GPC Nursing Program - Fall 2015

U.S.A. Georgia


Hello All,

I see that there is not a current thread for GPC. I just received an acceptance letter yesterday and I am ecstatic! I have applied to the program twice before and was denied, so imagine my surprise when I opened my mailbox. Can't wait to get started.

I was wondering if anyone else has received any news.

I know what you mean. I'm an "older" student and leaving a long career in another field but I'm also very excited to become a nurse!

I am an older student as well. Nearly 40! I've been married for 16 yrs and have a 13yo son and a forever-7yo daughter in Heaven. She is my inspiration for my life change!

Congrats to everyone! We should make a FB group or something!

Do many people work while in this program? I'm anxious about not working at all but not sure I can do that and the nursing program.

I have been told that they do not allow you to work, so you might want to check into that, if it's a concern.


Thank you so much for the info. It's SO helpful. What is your schedule like? We'll obviously find this out, but I'm just curious. M-F? Do clinicals really last 12 hours or does it just depend on where you are? I have a few nurse friends, but they are out of state and I know every program is different.


I didn't see it either MamaPaul, but that's a great idea! I think I'll get the book too. I can use all the help I can get!

Jmorr149 I had a 3.2 sciences, 4.0 general, and I took the Teas twice before I found out at an info session that GPC didn't like that. I still only came out with a 74 second time around. Obviously try your best bc you don't want to be sweating it like I was, but I just wanted to say that, yes, even I got in. ;) Good Luck to you!


When I went to the info Session, she said that 1st semester classes will be on T/W from 9-3, but she told us to be available from 8-5. She also said that clinicals start after the first 6 weeks and that they are Thur/Fri from either 7-3 or 3-11. Also, I think she said that there would be a possibility of some 12hr clinical shifts on Sat/Sun for people who don't want to do them during the week.

Oh good, I like the idea of weekend clinicals. I hope that's an option. Thanks!!


Thank you so much for the info. It's SO helpful. What is your schedule like? We'll obviously find this out, but I'm just curious. M-F? Do clinicals really last 12 hours or does it just depend on where you are? I have a few nurse friends, but they are out of state and I know every program is different.


Classes will be T/W front loaded for the first few weeks from 9-3 and then you should be gone by noon, you will also have an exam about every 2 weeks, so there is not much time to slack on studying! You will also have Skills Lab. You will have three check offs throughout the semester, vital signs, med admistrations, and sterile glove/ foley insertion. These all take a lot of practice so it may sound like you only have class 2 days but it will could easily take up all 5 days, be it skills lab, sim lab, lecture, studying, or clinicals. Clinicals will be every other week for, Thursday/Friday or sat/sun 8 hr days,and everyone had about a 7-3 schedule. We had no 12 hr clincals first semester, so if they do for you guys it would be the first. Second semester we do have 12hr clincal days every week. I love it so much more than the 8hr two days!

oh. and you will have little pop up mandatory meetings, and other things( like lab PLA and mandatory practices) so learn to be very flexible!

I am happy to answer any questions, it was only a year ago that I was in your exact same position and I can honestly say my life has drastically changed in that year! Make friends in class because no one will know the stress of nursing school besides your fellow classmates!

Do many people work while in this program? I'm anxious about not working at all but not sure I can do that and the nursing program.

You must have a very flexible schedule! They can't not allow you to work, you are an adult, but it is tough! I have a job this semster, I was able to snag one at the hospital, but I am giving up a lot of family time because of it! In the end you have to do what you need to do, but it does take some adjusting to the new world you will live in :)

Me too! But still excited to begin. "older" in my case is 50!

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