should i give it a shot


  1. Should i give it a shot

    • 1
      Shoul I do the nursing program
    • 5
      Or Look else where?

6 members have participated

Currently situation: Am going back to school this fall at bronx community college to finish up my degree in liberal arts/human service i only have 4 classes left but am on Academic probation so am only allowed to take 2 classes at a time. So my spring 2015 i should graduate but my gpa will be around 2.0-2.4. My concern is that i have been wanting to do the Nursing program for like 2 years but never got the chance because of my horrible grades and situation. But since i will be graduating with my associate degree i want to give it i shot for a bachelor degree in nursing. When am ready to apply for a 4 year school like Lehman College to get into the nursing program i know you are suppose to to have a high gpa on the sciences courses and high grade on the HESI exam. But to be honest since i will be coming in with a low gpa should i give it shot definitely will put in study time to get the A's and a high score on the HESI. But am i kidding myself of getting into the program and should look else where or just go for it.

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.

Have you looked into the program requirements? What exactly is your plan to get into nursing school?

For Lehman College these are the classes that i have to take CHE 114: Essentials of General Chemistry,CHE 115: Essentials of General Chemistry, lab, CHE 120: Essentials of Organic Chemistry, CHE 121: Essentials of Organic Chemistry, lab,BIO 181: Anatomy and Physiology I, BIO 182: Anatomy and Physiology II, BIO 230: Microbiology. What I will do is take 2 classes at a time. Also make sure i have tutor so i could stay on top of that. as well i was thinking of get my cna certificate next year so it gives me a tipping toe in the health field. I know the duties between an rn and cna is different but i heard its a good start. Since am not the bread winner anymore i could focus on my studies.

But am open to suggestions

Specializes in ED, Medicine, Case Management.

You really need to look at the requirements of the schools you want to apply to. Most schools have a minimum GPA requirement. I would suggest meeting with the advisors of the schools you are interested in to formulate a plan. They will let you know if you will need to retake any classes and how to put yourself in the best position to be accepted.

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.
You really need to look at the requirements of the schools you want to apply to. Most schools have a minimum GPA requirement. I would suggest meeting with the advisors of the schools you are interested in to formulate a plan. They will let you know if you will need to retake any classes and how to put yourself in the best position to be accepted.

Right, most schools have an overall GPA minimum, so they will probably look at the GPA from that degree, then they will most likely have a pre-req GPA that they look at, which is comprised of the classes that you just listed. Some schools I've seen have a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 or 2.5 but they are community colleges. I also agree with speaking to an advisor, as they have the most knowledge of what you can and need to do. Getting your CNA certification will be good regardless though.

I am never going to tell someone they cannot shoot for the sky. However, those required classes can give even the best student trouble. Those classes are intensive, so think about what you can handle and how you study.

Forgive me if this is too personal, but you also need to evaluate why your GPA is the way it is. Were you having a personal emergency? Etc etc.

You can always take classes to raise your GPA. Looking forward, just focus on those one or two classes. Get tutoring help if needed as early as possible. Find a study group. Use online resources if you need clarification.

goddess9 I was going through a lot of personal problems with over working and not doing good in school. Reason why now that the roles have switch I could put my everything in school. Once am on currently campus first step i will definitely see an advisor and see how the transferring credits will go about and gpa.

You seem like you've got a good grasp on the situation. Yes, work with an advisor and go for it.

Specializes in ICU.

I see several problems. Your financial aid is going to run out, taking only 2 classes a semester is going to take you forever, if you can only handle two classes on the prereqs how will you handle the program, and no program is going to take you with that GPA. Sorry, they just aren't. Nursing school is very competitive. You will need somewhere around a 3.5 to be considered. That is just the reality.

You should first overlook any negative comments you see! I was in your shoes. I was put on academic suspension, could only take 2 classes for one semester and made A's in both classes, and I am still on academic probation until I meet a pace rate. That was a year ago and my gpa went from 0 to 2.4 with 3 semesters, making all A's, and I was only attending part time. Take your time with each class and don't put too much on your plate. Who cares if it takes you a little longer than the "normal" nursing student. I have had to research colleges and call and speak with an advisor about if they would take me given my awful semesters from 6 years ago...and they said YES as long as I continue to make good grades and bring my gpa up! Like another poster said, take some classes to bring that gpa up and go from there. Maybe even look at an ADN. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't because there is ALWAYS a way and that is reality!

Hi there,

seems like you're in a tough spot but I say if you really want to do nursing, go for it. Give it your all when taking the nursing prereqs trying to attain good grades. I think you could totally do it. Are you also working while still in school? That may be a bit hard however, I think it is manageable with good time management.

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