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I am not sure what to do anymore. I have just taken the hesi exit exam for the 4th time and got an 845 and needed an 850 in order to get my transcripts. We can take it as many times as needed by the end of fall, but my brain is so tired, and not sure I can take much more. We have remediation that we have to do and it is 3000 nclex questions before we retake. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get through this. is there anyone out there that has had to take this as many times as I have? Help someone.

The tests are not the same at all. I think if you get a same test you are very lucky. I have collected so much information on the various tests and none of them correlated with the ones that I took. NONE. Therefore, if you happen to have the same it is pure luck. I was the person who posted on page seven my topics and I am glad if it did help. However, if i were to do it over again I would not chase around online looking for the different versions, it was truly a waste of time for me. Questions is what in the end did help me and to stay calm.

KadeInn you just hang in there. You know your stuff or you would not make those 800 numbers consistently. You are consistent with your scores and that is a really good thing in a way. Look over your last test and study your weak areas. I did that. I went through hesibook real slow and wrote everything down in my weak area of OB in detail that I did or thought I never remember and I have struggled with. Since I have done this with OB..I have consistently scored high with OB. I think the same is with Med surg. I think you need to get really strong in Med Surg to pass. So pick medsurg first to study really hard...and then one other area..OB or whatever. Make sure you go through med surg. I noticed that when I passed I had almost all my med surg right.

You will get this, six weeks is a great time to prepare and you will pull through.

BTW I am still checking to see if I they send me version five on evolve, but so far they have not done so.

I PASSED my hesi yesterday!!!! Thank God this is over!!!

So happy for you Mar28!!! I wish you the best of luck on your Nclex. :yeah::clpty::onbch::tbsk::clphnds::dncgbby::hpygrp:

I PASSED my hesi yesterday!!!! Thank God this is over!!!


Hey Jasmine I cant remember...you passed yours already too? Right.



Leave me a PN with your Email. I got something for you.

Is there anywhere to get practice tests for the Hesi?

You can contact Evolve and they have several practice tests that you can use. However, they cost money. Maybe your school has a contract with them. I would first go to your school and ask if there is a way to get through them if they already deal with Hesi they might be able to get not only you practice tests, but also for the others in your class. That is what our school did for us. This way we did not have to pay for the individual tests. Good luck to youl

KadeInn: Did you receive what I send you?

Hi guys I wrote a thread but I'll come here. I failed the HESI for the 4th time friday. I had v1 799, v2 790, v3 825 v5 779 (I need an 850 to pass). What helped you guys pass? Is there any remediation outside of school that helps bc I do not believe the remediation my school uses helps at all. I have the HESI book, Saunders Comprehensive Review, and the Saunders Q &A. Clearly my study habits are not helping me pass this thing. I need support from ppl who passed specifically retakers who know where I am right now emotionally. Thanks everyone

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