Published Jan 6, 2016
BrainsRCool, BSN, RN
23 Posts
Hello all current/ prospective nurses! I am currently finishing up my application for admission to George Mason University for the Fall Semester 2016. At this point I have completed the HESI Exam and all required prerequisites for the program. My cumulative HESI score was a 94% and my Pre-nursing GPA was a 3.6 (all A's except in two classes: a B in Statistics and a C+ in microbio both which I took at JMU). I have a B.S. in Biology from JMU, and my GPA from my undergraduate career is less than stellar (2.9) due to my very difficult, science-intensive course load which included organic chemistry and physics. Since my graduation from JMU in May I have gotten A's in all the classes I have taken (6 including anatomy & physiology I & II). I have been CPR, first aid and rescue certified for the last 8 or 9 years and am and I am currently seeking employment as a clinical technician at INOVA for more extensive experience. I would just like to ask any current or prospective Mason ABSN students who have knowledge about the program what my chances of getting in look like? Will my post grad coursework make up for my undergraduate grades or is my goose cooked? Also as a side note I am applying to other programs (Marymount & Shenandoah) as well. I appreciate your insights and wish you all the best of luck with your endeavors! :)
Silverdragon102, BSN
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Hi there! I posted in another page but I'll just throw that message over here. Great job on the HESI exam!
I have a 3.4 overall GPA with a 3.9 in Nursing prerequisites (All classes were A's with the exception on Statistics). I wish my overall GPA was higher but it is what it is. My degree was in Hospitality Management from the University of Central Florida. At the Information Session, an adviser said I was in good standing to at least be accepted into George Mason, but I am still unsure if I'll be accepted into the Nursing program. Here's to hoping!
My HESI A2 score was a 90. I would like to get a little higher, but I feel like 90 is still pretty decent.
I've already been accepted into Shenandoah's program and opted not to apply for George Washington's program for the simple fact that it is the most expensive in the area (albeit being a great program). At the end of the day, passing the NCLEX is what matters, right? George Mason is definitely my first choice though.
I obviously don't have much knowledge on how they judge applicants but my guess is Nursing pre-reqs and HESI scores are most important (to judge on our ability to master similar material as well as passing the NCLEX).
7 Posts
I was accepted to the accelerated program for 2015. I was quite shocked, as I didn't think my grades were good enough. My undergraduate GPA was a 2.6. I had to take all of my prerequisites again and I managed A's in everything except A&P I and II. A&P I, I had to repeat. I took that online through NOVA, got a D the first time around and managed a B the second time around. My HESI score was a 88% overall. I think my video was decent, along with my essay and resume. Please don't get hung up on grades. I definitely think they are looking at more than just grades. The professors and administrators of the program are great! Good luck to you all! Hopefully you'll find out next month. I found out by email the end of March last year.
Thanks for the info! I got my acceptance into GMU today but yea, I would expect to hear back from the program for awhile yet.
How are you enjoying the program so far?
@al591 Thank you for the feedback. I'm stressing a lot, so it's nice to hear from someone who was in a similar position to me. I'm pleased to hear that you are liking the professors! If you have any other insights about the program and your general experience I would l would really love to hear them. I'm just got accepted to mason as a transfer and I'm so so excited to hear back from the nursing school. @danishep Congrats on getting in as a transfer, hopefully we will both be admitted to the ABSN program for the fall
I'm in the Accelerated BSN program now, and last year, we got our SON acceptance letters by e-mail on about March 31.
I think the SON ABSN admissions committee looks at a lot more than just grades, and I also think that they consider each student holistically on the sum of his or her merits. I applied to GWU and GMU, and I thought I would be a shoe-in for GWU and was worried about my application to GMU. Turns out that GWU uses NursingCAS, which is an entirely online application system, and I suspect that my less than stellar previous undergrad GPA worked against me in a system that has electronic screening before an application is ever seen by a human being. When I submitted my transcripts to the GMU SON, I addressed the fact that my post-graduate academic record was much improved over my undergraduate academic record, and judging by the fact that I was admitted, I would say that the admissions committee looked at everything I submitted in making their decision.
The ABSN program is definitely a competitive program, and there will be days that you wish you had just a little more time to master a concept and you hate yourself for signing up for an accelerated program, but the payoff is totally worth it. I mean, I started in August, and I'll be a nurse by September!
Best of luck to all of you!
Accepted to Marymount and Shenandoah! Just waiting on GMU now! Wish me luck :)
ACCEPTED TO GMU! I could not be more excited!!!!
So happy for you lisacatherine6! Me too! Glad we get to stop worrying! Is this your first choice? It's mine. I accepted my spot already and I believe I paid my enrollment fee but I didn't receive any email afterwards. What about you?
Congratulations! The wait is finally over :) It is my first choice. I have not formally accepted my spot yet or paid my application fee (I took the evening to celebrate). I will look into it tonight or tomorrow evening and get back to you on that!
19 Posts
Hi there greenbean74! Based on your experience so far, Do you think it's possible to work while enrolled in the accelerated program? I haven't informed my current employer about my plans to enroll this fall, but there is a possibility that I could work part time. Do you think it's possible? Is anyone working while in school?
And do you know how soon after graduation that people from the last cohort were able to find jobs? I asked the admissions people and they said they didn't have any information on that, so I was curious if people usually ended up getting hired at the same place they did clinicals. Any info would be much appreciated!