very very very bad bad man

Nurses General Nursing


My LTC facility has just recently been comandeered by the devil himeslef :rolleyes: actually just a guy who only has business experience and not a shred of nursing. The guy supplies us with "excatly" the right amount of incontinent products for each shift, basically if someone gets the craps it is all over litterally, also we can only change the residents once at the start of the shift so that we aren't using too much products there was onlyone box of gloves on our care cart today size large. also we have to wear these stupid name tags that have really sharp edges and can actually cause cuts.

#1 well i would hope so sheesh...but how is sitting in s*** better than sitting in urine

#2 can we say BACTERIAL GROWTH

#3 can we say CONFLICT OF INTEREST...see if your facilities have rules about family members being directly over each other

#4 sounds a little like a spoiled mammas boy to not surprising

#5 ever considered moving???? haha...just a joke:rotfl:

She is not his MIL YET. But I think that the way it works is that she owns the building and He is the Owner of the nursing contract.

Yeah no kidding about the bacterial growth. we have one lady that doesnt void much so she by the new rules won't be changed all day. For example:

we get a person up in the AM and give them a new brief of liner if they meet the criteria of needing to be changed. then they are supposed to be changed only when they meet the new policy on changes.

before we would chnge them in the A.M. and then every time they voided thereafter even if they weren't soaked, as well as gave peri care then too.

now we have to wait until they are completely soaked and with some residents that could take all day long

Report this to the BON and hit the road jack! You don't want to the get caught up in a lawsuit.

Wow! This brings back memories! Before I went to nursing school I worked as a aide. We never had enough clean linen at night. What we used to do was take the wet gowns during our first round of the night and drape them over a chair in the room so the pee on them would dry. Once dry, we would use them the next time that particular patient was wet. We tried to figure out how to use every inch of the dry linens so the wet parts weren't against the patient's skin. It sure encouraged us to try to toilet the patients before they were incontinent! When we got to know the patients, we knew which ones we could wake gently and ask if they needed to go to the bathroom and then we would either transfer them by W/C or ambulate them to the toilet. It also gave us a chance to get some fluids down them before we tucked them back in to bed. We didn't have rubber gloves at all. We washed our hands very thoroughly between patients. My hands were always red and sore. We cleaned poop up with warm, wet washcloths or towels, or a clean corner of the soiled gown. That was how we protected our hands. We just had to learn to be creative. If we made sure to apply lotion or Desitin to a patient's butt after each round, the poop would usually slide off their skin and clean up much easier in a lot of cases. Because we were always out of lotion or we weren't allowed to charge it to some patients I used to come to work with my own bottle of Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion and Desitin. I had a little plastic basket I carried with me--people laughed or criticized me for buying my own, but I got the job done for my patients. People would also try to commandeer my supply of stuff when I wasn't looking! They were too cheap to buy their own.

If I were in the OPs position I would just buy my own box of gloves for my own use and keep it locked in my medicine cart during my shift. I would probably also find ways to stash supplies so I would have the most important things when I needed them. There are always nooks and crannies in nursing homes that nobody ever goes into for years at a time.

Yeah we use washcloths too.

we have diffrent coloured ones for peri and face

I live in canada lawsuits are just crap here

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

"If I were in the OPs position I would just buy my own box of gloves for my own use and keep it locked in my medicine cart during my shift. I would probably also find ways to stash supplies so I would have the most important things when I needed them. There are always nooks and crannies in nursing homes that nobody ever goes into for years at a time.

Please do NOT do this. It just perpetuates the problem. What you have described is unacceptable and a violation of human rights. This must be reported to what ever governing authority is applicable. Please, please do not stand by and allow this to happen. If he get's away with it then others will try.

Spill some water on his nice comfy chair and leave a note telling him to sit in his own pee all day.

Seriously, this needs to be reported. I can't beleive no family members are raising a stink.

Oh my goodness it sounds like the female owner, DON, of an aged care facility I worked in:( This so called Christian woman has no conscience I am sure. I wouldnt put my enemy in that nursing home and the linen I wouldnt use for my dog!. Those poor, poor people. Very cruel:scrying:

Yeah apparently we are using the products how they were ment to be used.

1 change if BM has occured

2 change if there is 2inches or less of the yellow wetness indicator lines are left

3 give peri care at each change

You know the continence people that come to teach the staff in the aged care facility I used to work at say the same thing and the owner went and bought liners incase there was any faecal smearing on the pads so they didnt have to be changed!!! How can they get away with that? I used to change the pads anyway and all the regulars were like "OOOOHHHH You cant do that!!" WANT A BET??? My conscience wouldnt let a person sit in that for hours at a time. The whole thing makes me so angry:angryfire How dare they just because those poor people cant speak up for themselves!!:crying2:

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Your boss is terrible. I would look for a job elsewhere if things don't improve Good luck

One box of gloves may be in conflict with health codes. Report it to the state who will do an investigation. Don't have to give your name, the state is obligated to make an investigation (show up) within a week to check out the claim.

Specializes in Hospice Palliative Care.

I am not sure which province you are in, and I assume that this must be a private facillity, but this should definitly NOT be happening anywhere. I would go above your boss's boss. If there is no one else go to your local health authority, or MLA, as I know that LTC in my provience gets funding from the health authority of hospital region. Tell them that you will be going to the media if you do not get any help dealing with this.

Hope this can be resolved and if not start looking for another job.

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTC.

Does your facility have a union contract? If it doesn't I would get out and go and find a job that is under the provincial contract, not a private one. Under a provincial one there usually are remedies, especially for health and safety of your residents where the complaint is lodged with the union and goes right up to the authorities at the top. It sounds as if you don't have these avenues and so the previous OP had the best solution: MEDIA.

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