Some parents amaze me

Nurses General Nursing


Some parents absoulutely amaze me. Not really, just how stupid and petty and vindictive can they be. Case in point.

Parents of a 3 yo child. Bring that cute little child in for swallowing a quarter. Xray shows the quarter in the stomach. GI and the Endo lab come in. Off to endo lab. Sedated child, scoped and removed quarter. No big deal ehh. All is well. They put the quarter in a specimen jar and give it back to the parents. A souvenir I guess.

The parents in their alledged wisdom discuss with the child about swallowing foriegn objects. Wasnt foriegn though, it was an American Quarter.

The parents show the child the quarter, and let the child handle it. Yes it happened. The child immediately put it back in the mouth and promptly swallowed it.

Moral of the story

some people should not be parents.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
Not where I live. My father in law is head injured and has left sided hemiparalysis. Im just about sure we're going to drop him off at the door. We have a handicapped pass on the car we use to drive him in, he would be a danger to society to drive himself.

Sometimes you can't take a whole crew along with you to take the disabled person into the doctor's. I often have to take him to appointments........along with my 3 small children. I suppose I should park at the back of the lot since I'm not disabled myself.......geez louise, give me a break.

Leaving a disabled person, ALONE, at the entrance of wherever you're going is just a disaster waiting to happen.

Ive been to Universal studios and Disney World in Orlando this past week. And it amazed the number of people who in small groups would rent wheel chairs and take time pushing each other around so they can take advantage of the Handicapped line rather than pay for an express pass. That is so unfair to all. And a disservice and disrespect to those with handicaps.

Specializes in Neuro/Med-Surg/Oncology.



You can bet I'm a believer in karma. They'll get theirs one day.

Ive been to Universal studios and Disney World in Orlando this past week. And it amazed the number of people who in small groups would rent wheel chairs and take time pushing each other around so they can take advantage of the Handicapped line rather than pay for an express pass. That is so unfair to all. And a disservice and disrespect to those with handicaps.

That really is unfair. I wonder how many people who really needed the wheelchairs didn't get one because of the lazy people taking them.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

Had a grandmother tell me I left something yellow in the IV. Explained it was the hub color to indicate size of catheter. Then she wanted to know if I would give the kid IV Tylenol (??) instead of waking him up every 4 hours to get his temp. He had meningitis and I was 'bothering" him. Wanted to ask her to take him to motel and bring him back after 0800, but of course his 104 temp precluded that!!!

Once had a mother who wanted her 3 year old to have an IV so she wouldn't feel hungry anymore. No matter how I tried to tell mother that wouldn't fix the hungry thing, she just couldn't get it. Stormed out of the ER yelling and screaming.

oh if this could only be true!!! LOL. my boys are eating so much lately its breaking me- IVs would be cheaper roflamo.

:angryfire I have seen that so often! Clueless parents drive me nuts...

I also love the folks who bring the 7 yr old to an "R" rated movie...what could they possibly be thinking...*sigh*

when my kids were little we watched movies rtaed "r" ( depending on movie- id say mild "r" back then as now they would be pg or even g lol) - i one time took my 12 yr old son and nephew and a buddy ( with thier parents permission) to an "r" rated movie- they werent gonna let us in - i had forgotten my ID and they did notbelieve that this 5 ft 90 pound "kid" was mom to any one of these 6 ft 130 +pound young men - LOLOL after overhearing my son say its ok mom well just see...... - the guy let us in- it was to stupid of a story to NOT believe he said. sorry - its just one of my memorable moments that my son will never let me live down now that i no longer look "young" hahaha. ( so he says even though the people at the base were sure i was his wife when he came back from iraq- hahahah he was so embarrassed - me - i just said umm yeah thanks but im not a cradle robber hahaha. )

movies have really changed over the last 20 yrs though - i wuoldnt take my now 9 and 11 yr old to an "r" rated these days. no way no how. i dont even let em watch half the PG on tv due to the sex mostly - gore can be discussed easier lol -

That is actually kind of funny . . . (the quarter I mean).

The other stories are not.

We usually let coins pass on their own.

My own dd, as a toddler, picked up a box of staples from my desk and put some in her mouth and started chewing . .. I didn't notice because I was reading. When I did notice, I swept her mouth but she started gagging. I hurried her to the ER, one mile away. The xray showed one staple in her tummy. The doc let it pass on it's own. I found it the next day in her diaper.

I could tell so many stories about mishaps my kids have gotten into . . . . . doesn't make me a bad parent. Just makes my kids normal.

I too hate seeing kids up late . . and it is always places like WalMart. And the parents who get mad when their kids are tired . . .makes me scared for them because I always think, if the parents are that bad in public, they must be worse in private.

We had a couple of kids in our ER, whose mom was seen KICKING her little 3 year old in the WalMart parking lot and fortunately someone called the police. Poor little thing - angelic looking, blonde curls, big blue eyes, very quiet and clingy to her nurse.

I'm getting mad . . better quit. :angryfire


my nephew di the quarter thing- back then i was a horrible person lol - i had him all excited telling him he'd get MORE money cause he would get change lOLOL> his mom was kinda mad- i thought it was funny at the time lol.

And then they wonder why their kids act the way they do.

I rarely go to the child psychiatric unit, but my techs often do, and they have told some real horror stories about the way some of those parents talk to their kids. :angryfire

I know a family who have been permanently banned from several restaurants in our town because of the way their kids act. Kids running around the restaurant, playing tag and running into people, will get you kicked out once, but grabbing food off other people's plates and throwing it at them? Yep, don't come back. The 9-year-old boy cuts himself. The 6-year-old girl hides large amounts of junk food in her room, wakes up late at night, eats it all, then goes to the bathroom and throws it up. :eek:

The mom once told me that she had all her son's books and toys "in their place" and she had to replace them at least a dozen times a day, saying, "My son puts his things away wrong because I'm a bad mother and he doesn't love me." When I told my brother, whose two daughters are about the age of these kids, about the binging and purging, he said, "Hmmmm, I wonder who taught her how to do that?" I have wondered the same thing about the mom.

Someone on another non-medical board asked me why child protective services wasn't involved with this family, and I replied, "They will never open a file on a family with an annual income approaching $300,000 a year." True.

actually they have to - they may close it very quickly without much investigating but once reported in writing they have only so much time to report back. i strongly suggest to make a written complain. however - on another note- i can feel for this mom having a son out of control and it is quite a deal to even take em out - but then they dont go out without proper ability to restrain nd get them out of the place ( ie someone bigger and faster than me to catch them and drag em out lol) - however the woman may not be aware the kid needs help. she sounds like me much to my shame saying i was a "bad mom" ( i even took many parenting classes and had kid and myself in counseling etc) - until social services got involved and they really helped to make me see it wasn't JUST me ( there is always a parenting aspect in any misbehavior - however it is not always JUST the parenting )

anyhow- this mom may very well be helped as well as the kids to have social workers notified. we are legally bound to report anything we feel is abusive- i would encourage you to make the tip and pray they get the help they need. i for one who had it happen am ever so grateful i was reported "for bad parenting" - it was found i am not - i was doing all i could to make things go better and they gave me further help with my son. it was embarrassing and i was angry for whoever reported me but hindsight i am very grateful now cause my son has made great progress and so have i :)

i wish someone had done it for my daughter - the school put her on an "abuse watchlist" ( and let me tell you we had words as i know there is no such thing as a watchlist - you eiter suspect or not and report if so) - anyhow- my daughter got to the point of carving and has permanent scars that will never ever go away because they let it get so bad before notifying anyone. ( matter of fact it was a gradeschool counselar who against the schools wishes because they suspected we were absuining her? - notified me of it - and she was in jr high. the gradeschool counselar whod worked with my daughter for yrs knew we wernt abusing her- knew of her emotional problems and thank god even though she has scars she never go to the point she hurt herself to bad shed had died - my point - always report suspected abuse / neglect - any good parent - even though they will get mad will not hold a grudge as they will understand that thier chiild was being looked after. )

I have seen some nearly intolerable things, why do they seem to always happen at Wal-Mart. One thing that happened a few weeks ago that I actually went to the mother and removed the kid and called the cops, which I normally wouldn't do but this is what happened....

I was in the Christmas aisle looking around with my hubby. I noticed a cart go by, I had to scoot my cart over, with a little, maybe 2 at the most, curly haired little girl. She was being allowed to stand in the front of the cart ( I won't even get into this). Mom turned to look at the aisle behind her and I was about 5-6 feet from the little girl when in slow motion the little tyke reaches for a stocking on the shelf and falls out (head first) onto the floor. I jumped and went to her and by the time I was there her mom in a LOUD voice started screaming, "Why the hell did you do that" while shaking the little girl who had just hit head first onto the concrete floor. I pulled out my cell and told my hubby to call the cops and I pulled the little girl from the mom (Probably not the wisest but I am a mom and the only thing I could think to do was hold the little girl and make sure she wasn't bleeding). The mother was screaming at me and the little girl for being a Dumb Sh** and falling out. I just sat their rocking the little girl til security came, paramedics and cops. I was so angry I was shaking all over and crying myself because I was so furious with this person (used very loosely). I don't know what ended up happening but I hope they arrested her orifice.

in this instanc you did the right thing - proud of you

And then they encourage their kids to act up in school, or act like they are retarded, so they can get SSI for them.


People like this are why SSI has a bad reputation.

i am sure there are people who try do this- and i know of teachers who dont want to deal with a kid who may need extra attention push parents to get kids on meds to "calm them down" - this is a big thing happening that i have seen a lot - labeling kids with adhd and expecting them to be doped up sp they dont have to deal with it.

- however - it is NOT easy to get a kid on SSI just because they act up at school. there is a whole lot of Dr's and psychologists and social workers involved to be sure the kids are actually with medically induced emotional disorders / difficulties - not just parental disinvolvement/ poor parenting etc. . not to mention one must have this behavior for at LEAST a whole yr and the doc visits and parenting classes and behavior modification programs tried and other interventions like diet changes and stuff. they must also have this stuff happening in other areas as well not just home and school ( so it is harder when say a stay at home mom where they dont go to daycare or other areas to be evaluated.) all that for one yr and all such visits need to be documented very well. unless they have a whole lot of friends like docs, psychologists and counselors that will lie - it is unlikely they would get ssi if thier child is NOT in real need of the help. this is all before getting even close to applying for ssi. one reason being kids can act and lie for a while but most will get caught in that yr if they are older and if the y try and all if they are young will get busted lying. also most people get turned down at least once and ssi WILL get thier docs to assess and see what needs are there if any. they also check every yr that followup and further working with the child in the best attempt they can to help them change and get off the ssi. if a parent is not doing anything ( doctors, psychologists, etc) to help that child they will take them off the ssi in a heartbeat. just my opinion from what i have experienced myself- cant speak for others- sorry if anyone is offended. but i felt this post made ssi look like idiots by allowing parents to do this and this is not what i have seen. ssi isn't the one with the bad reputation- its the parents who try to do this. and they are only gonna embarrass themselves when they get turned down over and over because they have no proof and will not keep up with consistent utilization of help like parenting resources and psychologists etc. many blessings all.

I once had a mother bring her three kids to the ER to have their mosquito bites counted and measured. Mom and dad are divorced and dad took them camping...they got a few mosquito bites. They also got a few bruises and scratches, so we measured those too. Yes, dad should have made sure they were using mosquito repellent, but bringing them to the ER was pretty over the top.

Sounds like something my ex-dil might pull. She's a real winner, let me tell you, and will dump the kids anywhere, so she can go party - and she's a long string of guys living with her since the divorce but that's OK, because it's HER doing it.

One time when my son had his kids, he and a female friend took the kids to McDonalds. The girl was holding a french fry for the youngest, who had a few teeth and was 'gumming' it. He loved it.

WELL! A couple of days later I got a call from the ex-dil's mother - they were all in a twit because this girl had let the baby suck on a french fry!! I asked her what the PROBLEM was - and the mother tells me that the salt on that fry might give the baby respiratory problems.

Well, I'd observed the ex-dil allowing the baby to suck on cheese puffs, what's the difference?

I told the ex-dil's mom that the salt might raise the baby's BP, but salt alone isn't going to give him asthma - and to stop calling ME with this stuff. Things like this go on every time my son starts to see someone.

She just called me the other day to tell me HER income tax return was being held up, and she's sure it must be something my son had done. What the??! I asked her why on earth she would call me about something like that - call your tax preparer.:bugeyes:

Whenever my son wants to vent to me about what an absolute IDIOT this gal is - I like to remind him that HE married her, much against our advice!!:nono:

I have a friend who constantly tells me that she thinks that not everyone is ready for parenthood, and when we identify them, we should immediately spay and neuter them.


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