So for the last two days I have worked with two different demented elderly gents at a local hospital. Both are very demented, neither can get placement outside the hospital because they are combative...and it seems the Doc's and Family members are going 100% against us nurses and CNA's that must care for them!
First day I got hit very hard in the right temple by one of the patients...I thought I was out of arms reach..but he was trying to get out of bed, and it was between me and the floor for him...LUCKY for me he had mittens on because he keeps pulling out his foley and his iv's so now we have a picc that must be protected...NOT THE STAFF..but the picc! UHGGGG~! Then a discharge planner chewed me out for the mittens saying "he will never be discharged if you guys don't let him free of the mitts! (remember..just mits, not tied down or restrained!). I explained that it was to protect the picc and foley and at discharge would not be needed since those should be d/c'd by then....she said point blank "yeah right, you guys are just tired of getting hit!".
Okay...even if that was the case...why not be tired of getting hit..he is a huge very strong man!
Second mits no nothing. Family wants him free of medication so no prn or any meds to stop him from constantly getting oob, or spitting/hitting/grabbing...and yesterday he aimed himself and peed on my CNA!!!!!!(he is MRSA precautions in urine!!!). I came in to stop him (while my other patient was starting to stroke!!!!) and both the CNA and I got our butts kicked royally!!!!!!! She had bruises all over her arms and sides...I had several on my arms and one on my left cheek!
So I called the MD and begged her to help us with some PRN medication. NO GO! "no, the family doesn't not want medications for him...they say he has a reaction to all medications". I almost said "well I will tell you for darn sure he is going to have a bad reaction from me next time he hurts me!!!" but I didn't! After begging...I got to give 10 mg of a med IM...which worked thank GOD!
I bring both these cases up to RN management...and got a huge lecture on chemical and physical restraints (like I don't already know that and quote the book better!)...and that they were sorry and not to accept that patient again if I couldn't handle him. HANDLE HIM??? I can handle patients quite well thank you...but how to you handle someone that is demented and wants to hit/spit/scratch/grab/urinate/throw feces/wants OOB/ and I can't use any type of restraint to protect myself and staff? It is like saying..okay box this kangeroo with your arms tied, legs bound, and blindfold please!
I know others have had the same experience...what did you do to try to solve it???? THe two men are actually quite nice when they are with it...and I do care for them deeply and they are sweet..but when they are demented they forget they like me and I am helping them and start swinging!!!!!