Studying and staying organized

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Hello everyone, with school one month away, I am beginning to get worried about how I will get my studying done and keeping myself and my home organized.

I seem to have trouble studying more than one subject at a time and I need to learn how to keep up on everything. Also, with my kids and the house, I want to be able to keep everything going smoothly. I know the house won't be sparkling (which it is not now anyway).

My daughter is also starting kindergarten and I think they give homework. Maybe I can sit her down with me, but she tends to talk too much when we are at the table together.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


one tip that has worked for me while studing A&P is to make flashcards, flashcards, flashcards! This way you can study anywhere! Stuck in traffic for a while? whip out those cards and flip through them. Waiting for your kiddos to be done w/ soccer practice? same deal. Riding the shuttle from the commuter parking lot? perfect time to cram in a few facts. You get the idea. Also, what helps me is to make a schedule, like I will pick up and vacuum from 1 hour, I will then load the dishwasher and clean up the kitchen for 30 mins, then I will start the dishwasher, sort laundry for 30 mins and then start a load of laundry. While the dishwasher and washing machine are going I study for 1 hour. Stop studying, work out for 20-30 mins, throw the wet clothes in to the dryer and start a new load in the washer. Study/read some more while the washer is going. This is usually my Sat morning routine before going to work in the evening. Try to be organized but don't obsess if the housework doesn't get done! hope this helps!


Yes'm I use flashcards in ALL subjects - Keywords, Definitions, Med Terminology, etc etc etc!

Also, I make sure I study the easiest or my best subject first - If not I seem to get so tied up in the harder one I use all my time up just on that!

Be sure and take regular short study breaks - don't wait until your eyes are crossing or you find that you have read the same paragraph over 4 times and can't remember a single word of it!

Specializes in Adolescent Psych, PICU.

Deb you will be able to do it. Once school starts you will find yourself in a routine after just a week or two and things start to smooth out that way I have found.

I also have my oldest starting Kindergarden this fall too:) And yes they have homework....kindergarden now is not the same as when we were kids, its more acedemic now and therefore more homework (not that I agree with it but that is how it is). So that will be new to me as well, but I know it will work out.

One thing is to get a wall calender and mark when all your tests are, projects due, paper due, school breaks, childrens teacher conferences, etc That way you can SEE it everyday and what what is due when, etc. That is one of my *biggest* helpers (yet it is simple to do!).

As for my housecleaning, during the week it is a distaster it seems, but me and my husband clean it head to toe on the weekends. I do small things during the week like try to keep all the dishes washed and up (notice I said tried cause it doesnt always get vacuum, and clothes washed and dinner cooked....all that right there is enough to keep me busy.

I usually do *all* my studying after my kids are in bed and am usually up pretty late at night because of it. is a great website if you have not seen it already, some with


Oh I could have written this same thing. I have really been starting to panic about juggling everything. I don't want my house sparkling, but with my kids just keeping the house from becoming a fire hazard can be difficult. What I have started doing is reading my books on to audio tapes that way I can listen to them in the car. I figure it takes as much time to read them as it does to read them onto a cassette tape and this way when I am picking up the kids from school or going to the grocery store I can squeeze in some study time. I am trying my hardest to get the house as organized as I can now. I have also bought a bunch of index cards and index card boxes to sort things in. I hope others will have some good suggestions too.


These are great ideas!

I'll have a 40 mile drive to school/work and I'm going to tape notes to myself to listen to - taping the reading is a good idea as well as the flashcards, laundry/dishes relay and calendar with all IMP dates already in (don't forget school BREAKS!):)

Someone else mentioned precooking hamburger / use the slow cooker or casseroles...

remember that our homes are LIVED IN not pictured in a magazine.

warm hugs to all the moms(and dads) of little ones!

Yep I agree flash cards and tape recording notes are really helpful. You can listen as you cook, or shower, or clean-(if you really feel compelled to *L*).

Thanks everyone. I do think I want to get a tape recorder and I will utilize flash cards.

Hopefully we will all be able to keep all together and get through.

This is going to be my first semester with clinicals and I am nervous about that also. I'm afraid I will mess up or something.

Thanks again and good luck to all of you.

Originally posted by studentdeb

Thanks everyone. I do think I want to get a tape recorder and I will utilize flash cards.

Hopefully we will all be able to keep all together and get through.

This is going to be my first semester with clinicals and I am nervous about that also. I'm afraid I will mess up or something.

Thanks again and good luck to all of you.

Hi. Don't worry about messing up. Enjoy nursing school. It is an amazing journey. You can do it!

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