Going back......I feel old!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Ok, so I am waiting to hear if I am accepted into a post-Bacc program for next fall. If accepted, I will be 34 when I start. I would like to hear from those who went back to school. I will be over 10 years out of college. Was it SO hard to go back to the study-mode? I am hoping that going back as an adult will be different and I will be able to study more efficiently. I have been working as a teacher for 10 years. That is using my brain in a much different way. I guess I am just scared that it is going to be so hard to go back to being a student. I did complete my Masters few years ago, but that wasn't so hard.

Just want to hear from those who have gone back and what your experience has been!

oh, I am also married with 3 kids 5 and under. I know I must sound crazy, but I really want this.

I am 47. I had worked at a job for 11 1/2 years. The company was bought by ups...they shut us down. So I chose to go back to school. It was free money. I am not married...but live with my boyfriend and my youngest daughter (19) does too. I have an older daughter and grandson...and also a son and daughter-in-law who are expecting their first in Sept. I cant wait.....anyhow...I graduated last Dec. And I took the nclex pn last Friday...I passed with 85 questions...in 2 hrs. Now its time to find a job!!!! Good luck to all of you!!!!:nurse:

I totally had to :lol2: while I was reading these last posts! Yes, while I was in college, I am sure I was busier thinking of the cute boy sitting next to me or where happy hour was that night vs. the class that I was in! I can only imagine that I would be more focused now!

Keep the stories coming!

Ok, so I am waiting to hear if I am accepted into a post-Bacc program for next fall. If accepted, I will be 34 when I start. I would like to hear from those who went back to school. I will be over 10 years out of college. Was it SO hard to go back to the study-mode?

Old? Girlfriend, you don't KNOW "old"! :lol2: You're just a kitten! I'm not the oldest one here, but I turn 50 next month and start NS in September. And I am having the time of my life! At my age, I know exactly what I want to do and where I want to be in a couple of years. I can dedicate tons of my energy to school because it's what I want to do. Don't worry about getting back into the swing of studying. It's like riding a bike!

And yes, profs do like older students. They know we're serious about our work. In fact, when I was a prof, I adored my older students. They did so much more class participation than the teenagers.

So go for it, and don't look back!

I am 47. I had worked at a job for 11 1/2 years. The company was bought by ups...they shut us down. So I chose to go back to school. It was free money. I am not married...but live with my boyfriend and my youngest daughter (19) does too. I have an older daughter and grandson...and also a son and daughter-in-law who are expecting their first in Sept. I cant wait.....anyhow...I graduated last Dec. And I took the nclex pn last Friday...I passed with 85 questions...in 2 hrs. Now its time to find a job!!!! Good luck to all of you!!!!:nurse:

Oh, congratulations on passing the NCLEX-PN, you smarty!! Good luck finding a job!


Yet, being where I am in life, I see that it is so much easier to just relax in my toad skin than to have to work so hard trying to look cute every second, or look good in my jeans, or snag a boy. So much pressure. Meanwhile, I am nearly invisible. It is a very liberating place in a way.

Hotflashn, you said so many of the things I was thinking! And I love what you said about being relaxed in your toad skin! When I hear the "hotties" earnestly discussing their latest beauty issues, or I see them fluttering their eyelashes as a cute boy walks boy, I just laugh. I've got better things to spend my energy on! And yes, this whole journey is quite liberating!

So what if the house is dirty... :)

And I've learned to do my walking (in my basement) while reading my flashcards out loud. I know that sounds pathetic, but it's about the only exercise I get, other than parking as far away from my classroom as possible.

And I've learned to do my walking (in my basement) while reading my flashcards out loud. I know that sounds pathetic, but it's about the only exercise I get, other than parking as far away from my classroom as possible.

Good idea, I will have to be more creative and determined. I put my notes (and lectures as well) on audio and can listen while I work out. Though, normally exercise time is my endorphin laden space-out, tune-out time. If I can multitask, then I should, otherwise study take over and exercise gets missed.

Yesterday, I put on an old workout video that my body knew all the moves to, so I wouldn't have to concentrate on movement. Then I turned down the volume and put on my audio notes. I was able to keep up with just the visual cues and keep a good pace, while getting reinforcement of concepts I was already familiar with for my class. Though I still zoned out from time to time, something had to seep in, plus I got my motor running a bit. Did miss the music though. Still, better than nothing!

I went back to school at age 34 after 10 years away. I had the same concerns as you have and it took me all of about 2 weeks in class and studying to get back in the groove...not bad at all! I am a FAR BETTER student now than I ever was back then and still pretty sharp as a tack! LOL

The time away didn't seem to bother my brain at all once I got back into the swing of things and I believe my maturity actually gave me an advantage.

Good Luck, you can do it! :)

Yesterday, I put on an old workout video that my body knew all the moves to, so I wouldn't have to concentrate on movement. Then I turned down the volume and put on my audio notes.

Great idea! Yes, we must keep those bodies moving!

please don't say you are old. I am 48 & just took my ACT for the first time a year ago. I haven't been in high school since 1978. So far I am doing ok. But I have to say that A&P1 is kicking my butt. If anyone has any good places online to find good diagrams of the human skull & the rest of the skeleton i would greatly appreciate it. Best of luck to ALL US late bloomers...lol...Sharon

No, no, I don't think I am old. I was just wondering how hard it was to get your brain back in shape after 10 years of not studying!

I give everyone credit for going for it....no matter what age! I figure I have 20+ years of working left and although, I truly enjoy teaching, there is plenty of time in my life for another career I would enjoy.

please don't say you are old. I am 48 & just took my ACT for the first time a year ago. I haven't been in high school since 1978. So far I am doing ok. But I have to say that A&P1 is kicking my butt. If anyone has any good places online to find good diagrams of the human skull & the rest of the skeleton i would greatly appreciate it. Best of luck to ALL US late bloomers...lol...Sharon

Can you get a cheapo model? I got a Mr. Thrifty 3-foot plastic model off of ebay and he saved my life. It helped me to be able to see, touch, feel and play, not just visualize in 2-D on paper. I put little, tiny stickers on things I needed to know and could quiz myself. Anatomy Color book helped me, too. As did keeping laminated, waterproof notes and illustrations in the shower. Bones were easy compared to muscles - since I didn't have an at-home model for those ... except tickling my kids. A good atlas is a must, IMO.

  • Hi Bennie! You are so NOT OLD! Ditto to all previous posts... I am 49, four kids ages 19-22 and returned to school 1 1/2 years ago to complete nursing prerequisites in which I've done very well. Older students know how to work hard and are usually very motivated an d that's a winning combination. I just found out that I have been admitted to Johns Hopkins BSN program and am really excited. Just keep at it and you'll be fine!

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