Published Jul 2, 2009
67 Posts
please help me out... I really want to start cna classes in september:heartbeat. but I really dont want to waste my time or money... I need to know what you think about how easy it would get a job as a cna during these tough economy times or even just in general?? My bf who always has something negative say:uhoh3: had something to say about how i may sit at home for a year before I find a job! frankly I think it would be quite easy because I'm sure cnas are always needed. I was so excited about starting classes until he put his 2cents in. now I'm worried. I want to give it a try anyway, but I dont want him to say I told you so. I just really wish that he would just support me. Is there anyone out there who has gotten certified as a cna and with no luck with find a job yet? If so how long have you been looking? I'm in St Louis MO. anyone else????
134 Posts
How badly do you need that wet blanket?
fuzzywuzzy, CNA
1,816 Posts
No one says you have to quit your current job or do something besides CNA while you're looking. So what if it does take a year? Work somewhere else while you look. I don't know what your bf's problem is.
62 Posts
The biggest problem I am having is that no one wants to hire a newbie.....Everyone wants at least a years experience but I can get any experience because no one will hire.............But I keep trucking along hoping someone will give me a chance...meanwhile I volunteer at a LTC and am going to school for my RN ADN
DolceVita, ADN, BSN, RN
1,565 Posts
Contact your State dept of Health. Get a list of your local, authorized, training facilities. Pick out those that are colleges (rather than LTC facilities) and go online to check their graduate employment statistics (or call them).
I you have already chosen a college ask what their graduate employment record is for this qualification.
Get some job sites to see how many CNA jobs are advertised in your area that accept new CNAs.
Also, even if there are not many jobs there is a lot you can do to make yourself a preferred candidate. I was offered a job on the spot by the facility in which I did my clinical experience -- so when you do the class be as professional as you can, make nice with the instructor (he/she might give you a nice reference) and make REALLY nice when on clinical site.
Your boyfriend sounds charming...not. Just do the class and ignore him. You will be fine and I am sure you will get a job quite quickly.
I support you and wish you luck!
Come back and let us know how it works out.
41 Posts
my cna course starts monday july 6th (it's a required pre-req for most of the nursing schools here). it's a full-time two week state approved course as well as 32 hours of clinical. the class does not offer job placement but they do have job listings for new graduate/state licensed cnas. i've also heard that a lot of students get hired on with the facilities they did clinicals with...
ltc facilities in our area are always in need of cnas... most hospitals prefer 1 year experience w/current certification as a nursing assistant or home health aide or proof of completion of the first semester of an approved nursing education program...
i love this website for local job listings:
here are listings for missouri:
i agree with the above poster to check out your state department of workforce development.
hospitals usually post their job openings on their websites... offering to volunteer is a great way to get your foot in the door at your local hospitals... when they see what a hard worker you are they'll be more apt to hire you without 1 years experience.
don't worry about your boyfriends 2 cents... i'm sorry your boyfriend is not more supportive of your choices... do what is best for you. you have your best interest at heart best wishes & good luck!!
212 Posts
Check out your local newspapers to see how many jobs for CNAs are in the help wanted ads. This will give you an idea of what is available to you in your area, within a 30 to 40 mile radius.
Some assisted living facilities do not require you to have your CNA to work there. You could possibly work at one to gain some of the required experience you need after you get your certification. It will be simple tasks such as assisting residents to the restroom, handing out meal trays, making beds, etc...
Your BF should be more encouraging, this is an important step you are thinking about. You do what you want to do. It's YOUR life, not his. Do your research and present it to him and tell him, "This is what I'm going to do."
Best of luck! You can do it!
164 Posts
There are jobs out there for CNAs or STNAs, don't listen to your boyfriend. Some places will even pay for your class. Call around and ask. FYI, be professional when calling, be in a quiet room. I used to work in HR and was amazed at how people would call with the tv blaring or kids screaming in the background. And one had call waiting and put ME on hold.
22 Posts
Don't worry about what your bf says. I just finished my CNA course today and before I started I called my local hospitals/facilities and found out which ones hire newbies. My CNA instructor also gave us a list of facilities that do. Doing some research may will give you piece of mind. Good luck!
your right thanks alot for the advice!
Contact your State dept of Health. Get a list of your local, authorized, training facilities. Pick out those that are colleges (rather than LTC facilities) and go online to check their graduate employment statistics (or call them).I you have already chosen a college ask what their graduate employment record is for this qualification.Get some job sites to see how many CNA jobs are advertised in your area that accept new CNAs.Also, even if there are not many jobs there is a lot you can do to make yourself a preferred candidate. I was offered a job on the spot by the facility in which I did my clinical experience -- so when you do the class be as professional as you can, make nice with the instructor (he/she might give you a nice reference) and make REALLY nice when on clinical site.Your boyfriend sounds charming...not. Just do the class and ignore him. You will be fine and I am sure you will get a job quite quickly.I support you and wish you luck!Come back and let us know how it works out.
Thank you so much! and I surely will let you know how it goes! you sound like such a great person:heartbeat
1 Post
I have been a NA/CNA for 35 years and never have I had any problem of getting a job. I have walked out of one job right into another one. I have only worked at 6 places and have only left them to move to a new city. The pay is not what we are worth but the rewards are great. You meet some people who will tear your heart out and other you can't stand . But I looked at it this way what if it was my family in these places. Somone has to love them there is so many people who just need a hug or maybe just somone to listen to them for 5 mins. I have feel in love with so many people who has died and it has broken my heart but I belive I did the best for them that I could. I have held there hands as the have slipped away :crying2:and have looked into there eyes and see the joy of them going home. And if I had the last 35 yrs to do over again I would be doing the same thing. :DIf your looking for a high paying job that you just set on your butt this is not one of them but if your looking for a job to give your love to well this is one of them. It's a back breaker and leg killer but love is always there. I work with some great nurses and I work with some know it all's but I just do my job and go on with life. I am not there for the nurse I am there for to care about my hall of people I usally have 20 to care for aday and I get it done with love.:redbeathe:redpinkhe