gross anatomy reserved for med students?

Nursing Students General Students


I'm sure there is a reason why nursing students are not required to take gross anatomy; does anyone know if it's required for PA's or NP's?

I just finished reading a book on GA and found it very enlightening. I wonder if it wouldn't benefit nurses, especially OR nurses.


Very true! In my experience anatomy is very helpful in nursing!!! At my uni we don't have to take it but most of us do as an elective anyway. There's only one uni here in Melbourne thats nursing school makes it's students take anatomy with the med students and they do very well! Good idea Deb!

I don't know, unless they feel it isn't important since we won't encounter the anatomy as surgeons. But I wish it were offered. It never would be at my little school- time and money (maybe the reason it isn't offered at most schools I guess) but I can't tell you how many times I have looked at my poor little cat I was dissecting and thought "gee, how completely unenlightening- I'm not studying to be a veterinarian!"


originally posted by kimtab

i don't know, unless they feel it isn't important since we won't encounter the anatomy as surgeons. but i wish it were offered. it never would be at my little school- time and money (maybe the reason it isn't offered at most schools i guess) but i can't tell you how many times i have looked at my poor little cat i was dissecting and thought "gee, how completely unenlightening- i'm not studying to be a veterinarian!"


i have to brag again, sorry to those that have heard this before.

i had the best a&p instructor at my "little" cc. before he would take the job, he told the school, they would not expect someone to teach a computer class without having computers for the students to use, so he needed human cadavers.

so every year or 2 he gets a new cadaver and has an advanced disection class (by invation only) that i took last semester. it was so cool. we have to work "around" many parts because he then uses those cadavers for the regular a&p class. marking different items (viens, arteries, muscles, etc) with numbered pins for testing of anatomy knowledge as we go thru each body system in class. we now have 5 or 6 cadavers, i can't even imagine having an a&p class without the human cadavers.

Is there a difference between Gross Anatomy and the Anatomy part of A&P?

originally posted by babynursewannab

is there a difference between gross anatomy and the anatomy part of a&p?

gross anatomy is what can be seen with the naked eye, many times "gross anatomy" is the term for an actual disection class".

the anatomy part of "regular" a&p is a combination of gross, microscopic, surface, and systemic anatomy.

now that makes it sond like even more fun, lol.

Thank you StudentSandra!

we use cats for our class. I wonder why? Does anyone have an answer? thanks

Specializes in ER.

In the university I went to the nurses did not do dissection, but it was a required part of the occupational therapy program- which still makes no sense to me.

Of course we all know that nurses never need to know more than which orifice goes with which tube :roll

This is very interesting. I'm not sure if we can have an option to take just GA from the medical school without going through med school but, I would think it would be beneficial. I think Sandra is fortunate to be able to work with cadavers. How cool!!

originally posted by debbie5

i think sandra is fortunate to be able to work with cadavers. how cool!!

even more cool, ijust stopped by the school and the instructor said he is going to have another disection class next spring and i could take it again if i wanted. i would just have to do a different "part", i forgot to mention that's how we did it. each student had something different, i did the left side of the head and neck.

hmmmmmmmmmmm will have to think about which part to ask for.

I haven't taken A&P yet at my cc, but I do know that they do utilize cadavers in the class. Woo Hoo!

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