we've been having heated - but not yet angry - discussions

Nurses General Nursing


regarding the provision of medical services to undocumented residents - illegal aliens. As students, we've had the opportunity this semester to have clinical experiences that include being with community nurses as they make well-baby visits to the new parents. Seems as if we've all noticed a vast percentage have been to undocumented families.

We're a divided bunch. Some of us can't afford insurance while in school and yet see these families recieving services that they can't get. We've discussed the morals of providing health care to all/any who are in need. The ever-present problems of limited budgeting. Today it was mentioned about the helicopter crash this weekend in Texas. An undocumented mother and her ill child were being flown somewhere for treatment when the helicopter went down. Pilot, mother, baby died. The nurse was critically injured.

A long-time L&D nurse at one of the local hospitals commented when I asked her what her thoughts were (she has some interesting experiences as a Peace Corp nurse in South America, a more global view of nursing than is usually seen here in the midwest) "Well, I've never had to do a drug test on an Hispanic mother, I've never had to call in family services for suspected abuse. I have done these many, many times for 'our own white trailer trash' American residents." She'd rather see the young families have a chance at a healthy start.

It's a puzzlement to me. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Much of my concern is linked to budget. I just see a greater and greater drain on an extremely overtaxed system already. If we have to limit our services - should not our own citizens recieve the first services available?

arghhhhhhhhhhhhh - these ethical discussions make my head spin sometimes. I think I know what I believe and then someone makes a good point and I have to reconsider what I have already concluded to be true.

I feel like Eeyore.... think, think, think, think, think

I thought you said you were getting assistance?

Personally I am not comfortable making the decisions about who has a harder life or who is more deserving of care. You already know someone is going to criticize you for having a child or seeking assistance or having internet access. Then they'll criticize your grocery choices or the fact that you have a car or nice shoes or whatever... It just gets to be too much for me to worry about.

. What I THINK in my mind would have nothing to do with the care I provided.

No personal attack intended, it's what's in your mind, and in the minds of many others on this post who scare me. If it bothers you, and it is a mental note dominating your thoughts regarding "illegals", I am not so sure that it will take much to act out your thoughts on some undeserving soul. Change your thoughts, and you can positively change your life. There is an overwhelming sense of resentments on many of these posts, and some of us are aware that resentments can kill...resentments towards others only leads to bad actions; this is not what nursing is all about.

All folks should be cared for. How ever before we start the non essential / non -emergency care to the undocumented illegals, refugees and those brought in by such groups as Hispanics United and Catholic Charities, LETS TAKE CARE OF THE LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST. If health care costs are such a burden it is time to plug the holes. Do you realize the these undocumented persons and illegals can get health care that your elderly / infirmed parents and grand parents cannot get because their insurance, Midicare/Medicaid will NOT pay for??? As an RN I have and always will care for to the best of my ability those who come through my door. But, " It is time for a dose of reality, I will write the script."

Specializes in cardiac, diabetes, OB/GYN.

Alnamvet, if you intend no personal attack, why are you sending them out left and right. First of all, YOU infuriate me. I am and have always supported myself. You don't know me. As an American I feel absolutely NO need or reason to support those people who illegally enter here and avail themselves of services for free that should be afforded to Americans, if they are so available. Do not lecture me dear.. I said, as I recall, how I personally felt. I made no judgements against anyone. Your defensiveness is getting in the way of your objectiveness...

When I was a single mom long ago, not by choice by the way, I was at an office not at all proudly inquiring about some possible intervention in the way of a payment plan regarding my heating bill, which, for someone making not much over the minimum wage as nurses did then, I could not send in totally month to month. I worked full time, shared a twin bed with my then 17 month old son, and ate macaroni and cheese for months at a time, sometimes enhanced with ketchup just to get past the day to day boredom and feeling sick to my stomach at having to eat it again, so he could eat nutritiously, have diapers, medical services and the like. While seated at the office inquiring that, next to a pregnant 17 year old girl who received, unlike me, transportation, food stamps, a section 8 apartment with heat and no bills for utilities along with infant and self medical services far superior than my own, I was turned down because "you are a nurse and we expect you to provide those services for yourself." Basically, see ya...The teenager smirked. She felt entitiled. She should have..It isn't about the basic American trying to improve. I did. I have...I have nothing personal against people needing help, but don't you ever lecture people unless educated and do try to be less ignorant. An opinion, such as you THINK you offerred, is not an opinion if you defensively foist it on someone..It is then merely a written apraisal of your unfortunate ignorance..I am not against services when they are sufficiently and fairly or appropriately rendered, but it should not be a blanket deal and these "illegals" should attempt to come over the proper way, through channels...Once here, support your own family to the best of your ability without handouts, as I did...As you perhaps do....And making fun of "AMERIKENS" doesn't seem to me, to be very American....I think everyone here does and should have his or own opinion and experience.....I didn't attempt to force mine upon you so do not attempt to foist yours upon me...In a war of words on the subject, believe me, I will win, hands down.

I am less interested in winning or losing a war of words than I am in providing some solutions to the problem...Lets agree to disagree....

I have a dream too...that all the stinkin' thinkin' that IS nursing, be replaced by nurses who are color blind, culturally adept, viewing people as humans, and not a drain on their so called way of life...nurses who do not discriminate and make commentary regarding those who are less fortunate and disenfranchised...nurses who can band together as brothers and sisters, and nurses who realize they are here today because of the luck of the draw...that illegals today are no different than the immigrants of a few hundred years ago; I cannot help smell the stench of ethnocentrism in a lot of these posts.

We all are certainly entitled to our opinions..... try a little vicks under your nose for the stench...... or inhale deeply... your choice

Specializes in Inpatient Acute Rehab.
Oh i've seen them abuse their children! Just last week has to call CPS due to a 2 year old with a spiral fracture of the femur. They delayed bringing him to the ER for 24 hours also! Get your heads out of the sand people if you think they are without faults.

I wasn't saying that there isn't child abuse. What was intended was that the incidence is lower, at least in the area that I am in.

And as far as our heads in the sand, do you really feel that was necessary??? That is almost as bad as the need to name call.

I believe it can be discussed rationally without all that.

I wasn't saying that there isn't child abuse. What was intended was that the incidence is lower, at least in the area that I am in.

And as far as our heads in the sand, do you really feel that was necessary??? That is almost as bad as the need to name call.

I believe it can be discussed rationally without all that.

In Central California, Fresno area, we have an enormous population of Hispanics, both legal and illegal since we are an agricultural city. The incidence is certainly not lower than the non-hispanic population here. After daily reading of our local newspaper, the incidents involving any kind of crime is higher for Hispanic and Hmongs than any others.

If you lived in an area populated like mine, you might see the abuse more firsthand and better understand where some of us are coming from.

In Central California, Fresno area, we have an enormous population of Hispanics, both legal and illegal since we are an agricultural city. The incidence is certainly not lower than the non-hispanic population here. After daily reading of our local newspaper, the incidents involving any kind of crime is higher for Hispanic and Hmongs than any others.

If you lived in an area populated like mine, you might see the abuse more firsthand and better understand where some of us are coming from.

Not endorsing any namecalling.... just saying that abuse does happen in the population more than what was being quoted.

No....you are an RN, and you should support yourself accordingly. You SHOULD be making a decent salary, YOU should be paying taxes, YOU should be able to get a fair percentage of those taxes paid in the way of a refund, AND, if you have children, I expect that you have the health insurance that any responsible, and fiscally able parent should have. ILLEGALS, as many would like to call them (Human beings in my culture), DON't benefit from good salaries, health benefits, nor do they get a fair share of taxes back via the IRS. Most employers (read 21st century slave masters) who USE AND ABUSE "illegals" do take taxes out, and the so-called "illegal" has no way of knowing or defending against such felonious behaviours. "ILLEGALS" DON'T file income tax returns to recoup that which has been stolen from them, 'cause they ain't got a stinkin' SS card. So be gratefull that you can afford the basics, and perhaps a little extra..."ILLEGAL's can barely afford to work, let alone try to support families back home...YES, most "illegals" support families back home, with what's left of a miserable inciome after some "patriotic

Amerikan" has exacted his due. What you all forget is that "illegals" will not be found at the welfare office...just plain 'ol honest to goodness amerikans. :angryfire

you are so wrong they are ILLEGAL A L I E N S!! :angryfire

You are SSSOOOOOOOO wrong... you bet your A** they are in the welfare offices..... as soon as the ILLEGAL ALIEN foot lands my MY precious soil they flatten out on thier backs and create a child THAT I END UP PAYING FOR!!!

You want to get rude and crude about this... come on ...

Let's drive a wagin down thru town and scrape their little wetbacks off the street and drag them to the border....


Let's drive a wagin down thru town and scrape their little wetbacks off the street and drag them to the border....


Now don't be shy, let us know how you really feel.

Now don't be shy, let us know how you really feel.

That comment is in response to alnamvet's commentary.....

If he wants to play the game ... then fine.... I prefer not to - don't edit the post..... put his part in here to

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

That's similar to cutting the nose off to spite the face.

(IOW, pointless)

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