George Washington ABSN Fall 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone,

I just submitted a Fall 2017 application for the ABSN program at George Washington University. I thought I'd start a thread so we can share some experiences, pieces of advice, and whatnot.

Hello everyone, I aslo got in!! Congrats everyone! I believe it will be located in the Ashburn campus.

I was just accepted into GWU ABSN Fall 2017 cohort! :)

Congrats to everyone else who were also accepted! yay

Does anyone know if the ABSN courses will be at the Foggy Bottom or Ashburn campus? How does housing work for students who have courses at Ashburn campus, but live on campus? It seems a bit inconvenient.

Is everyone sticking to housing close to Ashburn campus or campus housing?

Does anyone know if the ABSN courses will be at the Foggy Bottom or Ashburn campus? How does housing work for students who have courses at Ashburn campus, but live on campus? It seems a bit inconvenient.

Is everyone sticking to housing close to Ashburn campus or campus housing?

All the ABSN courses are at the Ashburn campus, and I know there are lots of apartments out in that area, so I don't think very many people actually live in campus housing (check some earlier cohorts' threads for better answers...) Clinicals are all over the place, though, and at least a few of the classes appear to be web-based especially in later semesters. I have lived in DC for several years now, so I plan to just commute out to Ashburn.

From what I can tell about the past cohort's posts, it seems like some prefer to live in a town like Reston, which is in between the two. I think that the DC area is a little expensive compared to some other areas. It totally makes sense if you live there already. I'm moving from CA and will not be working during school, so cheaper is better for me personally. But I am trying to look at the towns in between. I also read that some liked living in Ashburn so that they could sleep in longer on lecture days and go home for lunch. That sort of thing. So much planning needs to happen now! Yikes!

CatsOnTheRoofTops: How long typically is the drive from Ashburn to DC would you say? Or maybe from Dulles? Is the Metro line close and walkable as far as safety? I'd love to hear your insight having lived there yourself!

CatsOnTheRoofTops: How long typically is the drive from Ashburn to DC would you say? Or maybe from Dulles? Is the Metro line close and walkable as far as safety? I'd love to hear your insight having lived there yourself!

Sure! Here are some basics of DC commuting that I've seen:

The drive between Ashburn and DC is about 45 minutes without traffic. From Dulles I think it's only about 20 minutes. There is a GW shuttle from the Reston metro stop to the Ashburn campus. There is also a GW shuttle from the Foggy Bottom campus to Ashburn, which I forgot to mention when I replied to desertnurse92's post (sorry!), but I think its hours are kind of limited. If you're driving, there is usually traffic to contend with, so spend some time playing with the "Depart At/Arrive By" time on Google Maps and see how long it will take from different locations. Just be wary when the directions say "use HOV lane" or "use express lane"... the fine for violating an HOV lane law is huge, and the express lanes cost up to $14 during rush hour! Some people "slug" (Google it, the system is pretty cool) to get around this problem.

Here are some neighborhood and highway comments about DC that may be relevant:

- Neighborhoods in DC vary widely. Some areas are great, but others aren't all that safe. Northwest DC tends to be really nice, but expensive. Northeast and Southeast are a mixed bag. If you can get a little way out of the District, rent is definitely cheaper!

- Generally speaking, riding the metro is perfectly safe, just act as you would in any large city and zip your bag up, keep an eye on your pockets, etc. Areas with good Metro access are going to be more expensive, and Metro is also undergoing HUGE safety upgrades right now, which can disrupt service. Not trying to discourage use of public transportation, but just be aware.

- I-495 ("The Beltway") is a cluster in certain areas pretty much all the time, in both directions. Again, use Google Maps here to look at traffic at different times of day.

- I-66 - BEWARE! Inside the Beltway, I-66 is HOV-only at certain times of day.

- 267 (Dulles Toll Road) - This is... wait for it... a toll road! Not too expensive to use though, I think it's $3 each way.

Hope this helps! Anyone who has better/more info, please feel free to add on :)

Has anyone who is interviewing for W2 tried to contact the person via the email link they included in the information page? The link isn't working for me and it is stressing me out that I cannot sign up. I emailed and left a vm about it so I am hoping to hear back soon about that.

Hi all! I deferred my summer 2017 enrollment to fall 2017 so I will be joining as well; I am so excited! Is there a Facebook group/is anyone looking for roommates in the Ashburn or Reston areas?

Hey guys, I also got accepted for Fall 2017. I live in the area and STRONGLY recommend living in the Ashburn/RestonFairfax area. D.C. will be quite a commute everyday.

I deferred the summer for fall also! if you find a facebook page let me know!

I deferred the summer for fall also! if you find a facebook page let me know!

I found a reference to a Facebook page on a previous cohort's thread: GW Nursing BSN Students is the name of the group. Just found it so I haven't joined yet though!

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