Good pop up after NCLEX... now on hold... ?!?!?!

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi everyone!

My first experience with NCLEX was TERRIBLE.

I Tested saturday 06/30 at 8 AM... or I was supposed to.

I live in Baltimore and we got hit with a pretty nasty storm friday night around midnight which resulted in power outages everywhere!!!!

The morning if my test i was unable to print my ATT because we had no power, I was thankful that my phone charge made it thru the night, and I didnt oversleep. I thought well im going to pearson, they issue the ATT they should be able to look it up or something, these are extreme circumstances, and I am not wasting my money Im gonna atleast try!

I got to pearson early and the representitive was very rude and said no I couldnt print it there. I explained the circumstance.. she wouldnt budge. Finally she gave me the adress of a place 8 miles away and said I should be able to print there I asked her if I didnt make it back before 8 what would happen ( it was about 7:40 at this point) she said as long as I was back by 8:30 id be okay. ( i know rules are rules) So I drove to the place she gave me and no power anywhere surprise! By this time I was in hysterics I drove past a Nursing Home and thought They will have power! Theyre priority! and they did! but internet was down so they couldnt help me. Along the road I stopped in a dental office. same story internet down. I was barely keeping it together and went back to pearson ( about 8:20) I begged the representitive ,nobody had power and if they did internet was down. I begged her to let me print there and she said their policy is not to use to computers for personal use, I tried to reason with her she wouldnt budge. I tried to show her on my phone the email, read her my ATT number anything, I even asked her due to the circumstances could she call somebody and verify over the phone my ATT name, etc. she refused and she said my best advice is for you to drive back home and bring it back, I told her its 8:30, i live a half an hour away by the time i get back it will be 9:30 will she even let me test? she said shed have to call someone and verify i could have a late start. I asked her if she could do that before I went home to make sure, she said no. I drove home, by some miracle my power was back on I printed my ATT and got back there as fast as I could. I got there around 9:20 and she allowed me to test. ( DIDNT CALL ANYONE BTW)

I tested got 75 Q in about 50 minutes and shut off. I tried the PVT trick about 10 times yesterday got the " good pop up" every time. I check again today and it tells me my results are on hold. As if yesterday wasnt enough anxiety.

I checked the boards and I only used one white board, didnt write before the test. I did scratch something out for a dosage question because I wrote the question wrong, and by scatch out I mean wide scribbles, you could still see what i origianlly wrote under it.

I didnt take any breaks. The only other weird thing is i dropped the marker cap on the floor and picked it up.

Has anyone gotten the " good pop up" and then results on hold?! im so confused and anxious!

oh and the maryland board of nursing look up a licensee is down with a messge saying due to the storm look up a liscensee in unavailable at this time. go figure right.

any ideas?! im desperate

BTW I posted a short version of this earlier on the PVT does it really work pt3. but i felt this was more appropriate. sorry for being in two places!!

that stinks you started off bad!

but congrats on good pop up!

what did you use to study? how was your exam?

Did they test at the Baltimore location

Yes they did.Jut got my results! I passed I was on hold for being late!

I just my results I passed. Thank god

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
:lol2: congratulations! :yelclap:

[color=#ee82ee]congratulations!!!! :yelclap::cheers:

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