George Washington ABSN Fall 2014

U.S.A. Washington DC


I just submitted my application to GWU for the ABSN program that will start in the Fall of 2014 and wanted to start a thread for it. Has anyone else applied recently? If so, has anyone heard early from admissions?

Good luck to you all!

I applied some time in October (I was really eager), and got my acceptance email 3 days ago! I'm so excited, mostly because I can finally stop checking my email every 30 seconds!

I really do want to go to GW, but I'm mostly basing this off my gut instinct (as I have not much else to go by). I think I'm going to talk to the admissions staff and possibly a student or two who are currently in the program to find some information about why it would be better to go here as opposed to GMU (the only other school I applied to). If I do get into both programs, I'll have to figure out how to convince my husband of why I should pay 3x more for a program that is also 3 months longer, haha. If anyone has any info, please share! :)

congrats to all of you who got in 8) i'm super jealous!! i can't wait to hear back :p the wait i killing me >.

Still waiting as well! I just want to know!

Congrats to everyone who was accepted!

Hey - I applied to the GW Squared program and submitted my essay Friday. I got an email that the due date was yesterday...I keep pressuring for more info on interview dates etc but haven't gotten The only info I got was they will review essays, and pick out applicants for interviews and interview this vauge...haha...

Are you officially going to GW? I just submitted my deposit...thinking we should start a new thread for the fall cohort? Or facebook group??

To those accepted- did they give you a timeframe by which you needed to submit your deposit? Trying to figure out how to strategize the timelines of various schools...

Congrats to all!!!!

They said 4 weeks from the date they sent me the email. I tried calling GMU (the other school I applied to), and the person who answered from the College of Health & Human Services said that they send out decisions LATE April, and I have to send my deposit to GW by the 2nd week of April. She said I could try to email bsnapps @ GMU and see if they could expedite it but she was saying they generally do not. I tried to email, but generally bsnapps takes at least a week (or TWO sometimes) to respond.

@mindylane Do you know how many of your fellow cohorts were able to get the preceptorship of their choice? And would you say the program is pretty well organized? Have you liked all your teachers so far?

has anyone else not heard back on their admission to GWU yet? i feel worried that i'm the only one who hasn't heard back yet!!

Still waiting! Don't worry :)

agsetlur, when did you submit your application?

I'm still waiting, too. FYI when I called a couple weeks ago the guy said they only put out decisions on Fridays, so no need to frantically check during the rest of the week!

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