Real Nursing

Nursing interventions are created moments. To me, "real nursing" is a moment created to identify and intervene, to connect with a patient and influence that patient to modify behavior or an erroneous thought that holds them back from healing. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

It's one of the most satisfying activities that my job entails.

Last night, I noticed that an A-Fibber had refused Coumadin. That's bad, because A-Fibbers are at very high risk for stroke and MI, so anticoagulation is crucial to their therapy. I stopped what I was doing to talk to my patient about microemboli and how they form and what can happen. The patient was impressed. My explanation was clear and easy to grasp. I finished with, "Look, it's certainly your decision, but I just wanted you to know that without proper treatment, you're putting yourself at risk for a heart attack or a stroke."

The patient agreed to take her Coumadin.

Stuff like that is the stuff that we nurses are instrumental in delivering to our patients. Stuff like that can save lives by increasing or initiating compliance with treatment regimens. Stuff like that is the stuff that gets booted to the bottom of the priority list when we're engaged in passing pills, assessing, admitting and discharging patients.

The patients don't know what they're missing. But I am certain that because I took 15 minutes to develop a rapport with that patient, she will be compliant with the treatment and live many years with an intact brain and heart.

Those intangible interventions cannot be measured, they don't count when the staffing grid is being done, and they never appear on yearly evaluations. But you know and the patient knows that if not for that education, that concern, that time that you took to help the patient understand what was happening to her pathologically, she might not be alive in a year or two.

With that teaching, I saved a life and kept a family from grief just as surely as if I'd jumped on a dead patient's chest and did CPR.

But had that moment interfered with my charting, or had it put me behind in my tasks so that I clocked out a few minutes late, the significance of what I did for that patient would not have mattered--I would be labeled negatively by my boss and by my coworkers.

I stand by my choice and absolutely believe that my nursing skills in educating patients are as important--if not more so in some cases--than physically administering medications and treatments. It's only one of the critical interactions in the nurse-patient relationship that sets nursing apart from other professions.

I have less and less time to educate my patients and help them learn about their conditions. It's very frustrating. It disturbs me to think that months from now when I care for a stroke patient who's in a vegetative state, I will wonder if the attempt was made to educate him way back when he was diagnosed with having A-Fib. As we all know, it takes more than a "Here, read these pamphlets" and moving on to the next task. Sometimes the time management directive needs to be temporarily suspended.

I want to urge nurses who work in hospitals that are understaffed to confirm a little less, to stay a few minutes longer, to perhaps take the ding on the yearly evaluation that results from a few minutes of "excess overtime." I want to remind you all that the time spent educating the patient is nearly as critical as a Code situation. You might get a reputation for being "slow," as I did, but at least you'll rest easy knowing that your teaching saved someone's life.

Specializes in Hospice, corrections, psychiatry, rehab, LTC.

Let me echo the sentiments of those who said that they want someone like you taking care of them. Many lives could be saved or improved, and many bad situations avoided, if more things were explained to patients in a clear, understandable way. In our rush to get things done it is easy to forget that sometimes.

This is something hospitals should put more of an emphasis on. Handing a patient reading materials at discharge can be good to reinforce information already provided, but as a total patient teaching strategy it is bound to fail. If all we do is give patients handouts as they go out the door, there is no way to know if they even understand them.

Never once have I heard a hospital administrator say that a facility makes patient education a top priority. They are too busy throwing around the catchphrase "quality care" - while at the same time doing things staffing and salary-wise that make delivering it pretty much impossible.

Specializes in Utilization Management.
Never once have I heard a hospital administrator say that a facility makes patient education a top priority. They are too busy throwing around the catchphrase "quality care" - while at the same time doing things staffing and salary-wise that make delivering it pretty much impossible.

Well said.

I have also been a patient. Education was minimal, if at all. I've left hospitals too sick to have absorbed any information, with a stack of papers in my hand. Most of them were about who to call if I wasn't satisfied with the hospital "service."

Specializes in Hospice, corrections, psychiatry, rehab, LTC.
I've left hospitals too sick to have absorbed any information, with a stack of papers in my hand. Most of them were about who to call if I wasn't satisfied with the hospital "service."

Excellent point. Hospitals are very concerned about what patients think of what happened while they were lying in the bed. I don't know of any who ask questions about how well they prepared the patient to go home, or to maximize their chances for a successful recovery. About all they tell patients is to come back if something goes wrong. What about preventing the return visit altogether?

Love the name, BTW. Very clever!

Angie I don't think you could have said this any better and what a perfect example. If you didn't save that patients life in the very near future, you most certainly gave her much more time and quality of life.:yeah: Hey, are you supervisors reading and listening?

I think what also could be touched on here is that pts are being d/c home much sooner and sicker these days, and quite often connected to "scary medical equipment" they have little or no understanding of. If the pt is caring for themselves they should demonstrate that they can properly use the equipment, know when and how to take their meds, learn the proper name and dosage of their medication, how each medication works and benefits them, what it looks like, or if the pt is unable then the caregiver must learn this and demostrate the same. Preferably not all on day of d/c. This must be taught!

Also, it shouldn't surprise anyone that the less time a nurse spends educating her pt or pt's family before d/c the % of readmissions go up proportionately often with more serious problems then when initially admitted (or worse). It's such a shame when this is so completely avoidable.

If we don't or can't find the time to do this, you can be certain it won't be done, and patients will suffer for it.

Something I always recommend when pt's are going home on new meds or many different ones is keeping a notebook and pen right with their meds and keep a log, with medication, dosage, time and date noted as each pill comes out of it's bottle (this also gets them reading the actual prescription on the bottle too). For pt caregivers especially if more than one this is an absolute must. When the pt keeps their next appt. all should be brought to their doctors office. This shows medication compliance, that the patient cares and is involved in their healthcare, and opens an intelligent dialog between the pt/caregiver and doctor or nurse regarding how they've done since d/c. Almost always another teaching opportunity comes next!

while it is not a story of nurses but docs this story shows how educations is a very important thing:

plastic surgeon said he would do 1 of 3 procedures. One of which was suturing my eye closed. I told him I did not mind which one was done, I just dont want the one where you sew my eye closed. He says fine and we start the process of choosing which one to do.

about a month later my opthalmologist says he wanted to suture the eye closed. I told him No i did not want that. His response.......why. I explained that i would look wierd walking around with my eye stitched closed. He said no no no the stitches are not on the outside but on the inside.

him taking the time to ASK why I did not want the procedure made it so he could understand that I had a misconseption of the procedure and he was able to clear it up and make me feel better, and fine with having it. had my plastic surgeon asked he would have known but since he did not ask why I did not share it with him and so I had thoguht he was crazy for wanting me to walk around with black stitches on the outside holding my eye closed.

after that appointment with my eye doc, I agreed to the procedure and it made a diference to my quality of life for a little bit of time

Absolutely agree. Take care of yourself first, (take your breaks, drink water, PEE! and take a minute to breathe and laugh). Then comes your patients (cause when you are maxed out and frazzled you are much more likely to kill them) and then worry about overtime and the evals. Document document document. Keep your own notes and detailed accounts of super busy nights or nights you felt overloaded. Bring that with you to you eval and ask how management can help keep that from happening again.

Stand up for yourselves and your patients. We are skilled, valuable, smart and passionate people, there is no reason to compromise care for fear of being docked for doing your job right.

Specializes in Med Surge, Tele, Oncology, Wound Care.

So very true!

A patient had a Foley removed outpatient. Came back in with terrible "bladder pain." Patient went 15 hours without urinating, verbalized he did not know he was supposed to "pee" within 8 hours. Patient handed all literature to staff and nothing was within the instructions to let provider know if he/she was unable to void. He/she was scared out of their mind!

I stayed late one night giving discharge instructions to a family, I had been with them all day so why not finish up with them. Good thing I stayed late, as when I was about to clock out there was a patient who coded and I was able to help when each Nurse had just got on shift and had 8 patients each.

I had always wanted to be a teacher and a nurse. I am so blessed that I get to do both!

I can appreciate the nurses that take the time to explain the simple things. After my first surgery, I didn't now (was out of it mostly) about the incentive spiro, man did my nurse show me how to use it and the best part was when I went to cough, she showed me a simple "trick" with the pillow that saved me a lot of pain. Taking those 5-15 minutes to explain something simple can help the pt in so many ways.

Great writing and vitally important points. Thanks.

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.

Angie O, you are an allnurses gem. I learn so much from you and enjoy reading your posts.

Hi Angie, I hear you and identify with you, like just about everyone else here. However, the reality is that large corporations are not ultimately interested in the sincerity of your work. They are only concerned with you clocking out on time. Ironically, they become interested when there is a patient complaint, or patient care incident that may damage their image, or have some legal implication for them.

To be an effective nurse and patient advocate, do not figure on your employer. They are concerned with tangible evidence they can read. Don't expect them to understand how good you have been at your job and conscientious in preventive medicine. If you leave late they will eventually 'can' you and depending on the employer, that could come sooner rather than later.

We are working in a health care system that does not put the patient first, but rather the needs of the health insurance companies, JCAHO etc, etc. (Incidentally, you figure last in the equation). You don't think our endless charting is for the sake of the patient do you?

The problem is that corporations want it all. They want all their written and computerized charting done and then whatever else occurs to them! If there is a suggestion that you can complete your charting and still do health education, while you're maxed out with a heavy patient load, possibly taking admissions and doing discharges, they'll add that to your job too.

As nurses, we have always been dumped on. We are seen as people that are willing to attend to all the needs of the patient. Our own "profession" encourages this. Hence, we are easily manipulated by the corporations that employ us. Nothing is too much, since it is always presented to be in the interests of the patient. The role of the nurse continues to become ever more complex. With often competing interests - needs of the corporation vs the needs of the patient. Eventually, if we aren't already there, the job will be so conflicted that we will find it too difficult to do. It isn't that young people don't want to come into the job, it's just that they are discouraged from doing so.

Specializes in Gerontology/ Home Care.

Thanks for a GREAT article!!! Teaching in any setting not only improves patient compliance; it promotes independance and self reliance. This is what quality care delivery is all about. Kudos!!!!