Ghostly experiences??

Nurses General Nursing


I was just wondering if anyone out there has had any "ghostly" experiences as a nurse? I have had several unexplainable things happen during my career but two really come to mind..

I took care of a beautiful little old lady when I was a fairly new nurse in a nursing home. This lady used to sit next to me at the nurses station nearly all night long when I worked nights. I would give her a pile of washcloths to fold which she would do then I would mess them up and she would do it again..we would "chat" and have a cup of tea...she was a darling. She always used to reach over and touch my hair and say "your hair is so pretty". I was charge the night she was dying and I spent quite a lot of time in her room with her keeping her comfortable since her "family" could not "handle" being there.. As I was listening to her lungs she passed. I stood there and of course got all teary..I swear I felt a hand touch my hair and I heard a sort of a woosh by my left ear..

The other was not so pleasant..this woman (also at the nursing home) was a mean and nasty person and she did not have dementia. She would scratch and try to bite and spit her pills all over and swear..I came on shift at 11p and saw her at 1130..I was at the nurses station charting probably an hour later when the CNAs did 12 pm rounds and all of a sudden I hear a loud scream from her room. Myself and the other RN on ran to the room and the woman was dead but she was grasping the side rails and she had a look of utter terror on her face..I still have chills when I think of what she looked like..there was no warning of her death..If there is a grim repaer, she looked like she saw him. The other nurse and I have been best friends since working together there and we still talk about that night..

I was just wondering of anyone else has ever experienced anything like this while nursing...?? Erin

I have not had any ghostly experiences:uhoh21: .....Praise God!!!! I love reading these stories but I do have a question. I am not a nurse, nor do I have any intentions of becoming one for the simple fact that I can not get past patients:barf02: . So instead I am going to school for radiology in hopes to obtain a certificate in sonography along the way. My question is do any of ya'll ask some of the patients if they would like a quick prayer? I am talking about praying with those who are having a problem with death...especially when they say "don't let the black things get me".....or when they say something to that effect. I believe there are bad spirits and good spirits that could possible be angels. No, I am not the holiest of the holiest by any means....but hey, if they are knocking on deaths' door I am sure it could not hurt.

Also I am an african american raised in the deeeeeeeeep south and I have heard other much older african americans state that when a spirit is in the room and you think that it is an ungodly (not-so-nice) spirit that you should 'hice' the windows or open the door and tell it to leave. Is there any other culture that has this saying and has anybody ever tried it?

I hope I have not offended anybody in anyway by being so inquisitive and if I have I am SORRY. I am just interested in what other people views are.

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

Certainlly not me. When the Cherub Lucifer was cast down to earth by God the Creator, he took one third of the angels with him. It was then he received the new name Satan which means deceiver or father of lies, and the one third of angels that went with him are called demons. That is what you are referring to and it's in the Bible. Old Testament.

I trained at a hospital near Chester UK. It used to be an ex army hospital which was now operating as an Acute Psychiatric Hospital.

We had one ward which was staffed by nursery nurses, which took staff's children for day care and also inpatients children during their parent's stay in hospital.

The children were aged 0 - 5 years and they would ask you can that man come and play with us again? When asked what man they were talking about, they would tell you the soldier, the soldier with one arm :eek:

Specializes in Cardio.

My Father was in a coma for a week before he died many years ago. He started talking to his Mother, who was dead, before he died.

The same thing happened to my Uncle about 1 1/2 weeks before he died. He was born in the U.S., but his Father was born in Italy. He was nearly comatose & started talking to his Father in Italian.

My Father & my Uncle both told their "visitors" that they were coming. Sure enough they joined them.

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