Ghostly experiences??

Nurses General Nursing


I was just wondering if anyone out there has had any "ghostly" experiences as a nurse? I have had several unexplainable things happen during my career but two really come to mind..

I took care of a beautiful little old lady when I was a fairly new nurse in a nursing home. This lady used to sit next to me at the nurses station nearly all night long when I worked nights. I would give her a pile of washcloths to fold which she would do then I would mess them up and she would do it again..we would "chat" and have a cup of tea...she was a darling. She always used to reach over and touch my hair and say "your hair is so pretty". I was charge the night she was dying and I spent quite a lot of time in her room with her keeping her comfortable since her "family" could not "handle" being there.. As I was listening to her lungs she passed. I stood there and of course got all teary..I swear I felt a hand touch my hair and I heard a sort of a woosh by my left ear..

The other was not so pleasant..this woman (also at the nursing home) was a mean and nasty person and she did not have dementia. She would scratch and try to bite and spit her pills all over and swear..I came on shift at 11p and saw her at 1130..I was at the nurses station charting probably an hour later when the CNAs did 12 pm rounds and all of a sudden I hear a loud scream from her room. Myself and the other RN on ran to the room and the woman was dead but she was grasping the side rails and she had a look of utter terror on her face..I still have chills when I think of what she looked like..there was no warning of her death..If there is a grim repaer, she looked like she saw him. The other nurse and I have been best friends since working together there and we still talk about that night..

I was just wondering of anyone else has ever experienced anything like this while nursing...?? Erin

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..


I have a small booklike recorder with my granddaughter's picture in it, and my daughter's message recorded in it with her asking Willow to say Hi to Grandma. I was in the hospital recovering from pneumonia and septicemia. I was amazed at what I heard.:eek: My granddaughter was only 7 months old at the time, and she said, "yeah, ah yeah" just as clearly as we would.

Well, about a year later, it was missing. I blamed it on my ferret who hides a lot of my things, but my daughter even moved furniture and looked under it, but there was nothing. Then about 10 days ago, I glanced down at the floor as I was preparing to get into bed, and there it was. My daughter wants to copy the message.:D

Originally posted by danaRN2b

It's a fairly new was built two years ago and we were the first people to live in it; we've been here a year and three months. Like I originally posted, we've had weird stuff happen before. My husband and best friend both caught glimpses of a child running through our kitchen, and one night when the kids and I came home the digital display on our microwave said "Child" and I couldn't make it go away no matter what buttons I pushed. (I finally unplugged it and it went back to normal.) Another time two of my daughters shoes went missing--I turned my house and the closets (which I keep everything hung up in, nothing on the floors) all upside down trying to find them and never could; about two months later, however, I went into McKenna's closet to hang up laundry and one of the shoes was sitting in the middle of the floor. Okay!! The next day I went in again and -- you guessed it!-- the other missing shoe was there.

I'll keep you posted and let you know if anything else WEIRD happens!!

do you know anything about the lot that your house is built on?

Magik Girl

I was going to ask that as well..Several yrs ago I had a neighbor that was telling me that he grew up in a haunted house..."Stanley" their ghost would actually do tricks like move things over night when they asked him to.. My neighbor said many times they would be downstairs watching TV and they would hear someone walk across the kitchen and the door would open then shut. Their family ahd built the house on the land so no one had lived there before them. One night he asked me if I wanted to see a picture of "Stanley"..I said sure thinking it would be hard to see him or something. He showed me a couple of pics taken at a family gathering and "Stanley" was right there with them..he was see through but he was there..didn't have to try to see him at all..He looked like an old Mt man or something with long hair and a long bushy beard , he was dressed like a prospector (I guess).. They decided that he had probably lived on that land at some point. Stanley was part of their family for 25 yrs before he just left one day...My friend said that rather than being scared knowing Stanley was there was more of a comfort..think I would still be a little weirded out..:)

dana, I got cold chills reading your last post! Especially that bit about "child" being printed on the microwave! That is so wild!

Specializes in OB, House Sup, ER, Med Surg.

Several years ago, I worked as a CNA at a LTC. There was a lady named Zona who had dementia and wandered around the halls at night. She would always call "Yoo-hooo...girls...I need some help." We would guide her back to her room for a little nap, then she was at it again. A couple years later, after I no longer worked there, Zona was discovered at 6:00am OUTSIDE, frozen to death in a snowbank. The CNAs claimed that when they checked her room, her bathroom light was on and bathroom door shut, so they assumed she was in there and didn't bother her. HELLO? All the bathroom lights were left on at night, and whatever happened to knocking on the door and asking if the resident was all right? Anyway, I was furious that this had happened. For years afterward, I would wake up at night and hear Zona knocking on my (second story) bedroom window calling "Yoo-hoo...girls...I need some help. It's cold..."

I have another wierd story-not ghostly, but weird. As a teen, I lived with my grandparents and slept in what had been my uncle's bedroom upstairs. One night I got up to go to the bathroom and returned to find someone sleeping catty-corner across the bed. I sat down, felt feet, and ran back down the stairs. I knew it was my uncle, but couldn't figure out how he got there. The next morning, I found out he was still 300 miles away. A few years later, he was telling a bunch of us that one time he was sleeping catty corner across his bed in that room and heard light footsteps up the stairs. He said someone sat on the bed, touched his feet, and raced down the stairs. I started crying when he told it, but still don't understand.

Hey Hoppermom3...maybe it was like some kind of wrinkle in time?? :eek: THAT experience is something I have never heard of before...but who knows? :)

I have had a couple "ghostly" experiences and several family or friends have had some good ones too.

First I believe our house is haunted by the former owner, who died about 3 months after we bought the house which had been the family home since he was a child, built by his father. The night after his funeral, a jewelry box i have had for years, and had been musical many years ago, but not played in a long time as it was broken....started playing in the middle of the night. Then one night shortly after that my son was here all alone and heard footsteps on the ceramic tile in our dining room, thinking it was one of us coming in he checked and no one was there. We have one tv in the kitchen that comes on all hours of the night and changes channels when no one is around and it will go off when no one is around....we feel like it is the former owner, as it was a very hard decision for him to decide to sell the family home but his age and health he wasnt able to care for the house.

Then one night working night shift at the hospital, not just myself but all the others working that night, saw someone sitting in the chair in one of the rooms where no one was....we saw this ghost when we were walking down to another patients room at that end of the hall, and each of us saw someone sitting in the chair in the room next to this patients, but no one was in that room and no visitors who might have been using the room.

Any number of times call lights have gone off in rooms where no one is and upon investigation, nothing but a rather chilly room with no one there.

My brother and family had ghost of children and a man in one of their homes...they moved a mobile home on the lot and started having visitations....first was driving up one night when no one else was there and hearing what sounded like children running through the house.....and then several episodes of hearing what sounded like a man wearing boots walking in the hall and rooms getting cold and feeling someone sit on the edge of the bed and had various items moved around. Once they moved the mobile home off that lot they had no further probably was the lot.

Another nursing friend, had an encounter with one of Texas' famous ghost, the lady of the lake/lady in white....she worked at a prison and one night on the way home she saw a figure in white walking down the middle of the road, and since they had warned the employees that their was an escapee in the area, she wasnt about to stop...the ghost went right through her car and she said it got so cold and every hair on her body was standing up.

Have other experiences and other ghostly encounters i have heard from friends and family over the yeah I do believe some of us are just more open to these experiences.

My natural father died july 2002. I was raised by my mom and stepdad since the age of 3, so i had only seen my natural father maybe 6x my whole life. He was an raging alcoholic and was homeless or living with his dad. He also had hip and knee probs so he was in a wheelchair last time i saw him (5 yrs ago).

He died july 18,2002. He called and left a msg on my voicemail july 16,2002 about our grandpa's estate (grandpa died 1 yr earlier). I was reluctant to call him back since he slurring words. I figured he was drunk again as always. I called him back anyway and he was slurring words, i got mad thinking he was drunk and then hung up on him.

July 18th my brother called to tell me that the police found our natural father dead in his car. An autopsy showed that he died from a massive stroke. I felt extreme guilt for hanging up with him on the phone, becuz i believe that people subconsciously know when they are going to go.

Two weeks after his death I had a dream that was so REAL, it didnt seem like a dream. I believe it was my natural father trying to contact me. In my dream he was in his wheelchair in front of a gas station and my mom and his brother were standing along side him. (Mom and his bro are both still alive) In the dream he my father knew he was no longer alive. I came up behind him and gave him a big hug so that my head and upper body was lying on his chest and shoulders and i just cried and bawled my eyes out. I could feel the warmth of his embrace, i could hear his heartbeat

and i could feel my hot tears going down my face. He was telling me that he forgave me and understood why i had disowned him, told me that he loved me and would always love me. In my dream my mom kept saying "Are u listening to him. Pay attention to what he is saying. Make sure you are hearing what he is telling you!!. I woke up from this dream and was hugging my dog and crying hard.

I found out after his death, that the reason his words were slurred was becuz he had several strokes in the 6 mos up to his death. So when he called me, he had been sober over 6 mos!!!! This made me go into a huge guilty/depressed mode! It was wierd to me that he even called me since my number is not listed and his family didnt speak to him. After this dream, i was able to find closure and mourn his death normally. It definitely didnt feel like a dream, was TOO REAL!!! Even now when i write this story down, it still gets me teary-eyed. I cry when i tell it.

when i was younger my friend moved in down the street. she was about 4 doors and across the street from me. i had never even known the owner of that house, i was just a kid when she moved in. well, we were friends for 15 years in that neighbor hood.

after about 5 years or so, things began to happen. one day, her dog started barking at her parents bedroom and would not stop. we had to drag him outside. another day, she was in the basement and heard a crash in the kitchen. when she went up, there was an oven rack and a smashed soda bottle (yes, they were glass then) in the middle of the floor. we couldn't understand how it got there as they kept the blottles on the floor far away from the crash site.

i spent the night there and thought i heard her brother coming up the steps and going to bed. this was late at night. i told her about it in the am and said that i thought he must have "partied really hard" as he sounded like he was breathing heavy and sob from coming up the steps. she then told me that he didn't come home that he spent the night at his cousins.

the last thing is that we heard bang bang bang bang at 5 or so second intervals. we went up to her bedroom and her sisters text books had been dropped off of her desk into the middle of the floor.

the previous owner of the house died there. his bedroom was her parents. i had never met him but when my friend and i went to college we started hanging around this gut. after a few weeks, we discovered his last name and that he was the grandson of this man!

the man was cantancerous. her father would be fixing something and his tools would disappear only to reappear the very next day only after an alternative way to fix whatever had been used!

i believe.

Originally posted by MAGIK GIRL

do you know anything about the lot that your house is built on?

No, I don't know the history of it at all...I don't think that there were any other houses out here before this subdivision was built. It's a very small town & all the land around the area is dairy/farm land. I'm going to investigate a bit, though.

McKenna did remember everything in the morning...she told her 3 year old brother about the "little girl in my room", and they went running off to go look for her! I guess it didn't bother her too much! She also climbed right into bed last night with no problem or complaint. I kept her closet door closed and turned on their bathroom light, which shines light into both the kids' rooms, but she complained & wanted her closet opened & the light on there instead. All I can say is that she's braver than me!! (I made my husband go with me to the kitchen last night to get a drink because I was to chicken to go alone...I don't mind "feeling" something/someone around, but I do not want to see anything running around my house! LOL)

That being said, I'm really enjoying this thread and am glad that I'm not the only one who's had these situations. Sometime I'll have to tell you all about the man who lives on my mom's property...

Specializes in Infectious Disease.

These stories are not work related, but very true.

In 1989 my grandfather passed away. He was a real SOB to my grandmother for over fifty years, but she stood by him. One night, after returning from his funeral, I had a dream that he was speaking to me. In my dream, I was walking down the street connected to the cemetery where he is buried. He climbed out of his grave and started walking beside me. He turned to me and said, "Tell Cooda, (my grandma) nobody's perfect". Coming from my grandfather, that is the equivalent of an apology. I waited a few days before I called my grandmother. I kept having the dream, so I had to get it off of my chest. After I told her, the dreams stopped.

My husband's grandmother, Nana, died the day after I gave birth to my daughter. She held on until she knew everything was OK with the baby. She always told me to hurry up and have that baby so she could see her. Fast forward to 1999, when my daughter was three years old. She started talking at a remarkably young age and always talked as if she knew her Nana. She always had something to say that her Nana told her. One day she told me that her Nana was holding her baby brother and that he would be here soon. I figured unless my husband had a mistress, then she had to be mistaken, since we were on birth control. She still insisted she was having a baby brother come and told everybody. I started feeling ill, like the flu and went to the doctor. He asked if I was pregnant and I told him not a chance. We took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. He gave me medication to bring my menstruation. My husband and I discussed abortion if I was pregnant. We were pretty sure we were going to go in that direction, but didn't worry about it because of the negative results. I took two tests through the doctor's office and they both came back negative. He even did an internal but couldn't detect anything. The whole time my three year old daughter is insisting we were having a baby.

About four months went by, too long for me to consider abortion, went to the doctor for a follow-up, found out I was almost five months gone. He sent me to have a ultrasound because of the problems detecting the pregnancy, and found out I was having a baby boy. He is now 4 years old. I guess Nana was holding on to my baby. I shudder to think what may have happened if the test had come back positive the first two times.

Debbie -future RN

Originally posted by danaRN2b

No, I don't know the history of it at all...I don't think that there were any other houses out here before this subdivision was built. It's a very small town & all the land around the area is dairy/farm land. I'm going to investigate a bit, though.

McKenna did remember everything in the morning...she told her 3 year old brother about the "little girl in my room", and they went running off to go look for her! I guess it didn't bother her too much! She also climbed right into bed last night with no problem or complaint. I kept her closet door closed and turned on their bathroom light, which shines light into both the kids' rooms, but she complained & wanted her closet opened & the light on there instead. All I can say is that she's braver than me!! (I made my husband go with me to the kitchen last night to get a drink because I was to chicken to go alone...I don't mind "feeling" something/someone around, but I do not want to see anything running around my house! LOL)

That being said, I'm really enjoying this thread and am glad that I'm not the only one who's had these situations. Sometime I'll have to tell you all about the man who lives on my mom's property...

i lived in lancaster for awhile, farm country. i know that years ago farmers used to bury thier loved ones right on the farm. sounds gross but true. some times there are even small head stones. some are small enough that they could have just gotten "brushed away with the years or maybe to small for a developer not to see,(or even care about). are you in a newley developed neighborhood?


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