunate to have to keep writing checks. ha. I did hear that there is some sort of computer program that must be purchased for the schooling at Graceland. So, I assume that is different than UOPX since we didn't have any downloadable program requirement. Do you know anything about that? I heard it is to track the hours you are online...

One more thing, what does "bank schedule" mean?

Thanks again Ivan. This is great news for me. It sounds like Graceland offers a sound program and most people are very happy with it!

Specializes in ER and family advanced nursing practice.


You are better off calling the school, because I don't want to give you outdated info. Having said that, yes I am still enrolled; I have 4.5 months left to go. My program was longer because I enrolled in the ADN-MSN/FNP program (the undergrad hours were MUCH cheaper then UoP).

Statistics: I did not have take a masters stats class. I had to take stats for the BSN transitional phase, but I only took it once. You will use statistics in some of your other classes, but not nearly to the extent you did in stats class. Again, please check. There are masters level stats courses out there, but to my knowledge they are usually only required for PhD entrance or perhaps MSN/research focus/education programs. Not sure about DNP entrance.

Internist preceptor. That is good, but it is only a start. You must also find a pediatric rotation that sees walk in, scheduled, well check. Graceland recommends a pediatricians office. For adults they want you to see a mix of acute, chronic, and patients from 18+ (not primarily geriatrics). You would just have to demonstrate that your internist sees all of this. If you do a rotation and that is not the case, it will show up on you patient log that you turn in, and they may require additional time. Again, call both schools and ask. Bottom line is for FNP, Graceland wants you see a good mix of patients across the lifespan with a good mix of acute, chronic, and well check.

I am not aware of the software you are speaking of, but that doesn't mean anything. Graceland requires a PC and not MAC. The "E-College" software they use is one of the main distance platforms out there and it does keep track of your online time. However, I have never been graded on my "online time". I have been graded on amount of collaboration and participation in terms of the number and quality of posts that I make. You do not purchase the e-college software. It is web based (like allnurses).

"Bank schedule" or "Banker's hours" means hours you might typically find at bank: Monday through Friday, 9a to 5p. If you are a nurse that works these kinds of hours (private practice, clinic, etc) you are likely to have find something different when your clinicals start as they may interfere. These are often the same hours as family practice/pediatricians.

Specializes in Recovery Room.

Very helpful! Thanks!

It is all making sense now and I will call Graceland on Monday to verify "stats" and some other topics. The "internist" runs a family practice clinic and sees "all" patients, but the area I live in is loaded with geriatric patients (good for me that is the population I plan to focus on when I finally have my NP). So, I think it will be easy enough to get a well-rounded practicum.

So, after all this, I am assuming you are very happy you chose Graceland. If you had it to do all over again... would you pick that school?

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