Published May 21, 2019
nursingsprettycool17, BSN
40 Posts
do you think a year of med surg and a year of acute dialysis will make a nurse eligible to get into an icu?
Gracefully Saved, ADN
17 Posts
It might. I got into the icu straight out of nursing school. Just depends on the unit. I harm in applying though!
myoglobin, ASN, BSN, MSN
1,453 Posts
You may find that it is easier to apply into ICU at a different hospital than the one you are currently at. This is because hospitals hate to lose people who "can and will" do their jobs. This is frustrating when you are working towards a goal (getting into ICU in your case) and someone straight out of nursing school is hired into ICU rather than someone who has "put the time in " at the facility. One of the advantages of union facilities is that contracts usually specify that positions be awarded on the basis of seniority unless there is an overriding reason to do this.
Nurse SMS, MSN, RN
6,843 Posts
It has been my observation that once you go into dialysis, unless you have significant acute care experience prior, its very hard to ever get out of it again.
7 Posts
Hi there! Started my nursing career in an ICU and now going on 2 years! My hospital specifically tries to hire internally from the other units before hiring outside RN’s, but every hospital is different. Congrats on your decision to move to the world of ICU Nursing! It’s really fun and fast and crazy but if anything I wish that I had a year or 2 of medsurg nursing before I did this because it would have made an easier transition but I could not be happier! Good luck!
8 Posts
I transitioned from several years of dialysis directly into ICU. You’re never stuck. Just do your research and present yourself as a candidate. Get your ACLS and PALS ahead of time (you’ll have to pay for it yourself) and be willing to take less than ideal position to get your foot in the door. The worst you could do is remain in a field you don’t like and not even try.
146 Posts
Just apply. As long as you have a license, then you’re “eligible.” It all depends on who’s hiring. The manager who hired me liked hiring new grads into ICU, because she had been one herself. You could run into a manger who doesn’t like to do that and chooses someone else, but that comes down to specific individuals.
Same for if this is experience you already have; you could end up interviewing with someone looking for very specific background or they’re looking for a new grad, or whatever.