Where do you LIKE to float to?

Nurses Announcements Archive


Specializes in ICU, nutrition.

I did a search and I couldn't find a thread on this subject. Is there an area/floor that you LIKE to float to (occasionally, not every week) or do you only like your home unit?

I work in ICU, and I floated to psych last night. It was an interesting change of pace, and I had a good time. I had forgotten what it was like to give multiple meds to 8 patients all due at the same time! I would definitely take the pull again.

On the other hand, our tele unit is the trenches, and when I notice my name is climbing up the pull list, I pray they won't pull me there.

When I did adult ICU, I would volunteer to float to the burn unit. But could really only handle it once a month.

I hate floating and don't have to anymore. We don't float after 8 years. My hospital couldn't care less if you are qualified or not. As long as they can say they had x number of staff that is all the are worried about. Fortunatley, I am union so we have float districts so we sort of stay within our specialties.

Really enjoy floating off to sleep ;)

Would be willing to be trained on one other floor and then floated there as needed, but nnooooooo, off to umpteen floors of 5 different hospitals with no orientation or floor-specific competencies or consideration whatsoever -- NO MORE. Too dangerous for patients and staff.

A life of only root beer floats is so much more pleasant!

Don't like forced floating. Period.

Originally posted by susanmary

Don't like forced floating. Period.


No float is a good float!


Actually Heather, the only good float is a root beer float (ok ok maybe a coke float.) :chuckle

Or the inflatable kind, in a big pool, with a ice cold drink in my hand...


I would like to "float" into the arms of George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Jude Law - the list is endless.........

On my busy days -- especially 12 hour shifts, feel as if I'm going to float away................

Where to float to? Mmmmmm well it's winter here so I'm thinking THREDBO!!! I love it when the snow is just starting and the fire is nice and cozy.......Floating to Thredbo thats my choice...


NOWHERE.........I HATE FLOATING!!! But fortunately now that I work in the ER we don't ever have to float anywhere.

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