Yesterday I had a student come in c/o SA with nausea and "vomiting" (sorry, sister, if you tell me you threw up in the bathroom without a credible witness it doesn't count!). After asking several questions I figured out that she was having cramps and felt like caca. This is not something I send home for! If I have to be here when I'm bleeding like a stuck pig and having cramps so bad that I'm vomiting, then so do you! In a much kinder way I told the student this. She agreed it was fair and went back to class, (I thought). What she did was went either to the office to use the phone or to use her cell, and called mom. Mom came to pick her up. This morning, mom brought OTC med (per district policy, I can give this with mom's permission for menstrual cramps) and said, "she gets so bad she throws up, that's why I picked her up". Really?! I wish I could go home for 1-2 days a month when I have cramps!