Why do people think the hospital is like the Holiday Inn Express?!!! LONG...

Nurses General Nursing


UGH! This is my first vent since I've become a Nurse Intern II while attending nursing school.

I worked over the w/e and had a pt who was extremely large (well over 300 lbs), came in with UTI and A-fib and was incontient. This woman literally drove me to nuts the entire 12 hours I worked her floor.

For starters, for some strange reason, she couldnt lift her index finger to push the call light that was LITERALLY an inch from her finger so she would yell to the top of her lungs, NURSE, NURSE whenever I walked by. I would go into her room and asked her why she felt the need to yell and not use her call light and she said she "couldnt raise her hand" to reach it, (although she could have pressed the call button on the side of the bed rail near her arm). So I ask her what I can help her with and she wanted me to (get this) close her miniblinds. I closed the miniblinds and she said, "the light is still in my eyes, can you move my bed to get the glare out of my eyes since the blinds won't close any further?" This woman is hooked up to 2 L of O2 so I told her there is no way to "move her bed" to the opposite side of the room because of the window, I told her I can turn out all the lights and close the door to see if that would help. She says, "can you put a cover over the window?" I told her no and told her if she needed anything else, to lift her finger and use the call light on the side of the bed. I even put the call light box right on her chest (within arms reach) to use it.

Why no more than 30 seconds later (literally), she is SCREAMING NURSE again? I run into her room and ask her what I can do for her, and she says (get this) Can you move my cup closer to the edge of the table so I can use the straw to drink it? She was USING her hands to eat breakfast, but couldnt use her index FINGER to press the call light.

Then the kicker, I leaves her room (after pulling her cup literally a half inch further than it was on the table) and she is SCREAMING nurse again and this time, she managed to pull out her IV and there was blood everywhere. So, I had to do a linen change (while she was in the bed, as well as clean her up and put on a new gown). The nurse had to start a new IV in which she CRIED, MOAN and complained the entire time. When I put on her grown, she couldnt lift her arms up to put them in the sleeves so I had to pull the gown over her arms, in which she complained I was "hurting" her and she needed a pain pill.

Fastfoward, to an hour later, she is constantly on her call light for little things, like "can you make me some ice tea? can you turn me to the right side? can you turn the channel on the TV?", etc. I ended up putting her on the bed pan and she would ring the light literally as soon as I walked out of the room and to say she "thinks" she is finished pooping and when I go to remove the bed pan, she "squirts" diarrehea all over the damn place, including on my sleeve. NOTHING is in the bed pan. It took 2 nurses and myself to clean her up, and this happened 4 times over the course of 12 hours. Due to her hemmroids, the nurse didnt think she would be benefit from a rectal tube.

Meanwhile, while I'm spending all this time in this pt's room, there is a little ole lady two doors down that is Influenza type A, incontient, and NEVER rings her call light for anything, and I feel bad because I know she's in need of a bath, change, and linen change and I'm wasting all my time in this pt's room who thinks she is in a Holiday Inn Express!

And her family members are just as bad! They literally hunted the nurse down to say that "my sister wants her food cut up because she can't cut it herself because her hands hurt", although her "sister" was eating just fine with BOTH her hands before she got there.

Sorry so long. I just don't get why people don't understand they are in a HOSPITAL and not a HOTEL! We are not room service there to serve your every demanding comand.

Am I alone in feeling like this?

Specializes in CNA, Surgical, Pediatrics, SDS, ER.

When I was still on the surg floor I had a very bad noc very critical pt, IV restarts and so on and so forth. So I got to my last pt about 2230 (I didn't think it was that bad esp under the cirucmstances,some nocs it was mdn)and she made me feel soooooooo bad. She said I've been here since 1830 and nobody has been in to see me. I found that hard to believe because my CNA had been in their. I asked her if she turned her light on when she needed something and she said yes and that nobody came in. Highly doubtfull. Anyways she just kept taking jabs at me saying "Oh I could be sitting at home right now if I knew this was the type of service I would be getting." Type of service EXCUSE ME. I did apologize to her but she would not hear of it. Anyways she just kept jabbing and jabbing at me and I finally couldn't take it anymore I left the room in tears and had another nurse take over for me because I absolutly was not going back in that room. That was probably my worst pt encounter.

PS She was also a volunteer at the hospital, I didn't find that out until after the fact. I don't think someone that rude should be allowed to volunteer. I have not seen her since so I hope she quit or got fired!

When I was still on the surg floor I had a very bad noc very critical pt, IV restarts and so on and so forth. So I got to my last pt about 2230 (I didn't think it was that bad esp under the cirucmstances,some nocs it was mdn)and she made me feel soooooooo bad. She said I've been here since 1830 and nobody has been in to see me. I found that hard to believe because my CNA had been in their. I asked her if she turned her light on when she needed something and she said yes and that nobody came in. Highly doubtfull. Anyways she just kept taking jabs at me saying "Oh I could be sitting at home right now if I knew this was the type of service I would be getting." Type of service EXCUSE ME. I did apologize to her but she would not hear of it. Anyways she just kept jabbing and jabbing at me and I finally couldn't take it anymore I left the room in tears and had another nurse take over for me because I absolutly was not going back in that room. That was probably my worst pt encounter.

OMG! I'm so sorry that happened to you! Why do people think they deserve some "type of service" while being hospitalized? The hospital's job is to KEEP YOU ALIVE AND BREATHING while you are there. I understand they are sick and all, and I'll try my best to make them as comfortable as possible while they are there, but I don't think "service" should even be in their vocabulary. This is a hospital, not a hotel or a resturant.

I worked for a major telecommunications company prior to switching to nursing and I've been talked to all kinda ways (over the phone), but I won't stand for it face to face in nursing.

When will people understand that healthcare is DIFFERENT than going to a resturant?

you just gave a good discription one of the reasons why this 60 year old granny nurse is sitting at home watching soap operas and eating brownies. if this was the only complaint i would still be in there slugging it out. however, it is only one of the problems, there are 999 others and all you have to do is keep reading all the threads on this site to find out what they are, be my guest. you have my sympathy but not my two hands and my back. no you are not alone.

amen and pass the wine!!!! i am totally with you and people ,who don't nurse, ask me, a smart experienced nurse, why i quit at such a young age (59)! i just could not deal with "it" anymore...enough was enough.

during the last years of my "service", i did notice that patients were becoming more and more demanding and helpless. along with this, i was getting bigger patient loads and less help. and management is wondering why nurses are leaving the profession.:smackingf:deadhorse

Specializes in Corrections, Cardiac, Hospice.

Unfortunately, this service type of thinking is encouraged by our administrations. "Come to our hospital, we will make sure your stay with us includes rainbows and leprechons in every room":barf02:Then, ofcourse, reinforced by the lovely trial lawyers. I have actually had patients say, if you don't do ____, I will call my attorney. To which I reply with my sweetest smile, would you like my house or car payment, because that is all I own, ROFL.:smokin::smackingf

THEN! To top it all off, they get those nice little surveys after they go home from our administraton where they get a chance to blast the nurses. "It took them 30 minutes to answer my call light." Never mind there was a code going on in the room 2 doors down they knew nothing about.:rolleyes:

Specializes in ob/gyn med /surg.

these type of people are so ungrateful.. and they monopolize your whole day.. i had a lady screaming nurse nurse and i went in the room and said " there are other patients on this floor and you are keeping them awake" i told her people are sick and trying to rest and you need to use your call light" she pushed her call light and waited about 2 minutes then started screaming.. when i went in the room she said " i pushed the call light and you don't come fast enough" mind you she was 42 alert and oriented in for pancreatitis and wanted her dilauded.. which was way to early anyway.. i said to her " i have 6 patients and i was with another patient you have to wait until i get here" she said " you are here for me and i should be treated as if i was the only patient" she went onto tell me "that she cares nothing for the other people and she is the most important" she went onto tell me she pays my wages and nurses have no right to even mention that theye have others because it demeans her and i should just do my job" i had that woamn all 3 days of my shift , she was rude, and she compalined about everything... every dog has their day and she will have hers... karma is a nasty thing

From what I've read here based on surveys, focus on customer service, etc. the bigger question is why wouldn't ALL patients think it was a Holiday Inn. That's how many hospitals portray themselves these days so patients think they are at the spa being waited on versus being treated for illness by medical professionals. Many look upon staff as maids, cooks, servants, waitresses, etc. Shame.

Unfortunately, this service type of thinking is encouraged by our administrations. "Come to our hospital, we will make sure your stay with us includes rainbows and leprechons in every room":barf02:Then, ofcourse, reinforced by the lovely trial lawyers. I have actually had patients say, if you don't do ____, I will call my attorney. To which I reply with my sweetest smile, would you like my house or car payment, because that is all I own, ROFL.:smokin::smackingf

THEN! To top it all off, they get those nice little surveys after they go home from our administraton where they get a chance to blast the nurses. "It took them 30 minutes to answer my call light." Never mind there was a code going on in the room 2 doors down they knew nothing about.:rolleyes:

One of my favorite times at work was: one day this one patient was causing holy havoc with the staff and could not be satisfied. So, I answered her light the next time, did what she requested, then asked if there was anything else I could do. "Yes, I would like to speak with the supervisor to complain about the lousy care I have been gettin". I smiled and said, "YOU ARE SPEAKING TO HER" You could have heard a pin drop. Sometimes, you just have one of those moments!:lol2:

From what I've read here based on surveys, focus on customer service, etc. the bigger question is why wouldn't ALL patients think it was a Holiday Inn. That's how many hospitals portray themselves these days so patients think they are at the spa being waited on versus being treated for illness by medical professionals. Many look upon staff as maids, cooks, servants, waitresses, etc. Shame.

Funny you said that because I had another pt that same day who had a request to "wash her hair" although her husband washed it the day before. Her husband also brought up her make up kit, which included face creme (she was 81 years old) and Red Door perfume because he wanted her to "smell good".

I had no problem using the foamy all purpose to wash her hair, but I made it clear, by no means, am I a hairdresser, and she is not at the spa.

I gave in to this pt because she was nice, and she didnt require alot of "unnecessary demands", plus I had time and it was time to give her a bath anyway. She really appericated it and gave me a compliment to the nurse and her husband told the Charge Nurse I took very good care of his wife.

These are the type of pts that make it all worth while.

UGH! This is my first vent since I've become a Nurse Intern II while attending nursing school.

I worked over the w/e and had a pt who was extremely large (well over 300 lbs), came in with UTI and A-fib and was incontient. This woman literally drove me to nuts the entire 12 hours I worked her floor.

For starters, for some strange reason, she couldnt lift her index finger to push the call light that was LITERALLY an inch from her finger so she would yell to the top of her lungs, NURSE, NURSE whenever I walked by. I would go into her room and asked her why she felt the need to yell and not use her call light and she said she "couldnt raise her hand" to reach it, (although she could have pressed the call button on the side of the bed rail near her arm). So I ask her what I can help her with and she wanted me to (get this) close her miniblinds. I closed the miniblinds and she said, "the light is still in my eyes, can you move my bed to get the glare out of my eyes since the blinds won't close any further?" This woman is hooked up to 2 L of O2 so I told her there is no way to "move her bed" to the opposite side of the room because of the window, I told her I can turn out all the lights and close the door to see if that would help. She says, "can you put a cover over the window?" I told her no and told her if she needed anything else, to lift her finger and use the call light on the side of the bed. I even put the call light box right on her chest (within arms reach) to use it.

Why no more than 30 seconds later (literally), she is SCREAMING NURSE again? I run into her room and ask her what I can do for her, and she says (get this) Can you move my cup closer to the edge of the table so I can use the straw to drink it? She was USING her hands to eat breakfast, but couldnt use her index FINGER to press the call light.

Then the kicker, I leaves her room (after pulling her cup literally a half inch further than it was on the table) and she is SCREAMING nurse again and this time, she managed to pull out her IV and there was blood everywhere. So, I had to do a linen change (while she was in the bed, as well as clean her up and put on a new gown). The nurse had to start a new IV in which she CRIED, MOAN and complained the entire time. When I put on her grown, she couldnt lift her arms up to put them in the sleeves so I had to pull the gown over her arms, in which she complained I was "hurting" her and she needed a pain pill.

Fastfoward, to an hour later, she is constantly on her call light for little things, like "can you make me some ice tea? can you turn me to the right side? can you turn the channel on the TV?", etc. I ended up putting her on the bed pan and she would ring the light literally as soon as I walked out of the room and to say she "thinks" she is finished pooping and when I go to remove the bed pan, she "squirts" diarrehea all over the damn place, including on my sleeve. NOTHING is in the bed pan. It took 2 nurses and myself to clean her up, and this happened 4 times over the course of 12 hours. Due to her hemmroids, the nurse didnt think she would be benefit from a rectal tube.

Meanwhile, while I'm spending all this time in this pt's room, there is a little ole lady two doors down that is Influenza type A, incontient, and NEVER rings her call light for anything, and I feel bad because I know she's in need of a bath, change, and linen change and I'm wasting all my time in this pt's room who thinks she is in a Holiday Inn Express!

And her family members are just as bad! They literally hunted the nurse down to say that "my sister wants her food cut up because she can't cut it herself because her hands hurt", although her "sister" was eating just fine with BOTH her hands before she got there.

Sorry so long. I just don't get why people don't understand they are in a HOSPITAL and not a HOTEL! We are not room service there to serve your every demanding comand.

Am I alone in feeling like this?

Now you know why this lady weighs 300 pounds. She never moves!

Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN

Spokane, Washington

Specializes in CNA, Surgical, Pediatrics, SDS, ER.

One of my favorite times at work was: one day this one patient was causing holy havoc with the staff and could not be satisfied. So, I answered her light the next time, did what she requested, then asked if there was anything else I could do. "Yes, I would like to speak with the supervisor to complain about the lousy care I have been gettin". I smiled and said, "YOU ARE SPEAKING TO HER" You could have heard a pin drop. Sometimes, you just have one of those moments!:lol2:

I would have loved to see the look on her face. That's great.

People these days need an attitude adjustment. I could never imagine treating another person the way some of them treat us. We should have a pamphlet on "How You Should Treat Your Nurse During Your Stay."

Specializes in FNP, Peds, Epilepsy, Mgt., Occ. Ed.
i said to her " i have 6 patients and i was with another patient you have to wait until i get here" she said " you are here for me and i should be treated as if i was the only patient" she went onto tell me "that she cares nothing for the other people and she is the most important" she went onto tell me she pays my wages and nurses have no right to even mention that theye have others because it demeans her and i should just do my job"

Well, Kizzy, I think she told the absolute honest-to-God truth that time!

My younger son was a scheduled C-section. I was in the process of getting my epidural put in when people suddenly started running around like mad. The anesthesiologist finished with me and one of the nurses came over and told me that she was sorry but my section would be delayed; my doc had another patient in labor and her baby had a sudden drop in heart rate and they couldn't get it back up and so she was going for an emergency section. (This was pre-HIPPA). Several times in the next hour or so people kept coming by apologizing.

I kept telling them no problem, don't worry about it, my baby is fine, get that one taken care of. I was even comfortable since I had a foley and an epidural and couldn't feel my bladder!! (First time in 9 months I hadn't needed to "go" every few minutes!)

I just can't fathom not feeling that way. I understand it's difficult to wait if you're in pain or whatever, but I can't imagine acting like that unless I thought I was actively dying!

The emergency section turned out to be an abruption but the outcome was positive. My baby, BTW, turned 18 not long ago!

There are a lot of selfish people in this world who think that they're entitled to act the way they do. Is there any way to set limits on her behavior, or talk to her about it?

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