Getting nervous...


My NCLEX-RN test date is getting closer (it's next Monday 5/17)

I almost want to reschedule it since I kept getting mid-60s in NCLEX 4000 and Saunder's and mid-50's with Qbank.

I try to convince myself that I will be fine, but I just heard the news about NCLEX standard pass rate is raised. :crying2:

I am so nervous and cant focus on studying!!

If you think that you are not ready to take the exam, then there is nothing wrong with rescheduling. It doesn't matter if you are getting low scores with your practice questions because I've known a lot of people who failed despite getting high scores on their practice tests. I used NCLEX 4000 and Saunders Q&A in preparing for my exam. And both helped a lot! Good luck

Hey there my date is same as yours Monday the 17 th !!

I'm scoring like 63% at that 3500 site and I'm a little bit afraid but I have no choice beacuse my ATT will expire on the 19 th of this month.

How did you prepare for this test?

I had the Kaplan book and La Charity and sites with questions.

Good luck! Don't reschedule unless you are really certain that you are not ready, give it a go. If you fail, you can retake it and it won't be new to you. Again, best wishes for success.

Thank to you all!!

I really want to pass it since this one is my second try..:/

You just gotta go for it! You will never feel 100% ready whether you take it Monday or push it out a couple weeks. We did pass school! I know we couldn't have flown under the radar that long without someone figuring us out if we were not competent.

My test is next Friday. I am currently taking Kaplan and have been ALL over the map. Earlier today I took a qbank and got 52% and just did one now at 66%. I have no idea what that's all about :/

But there is hope! Just check out the other posts on how ppl did on their Kaplan and how they still passed NCLEX. Also, take a nice relaxing day and listen to some inspirational rah-rah before and you will do just fine.

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