Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

U.S.A. Georgia


Hopefully, we are getting close to hearing something. I wanted to start a new thread and see if anyone wanted to play the waiting game for fall ADN Program. We've been waiting since April 1st and it's about time we heard something.:anbd:

Okay so HayleyBeth did she call? lol...I know that I have only posted 2 messages but this is becoming a soap opera. haha, I actually am worried about her not calling..(I hope you don't think im like a website stalker..haha) But I have been emailing Courtney about Ga Highlands and I am SO excited for you guys! I feel like I know you all too. *wine

OMG Hayley! I go shopping (to stop messing with my inbox which has no new messages) and you GET A FREAKIN CALL!?!?!? Hopefully ours comes tomorrow! Way to go for you.. even if you didnt get to hear her say congrats, b/c you definately got it girlie!

I was out of town all day and away from the computer... I can not believe you all have still not got a call. It's so nerve racking!!

Why/When do we need the neighborhood student access card? What is this for? Also, to make sure that I am prioritizing correctly....we need to buy the fundamentals and assessment book now and get the IV/assessment kit? Is there anything else? Do we need the IV/assessment kit before school begins?

Does anyone remember the lady's name who is selling the kits from HANS? If so, would you please send me the email? THANKS

Hobo, did the assessment CD ever come to your house?

I haven't got it yet. It says between the 13th and 28th, however I'm scared I wont get it at all. I figure we can have a pizza night with whoever has the dvd if it comes down to it. lol.

Specializes in CNA- many years ago.
Does anyone remember the lady's name who is selling the kits from HANS? If so, would you please send me the email? THANKS

Starr...I believe the lady's name was Mrs. Amason. However!!....I went back to see her that afternoon after the second day of orientation, and she had already turned the order in. She said that I would just have to get the stuff from the bookstore.

Thanks for letting me know. I guess I will get it from the bookstore then.

Specializes in CNA- many years ago.
Why/When do we need the neighborhood student access card? What is this for? Also, to make sure that I am prioritizing correctly....we need to buy the fundamentals and assessment book now and get the IV/assessment kit? Is there anything else? Do we need the IV/assessment kit before school begins?

Dr. Re*s says you should definately go ahead and get the Fundamentals book and the Health Assessment book and CD-Rom. I think you should probably go ahead and get the assessment kit at least, because that is what has the blood pressure cuff and other "equipment" in it. You can probably wait on the IV kit until later on in the semester.

The Neighborhood is that virtual thing that Dr. Br*ck was telling us about in orientation. It is cheaper if you order it straight from the website and become a member (which is free). I do think that you will need to get that as soon as you can, because I remember Dr. Br*ck telling us that the first week we would just get an overview of it and then the second week they would add a character.

Specializes in CNA- many years ago.
Hello Ladies,

I have enjoyed reading all your threads. I'm also excited about starting our classes. Does anyone know what time we are supposed to be at school on the 19th? I can't believe we can't get on Vista until the 19th. We won't have our first lecture notes or any of the forms they discussed at orientation. Has anyone called the school for suggestions or emailed any of the teachers about this?

I am trying to get us an answer on that this morning. They will HAVE to tell us what the schedules are, because there are people coming from out of town!

Yay!!! they finally fixed my account and I can communicate again!! I am really stressing about the whole vista things, not being to print out my notes, etc, this really sucks!!! And it would be nice to know what time I need to be at school on Wed, and which day is my long day???? I am getting fustrated!!!!! But, I still am very thankful that I got in the program!!!!:icon_roll

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