Ghostly experiences??

Nurses General Nursing


I was just wondering if anyone out there has had any "ghostly" experiences as a nurse? I have had several unexplainable things happen during my career but two really come to mind..

I took care of a beautiful little old lady when I was a fairly new nurse in a nursing home. This lady used to sit next to me at the nurses station nearly all night long when I worked nights. I would give her a pile of washcloths to fold which she would do then I would mess them up and she would do it again..we would "chat" and have a cup of tea...she was a darling. She always used to reach over and touch my hair and say "your hair is so pretty". I was charge the night she was dying and I spent quite a lot of time in her room with her keeping her comfortable since her "family" could not "handle" being there.. As I was listening to her lungs she passed. I stood there and of course got all teary..I swear I felt a hand touch my hair and I heard a sort of a woosh by my left ear..

The other was not so pleasant..this woman (also at the nursing home) was a mean and nasty person and she did not have dementia. She would scratch and try to bite and spit her pills all over and swear..I came on shift at 11p and saw her at 1130..I was at the nurses station charting probably an hour later when the CNAs did 12 pm rounds and all of a sudden I hear a loud scream from her room. Myself and the other RN on ran to the room and the woman was dead but she was grasping the side rails and she had a look of utter terror on her face..I still have chills when I think of what she looked like..there was no warning of her death..If there is a grim repaer, she looked like she saw him. The other nurse and I have been best friends since working together there and we still talk about that night..

I was just wondering of anyone else has ever experienced anything like this while nursing...?? Erin

The area of town we live in is on the very edge--as far as I remember (since I was born and raised here) the houses out here have just been built in the past ten years or so, maybe fifteen. I'm sure it's more than likely that a farming family in the past did bury family out here; and having a little girl show up would not be unusual since children often did not survive childhood diseases years ago. Whoever she is, she seems "friendly", if not mischievious. My daughter came into bed with me in the middle of the night, so her room was empty this morning. I walked in and turned on the light (heading to closet to get some clothes out), and the Barbie car sitting on her bed rolled off and fell to the floor! I just ignored it and went on with what I was doing...

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

My parents and some relatives lived on our farm. I was on my own when this happened.

Some people were sitting at the kitchen table on a hot day, so they had the door open for some air. All of a sudden a hand and arm reached in, grabbed the door handle, and closed it. A few months later our house burned down, and My mother and grandfather were the fatalaties.

My grandfather was found in the house under his bed, and

my mother died in the hospital the next day.

The family doctor who I named, Dr Grunt for a very good reason, but won't mention here, ordered her to be wrapped in ace bandages of all things.

When I saw her, she had a huge blister on her cheek, and was receiving a blood transfusion.

I do believe the ace bandages contributed to her rapid decline. She was trached at 4 AM the next morning, but it was too late.

The fire occurred on Good Friday, my grandfather was buried on Easter Sunday, and my mother was buried the following day. That happened close to 40 years ago.

My husband and I discussed abortion if I was pregnant. We were pretty sure we were going to go in that direction, but didn't worry about it because of the negative results. I took two tests through the doctor's office and they both came back negative.

Debbie -future RN [/b]

Grandma knew this so she made sure that the tests would be neg. so you wouldn't abort.

Just kinda freaky...

When my son was about 3 years old, my dad, brother and husband had talked planned to go parachuting for my dad's 50th birthday. They didn't tell anyone else in the family about their plans. A few days before their schedule take off, my 3 year old told grandpa that Jesus told him in a dream that grandpa, uncle steve and daddy shouldn't jump out of the airplane because it would be bad. Needless to say, they stayed home and we all went out to dinner instead.

Geez! These stories are creeping me out......I love it! I have one to share that is not scary, just interesting:

One evening, I was attending to a patient who presented with chest pain. As the doctor was examining him, the patient suddenly became unresponsive. A glance at the monitor revealed that he was in V-fib. The doctor tried a precordial thump, without success, as I hauled over the crash cart and defibrillator. After two shocks, we got a sinus rhythm and the patient slowly came around. Once I made sure he was stable, I couldn't resist satisfying my curiosity. Never one to mince words, I told him that he had been clinically dead for nearly a minute and asked him if he remembered anything during that time. He replied that he did not see any white light or leave his body if that is what I had meant. I was kind of disappointed until he went on to say that he did have a dream that he was talking with his mother. He thought that was sort of odd because he never remembers his dreams and his mother had been dead for years.

now this is a story told to me by one of the rn's that i worked with but it makes a cool story.

supposed to be true.

one night while this nurse was at work, on of the er techs coded. full cardiac arrest while on the job (gee, i wonder what coudl have caused that.... no stress in our jobs! lol). well, anyway, he coded and the staff on that night worked him until the brought him back and he was admitted to icu.

weeks later when he returned to work, he was telling my friend not only all about the code but all about the events occuring all around that room (it was the biggest room in that er and was pretty big). she laughed at him and said he was just remembering the times that he had participated in codes. and he told her "no, i was there. i saw a light, felt very light and floated to the top of the room to a corner and watched."

she could not believe it but the tech was telling her that the doctor would not stop, specific things people were saying and that one of the staff members who he was close to was crying in the corner!

go figure! :confused:

Unfortunately I have never had a ghostly experience, but speaking of dreams that feel real...I read a thread a couple months back that was just like this one and had a dream that night about my grandmother, who is presently in an assisted living facility. This was so weird.

I dreamed that my grandmother was dying, and my mom had just arrived, along with the rest of the family, to bid their goodbyes. We were all talking amongst ourselves and suddenly noticed that my grandmother was not in the room, so I ran outside looking for her. I searched all around and finally found her wandering around the house that she lived in most of her life (in which she raised six children), which had to be sold after she had her stroke and went to live in the assisted living facility. My mom found the two of us there and went inside the house, as the family who had bought it had moved out and she was curious to see how they had changed the inside. My grandmother and I were standing in the front yard looking at each other when a dark circle engulfed her face, kind of like an eclipse, yet it shone purple around the edge. Then the circle turned a bright white and engulfed her whole body. I was standing there in awe thinking that the light was God, when it floated over to me and engulfed my whole body! It felt like God/my grandmother was hugging me tight, and I felt so warm, peaceful, content, and LOVED throughout my whole body.

The light let go of me, so I walked inside the house and told my mom that "she's gone". She started to cry, but I told her that it was a happy occasion and that I had experienced the love that my grandmother was receiving from God on her way to Heaven and that it was the most wonderful thing I had ever felt in my life. There was nothing to worry about. At that moment, the light floated into the house, and I asked it if it would hug her the way it had just hugged me so that she could experience the feeling, so it floated over to her and engulfed her. Then my mom said, "Oh, that's so nice! Go hug her again!" It came back over to me and floated away, and we knew then that my grandmother was gone for good. I woke up with chills at about 4am and still had them when I woke up again later that morning. It was so odd because I have never had a dream that felt so real, and I felt that I had been given a gift by God, a gift of allowing me to feel what it's like when we pass on to the other side.

this is a great thread!

I agree with the post about pts. talking to long dead relatives. I have been a nurse since 79 and I cannot tell you how many times a pt that was stable would start talking to "Mom, Dad, Sister" and they are in their 70-80s and there is no one there. Alot of times within a few days they pass on too. Also, I would like to ask how many of you have "felt"someone standing behind you or looking over your shoulder during a code situation???:eek:

Specializes in ccu cardiovascular.

I was talking to some nurses at work about this thread and one reminded me of a situation that happened last year that i had forgotten. We had a frequent flyer on our unit mr joseph. We work on a cardiac step-down unit which is right next to the ccu. This night one of the patients was attempting to get out of bed, ripping out tubes, and me and two other nurses was in a room which happened to be right next to the ccu. my back was turned to the door, but in my peripheral vison i saw mr joseph in a white fog(it's hard to describe) walking down the hall to the ccu doors. The ccu doors slammed open. My co-worker commented wasn't that mr joseph? I said could not be, it was 2 am and mr joseph was doing poorly with endstage renal failure and chf and there was a family vigil in his room. just as i said that, express team was called and mr joseph was in a code. He died. The rest of the staff kind of laughed and said, had to be a relative, but we knew it was mr joseph's soul.

Reading these is so cool!! I never expected to get such a response and hearing all of these stories solidifies (for me) that we just don't know everything do we?

This is dream related versus ghostly:

I have friend that I have known since I was about 10. We grew up in the same neighborhood playing kick the can etc together..we went to the same HS and ran in the same circle. I lost track of him for about 10 yrs after graduation when we ran into each other again..we dated a couple of times, never got serious..kind of strange it was like we loved each other but it was like brother sister or something...apparently not enough turmoil for either of us. We ended up living together platonically for a couple of yrs..I was dating my current husband and he, his current wife. Anyways, I lost track of him again for several years after we both married. One night I had a VERY real dream..I swear I was there. I was walking through a neighborhood and I heard him say, "Hey"..I looked over and he was sitting on a porch of a house I did not recognize..I went over to him and he grabbed my hand and said, "I miss you"..I told him I missed him too..that was the dream..when I woke up I thought it was a little weird because it was so real. The next day I was driving to an appt and I pulled up to a stoplight (I live in a fairly large city). I look over next to me and who pulls up?? Yep it was him!! We pulled over and I said this is so weird I saw you, I had a dream about you last night..he was like..OMG I had a dream about you? !! It was pretty strange and what are the odds of that happening?

all of these stories sure do make you wonder about what really is out there and what we are really capable of, doesn't it?;)

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