Published May 24, 2019
Jennychi24, ASN, CNA, RN
108 Posts
Hey peers,
I wanted to start a thread for pre-nursing students who applied for admissions into the spring of 2020 program. I was denied for admissions into the Fall of 2019 and my application was updated by the admin for consideration for the spring semester. I am re-taking the TEAS-exam over this summer to boost my chances as only 60 students are selected for the spring and 80 for the fall.
My stats when I applied for the Fall of 2019 was:
3.8- General Ed
3.45- Science
3.72-Overall GPA
Teas- 70.5%
My Stats for the Spring of 2020
3.88-General Ed
3.74-Overall GPA
Teas- Retaking
As of the Summer of 2019- I will have all nursing pre-requisites complete, including the new Psych 2103- Intro to human development. I just graduated on the 7th with my Associate of Science degree with high honors but it seems to me that having all pre-reqs complete and a high gpa doesn't guarantee admissions as long as your Teas score and science gpa is competitive.
Thereon, share your stats ladies and keep God in your prayer as he has chosen us to pick this field and nursing is very rewarding, working as CNA and Medtech for 4 years has really opened my love for the field. Yes at times the workload is very heavy and draining but I wouldn't give up the time I spent with my patients,nurses and their family members for the world. Caring for others is my calling and I know God called each of us for this ?
monkeyshines, ASN
77 Posts
Hey hey! I am applying for spring 2020 as well. I did get accepted for fall 2019, but real life got in the way and I had to decline my spot. Felt terrible doing so, but I know that starting in the spring will be 100% better for my family and my life than starting August would have been.
My stats:
Pre-req gpa: 3.72
Bio gpa: 4.0
Teas: 92
I'll need to take the new psych class, but I plan to do that sometime while in the program. Don't want to pay all the fees for a semester just to take one class! I'm very much enjoying not having classes right now. I'm hoping to take a CNA class in the fall and start that as a second job so that I can do it once I quit my main job for school.
Your stats are pretty good! I bet if you retake the TEAS you'll be fine for getting in. Do you have a plan for studying before taking it again?
Hi monkeyshines,
aww, I know that had to be painful but you are right.You have to follow your heart and do what's best for you and your family. I'm positive you will get in again no doubt you have amazing stats. I wish to score as high as you did on the teas but during the Time I took the teas I was going through a breakup and working over 80 hours which didn't give me much time.
Im planning on starting a study plan tonight after work, if you have any tips for me that will Be much helpful. I hope to get accepted this time around but don't know how competitive spring will be since it's only 60 of us that are selected. ? I decided to take the last pre-req due to having everything done, I go to school year round and will like a break in the summer of 2020 or January if I'm not accepted again ?
wishing you luck and blessings and another acceptance into the program. You got this girl ??& if you need tips & and help for the CNA program just message me. I was trained by my supervisor at my former job who runs a CNA school in riverdale. It really helps towards nursing as some nurses will train you with basic nursing skills like wound care, trach, administering insulin, incident report, etc.
So for my TEAS prep, I got a few of the books that are offered for study. I also bought the basic package (on sale!) which included practice tests A and B, and came with one of the practice books. I took one of the practice tests before I did ANY studying. That gave me a baseline on what to study. I would spend some time reviewing the subjects I needed work on, take another practice test (either in the book or online), study some more. I watched a lot of youtube videos for test taking tips. Carolyn McAlister (I think that was her name) had some great ones on the English/reading sections. My scores improved every time I did a practice test until I could finally do the real thing!I really hope you get in this time! Your scores aren't bad for sure. I'm hoping less people apply for the spring since there are less admitted. And thanks for the CNA advice. A friend of mine is starting school at perimeter this fall, and she recently got CNA certified and a job at the hospital here. Talking with her about her experience, I think it will make a big difference to learning the basics!
Thank You for the tips Monkeyshines, when I tested back in January I had a lot going on. I'm usually a good test-taker but life gets the best of us sometimes. I brought practice A recently after I decided to retake the exam, I have the TEAS secrets study manuel and the kaplan teas study manuel which is really good for the science portion of the exam and really prepared me. My Highest scores on the teas was science and english, really surprised at my reading score as I always scored advance in reading with any exam. The teas is tricky and shouldn't be taken for granted. Thank you so much, I hope you get in again ^_^
I forgot to mention in the last post, I believe you learn basic CNA skills in nursing school and it prepares you to work as a PCT ( patient care tech) basically CNA level 2 at the hospital. Techs are able to do EKG and draw blood like a nurse but I will say starting a CNA course will get you ready for clinicals in nursing school when it comes to being comfortable with people and their families in the room sometimes when it comes to providing care for your patient such as changing briefs or putting them on to a commode or bed pan and dressing and bathing and transferring your patient
Hey Monkeyshines, I just wanted to add I will leave this thread open for you and future incoming nursing students. By the grace of of god, I was given a spot for the fall of 2019 Semester by opening spaces . I was denied in April . I got my package in the mail today . I'm just shock. I was up studying to retake the teas all week, but when something is met for you . It will come ?
Forever grateful
6 hours ago, Jennychi24 said:Hey Monkeyshines, I just wanted to add I will leave this thread open for you and future incoming nursing students. By the grace of of god, I was given a spot for the fall of 2019 Semester by opening spaces . I was denied in April . I got my package in the mail today . I'm just shock. I was up studying to retake the teas all week, but when something is met for you . It will come ?Forever grateful
Oh wow, I'm so happy for you! Congrats! Feel free to delete this thread if you want, I can start another one. Whatever works best for you. And how awesome that you don't have to retake the TEAS now!
12 hours ago, monkeyshines said:Oh wow, I'm so happy for you! Congrats! Feel free to delete this thread if you want, I can start another one. Whatever works best for you. And how awesome that you don't have to retake the TEAS now!
Thank you so much , I was in disbelief because I didn't think I would get in even if spaces open because my teas scores but I'm forever grateful that they accepted me but I will delete it so you can start a new thread for incoming applicants. Wishing you the best of luck and hope you gain entrance back in for the spring ?
Jeanie Devine
6 Posts
I’m glad someone started a thread for Spring 2020! I put in my application last month. I have all the pre-reqs completed minus Micro (which I took 20 years ago as a Bio major, but have to retake due to the credit being so old) and A&P II. My stats are:
Pre-Req GPA: 3.89
Science GPA: 4.0
TEAS: 97.8
I'm retaking Micro this Summer; I got an A the first time, so I’m hoping I do it again this time. I’m taking A&P II in the Fall.
And congrats, Jennychi! Good luck with starting the Nursing program in the Fall!
2 hours ago, Jeanie Devine said:I’m glad someone started a thread for Spring 2020! I put in my application last month. I have all the pre-reqs completed minus Micro (which I took 20 years ago as a Bio major, but have to retake due to the credit being so old) and A&P II. My stats are:Pre-Req GPA: 3.89Science GPA: 4.0TEAS: 97.8I'm retaking Micro this Summer; I got an A the first time, so I’m hoping I do it again this time. I’m taking A&P II in the Fall. And congrats, Jennychi! Good luck with starting the Nursing program in the Fall!
Thank you Jeanie, I got in by opening slots, I was initially waitlisted in April. I am so grateful. You are most definitely accepted for the spring of 2020 with those high scores/stats. That is awesome, I hope you all enjoy the thread I created, I was going to delete it but don't know how to, so I'll leave it up for you future nurses starting in the spring. Good luck, I know you'll definitely get in ???
9 hours ago, Jeanie Devine said:I’m glad someone started a thread for Spring 2020! I put in my application last month. I have all the pre-reqs completed minus Micro (which I took 20 years ago as a Bio major, but have to retake due to the credit being so old) and A&P II. My stats are:Pre-Req GPA: 3.89Science GPA: 4.0TEAS: 97.8I'm retaking Micro this Summer; I got an A the first time, so I’m hoping I do it again this time. I’m taking A&P II in the Fall. And congrats, Jennychi! Good luck with starting the Nursing program in the Fall!
Those are awesome stats! I'm sure you'll get in. I assume you're a second-career nurse hopeful? I always like to see more of us! I doubt micro or APII will be too much of a problem. As long as you don't get behind, you should be good.
1 hour ago, monkeyshines said:Those are awesome stats! I'm sure you'll get in. I assume you're a second-career nurse hopeful? I always like to see more of us! I doubt micro or APII will be too much of a problem. As long as you don't get behind, you should be good.
Thanks! And yep! I was a Biomedical Engineer in the medical device/transplant industry for almost 10 years before my kids were born. My oldest has Autism, so I took several years off to stay home with him when he was little. Didn’t want to go back into BME and felt the call into Nursing.
And your stats are awesome! You got in once; I’m sure you’ll get in this round as well!