RN with two jobs? One non nursing

Nurses General Nursing


Hey all!

I am a brand new nurse awaiting my new orientee schedule on a cardiac unit, (one that I have worked on for 3 years as a CNA). While working as a CNA I also kept my first ever job that I got in high school working at a clothing store (where I buy all my regular person clothes- because who doesn't love employee discounts?)

Since I've worked in the retail store since high school the staff has become so close with me- they were so supportive of me in nursing school and I couldn't ask for more from them! They offered me a few hours a week to work in the store, so I can keep my discount. Which I'd love, of course!

So now I'm curious how most RNs with a second job feel? Do you enjoy working two jobs or wish you hadn't made that commitment?

Nursing has always been my dream job, I can't be more grateful to be beginning my career as an RN. I just wanted to see if any other nurses have some words of wisdom on whether they think a second (low maintenance job) isn't too much!

thanks a bunch :)

Go ahead and keep the side job. The discount is always nice. And sometimes a second non nursing job can help decrease the burn out many nurses face. I have a friend who has been a nurse for years but maintains her job at a major department store for the discount and also for a break from nursing. If you feel it can easily be accommodated with your lifestyle and schedule then go for it😊

Specializes in Transitional Nursing.

Hell yea, keep it. Just use that money to buy clothes with your discount and add some nursing money to buy LOTS of clothes :-)

If it doesn't take away from valuable family time, or something equally important, I would keep the retail job. It sounds like you enjoy it, and they've been supportive and obviously like you.

Additionally, it will be a nice change of pace from your nursing position. Less stress, and you can shop for clothes! :yes:

No definitely keep it! I just started a new grad residency on a Tele floor myself and once off orientation will do PRN in LTC because I enjoyed it as an LPN. Plus I like the security of having a foot in two different job doors.

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