Patient going to send nurse to Concentration Camps??

Nurses General Nursing


It's another day and another dollar around here and the fun just never ends.

A patient was making a long rant about Hipanics, African Americans and Native Americans. We have been instructed that we cannot leave this patient's room until all needs are met even if this patient is speaking like this.

In an effort to get this patient to see that we are all human, I shared with the patient that I was Jewish. We spoke for 5-10 minutes about my Jewish heritage, my family and how we celebrate and honor this Jewish background of mine.

Two days later I entered this patient's room and I was just a few mintues delayed in answering the call light.

This patient says to me, "I am going to send you to the Concentration Camps because you are too slow."


So I said, "Excuse me? What did you just say???"

The patient repeated it just as clearly the second time; "Yes, I am going to send you to the Concentration Camps because you are too slow."

I did not respond. I was taught that comments like this are not worth responding to because the person is obiously a completely ignorant bigot. I just went to the bedside and started addressing the needs of this patient, adjusting bedding, empty catheter bag ect...and then excused myself from the room.

I reported this to my supervisors and they have done absolutely nothing. Their reply is that this patient has the RIGHT to say whatever she/he wants and we cannot dictate what this patient says.

I completely disagree and I think this is a horrific thing to say to anyone.

Comments and thoughts are appreciated.

This is a long-term patient and I will be interacting with this patient for weeks to come.


Anyone else gone through this?

Rights and responsibilities of patients information.

Neuro psych if any question over cognition.

If NAD, expedite treatment, behaviour contract, no home services and bye-bye.

Why is the NUM/DON and consultant letting them get away with this...I have been off for Easter but got a call from my ANUM asking if it was OK is she pressed charges on a patient who racially abused her. I drove into work to support her doing so. I do not stand for that crap.

Also you need to reflect on why you thought disclosing your heritage to an offensive patient would be a good idea. You are no different to the other nurses who have been caring for him or her and it is doubtful that they would of had a lightbulb moment with you.

I love your response and strength that comes through in your words! I TOTALLY agree, sharing my own personal information with this patient was my bad. I assumed I could make a difference and well all know what 'assume' means.

Putting up my armor again.

I don't think you said anything about their mental status. If someone has dementia, Alzheimer's, (in some cases) Parkinson's, multiple personalities - I let whatever they say slide right over me, because they're not in control of what they're saying. I'm not saying I'm defending your patient at all; I'm just wondering. Unfortunately, though, even if they have all of their faculties, yeah, the attitude is usually that we can never rebuke a patient.

Patient is completely oriented and directs their own healthcare. Has a long history of abusive behavior like this.

My biggest mistakes in life have been thinking I could make a difference.

No good deed goes unpunished. I've learned my lesson. Armor up. Take the paycheck and go home.

It is odd that nursing staff is not allowed to set limits at all, though. I have to put up with difficult patients like everyone else, but I will let them know when they step out of line ...and that I'll be back in "ten minutes" to check on them so we can try again.

It is odd that nursing staff is not allowed to set limits at all, though. I have to put up with difficult patients like everyone else, but I will let them know when they step out of line ...and that I'll be back in "ten minutes" to check on them so we can try again.

Yes, we are not allowed to verbally reprimand or anything like that. Better to just excuse ourselves under the pretense that we have to check a call light or something and then come back in ten.

This patient says horribly abusive statements to many of the staff and has the whole place in an uproar. Many staff are actually considering quiting and going somewhere else because they do not feel they have the backing of the administration.

When nurses feel they do not have any value where they work they get depressed. It's a very sad state of affairs. Makes me sad and depressed to think about it.

I am trying my best to see administration's point of view, they say this patient has the right of freedom of speech. However, Freedom of Speech does not include hate speech, rascist remarks or verbal abuse.

It's time for a change.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.
Yes, we are not allowed to verbally reprimand or anything like that. Better to just excuse ourselves under the pretense that we have to check a call light or something and then come back in ten.

This patient says horribly abusive statements to many of the staff and has the whole place in an uproar. Many staff are actually considering quiting and going somewhere else because they do not feel they have the backing of the administration.

When nurses feel they do not have any value where they work they get depressed. It's a very sad state of affairs. Makes me sad and depressed to think about it.

I am trying my best to see administration's point of view, they say this patient has the right of freedom of speech. However, Freedom of Speech does not include hate speech, rascist remarks or verbal abuse.

It's time for a change.

Your administration is misusing the term "Freedom of Speech". It just means you can criticize the government without going to jail. It doesn't mean you get to be an ass with no consequences. You did not state in your original post that the person was completely lucid. The whole "concentration camp" routine sounds delusional and hard to take seriously.

If this person has "the whole place in an uproar" then it is time for a behaviour plan. Either to be presented to the patient, or staff's strategy for dealing with this crap. If admin won't help you, is there a way for the staff to meet and come up with a plan? This person has way too much power and that does need to be curtailed.

Good luck with this.

I would be tempted to laugh and say "Sure you are."

I wouldn't be stunned, upset, or angry. Rather, a bit amused that someone who can't even address their own needs without help would assert even in jest that she has the power to send someone to a concentration camp. It's pathetic, actually. Letting this person know they got to you gave them exactly what they were going for-a feeling of power to push your buttons.

Don't let this person get under your skin again. You are the one free to come and go, see and do, while they are stuck in bed and probably in their own hell.

Shake it off.

Kill him with love and kindness. That is the only way...

I would be tempted to laugh and say "Sure you are."

I wouldn't be stunned, upset, or angry. Rather, a bit amused that someone who can't even address their own needs without help would assert even in jest that she has the power to send someone to a concentration camp. It's pathetic, actually. Letting this person know they got to you gave them exactly what they were going for-a feeling of power to push your buttons.

Don't let this person get under your skin again. You are the one free to come and go, see and do, while they are stuck in bed and probably in their own hell.

Shake it off.

Some patient's insults are pretty amusing. Sometimes I have to excuse myself to laugh, and if I'm having a really good day, sometimes I can't stop laughing.

It sucks but let it roll off your shoulders. I've had patients (inmates) tell me they were going to rape me and murder my family. If you react, they know it works.

Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU.
It's another day and another dollar around here and the fun just never ends.

A patient was making a long rant about Hipanics, African Americans and Native Americans. We have been instructed that we cannot leave this patient's room until all needs are met even if this patient is speaking like this.

In an effort to get this patient to see that we are all human, I shared with the patient that I was Jewish. We spoke for 5-10 minutes about my Jewish heritage, my family and how we celebrate and honor this Jewish background of mine.

Two days later I entered this patient's room and I was just a few mintues delayed in answering the call light.

This patient says to me, "I am going to send you to the Concentration Camps because you are too slow."


So I said, "Excuse me? What did you just say???"

The patient repeated it just as clearly the second time; "Yes, I am going to send you to the Concentration Camps because you are too slow."

I did not respond. I was taught that comments like this are not worth responding to because the person is obiously a completely ignorant bigot. I just went to the bedside and started addressing the needs of this patient, adjusting bedding, empty catheter bag ect...and then excused myself from the room.

I reported this to my supervisors and they have done absolutely nothing. Their reply is that this patient has the RIGHT to say whatever she/he wants and we cannot dictate what this patient says.

I completely disagree and I think this is a horrific thing to say to anyone.

Comments and thoughts are appreciated.

This is a long-term patient and I will be interacting with this patient for weeks to come.


Anyone else gone through this?

There you have it. This patient is an equal opportunity abuser.

It's not about misused 1st Amendment Rights. This patient said something very hurtful to you and well, it hurt. People will do that and it is human nature to want to hurt them back so I can understand you being upset. When people purposefully say mean things to me, I kick into hyper-professional mode and set firm boundaries. I will actually state, "You don't have to be mean to me. I am trying to help you." or "I don't talk about my religion or politics while I am working. I'm here to focus on you".

If I get the sense they are confused or maybe have an organic brain issue, I completely ignore it and act like they didn't even say it. If the comment isn't too personal or hostile I may try to fend it off with humor, "I'm only mean to the patients I really like"

However, you are in a relationship with this patient because you are being paid to do so. If you had a choice you would never associate with this person ever again and hope the door hit 'em in the mouth on your way out. BUT as an employee and professional nurse you have other standards to hold to.

There are as many ways to handle this as there are personalities. You are here getting some suggestions that you will choose between and hopefully be able to continue to work at your place of employment without disgust.

Best to you. And a knowing "wink" from another easy target.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.
I would be tempted to laugh and say "Sure you are."

I wouldn't be stunned, upset, or angry. Rather, a bit amused that someone who can't even address their own needs without help would assert even in jest that she has the power to send someone to a concentration camp. It's pathetic, actually. Letting this person know they got to you gave them exactly what they were going for-a feeling of power to push your buttons.

Don't let this person get under your skin again. You are the one free to come and go, see and do, while they are stuck in bed and probably in their own hell.

Shake it off.

Exactly. This person has only as much power as anyone gives him/her. The shock, anger and hurt feelings are a big payoff. Refusing to take that crap seriously would take a lot of fun out of it. Really. Does this person have a lot of friends and family who come to visit? I suspect not.

This guy is borderline jerkface. Go full Mavrick next time:

When people purposefully say mean things to me, I kick into hyper-professional mode and set firm boundaries."

I will actually tell patients that what they said is unacceptable and move on with full professional manner the same way. They only receive what is required= no special extras from Accolay. In fact, sometimes withholding special extras make the Professional Jerkface sometimes not want to stick around so long and their recovery may be quicker in my experience. Not the correct nursing school NCLEX answer perhaps, but it's what I have to do in order to work with these types of patients. If they are really awful, then I ask if possible to not be placed with them again, but sometimes you have to take one for the team. If they are really really awful, then we will try a behavioral care plan.

I think it's time that patients are held accountable for their actions.

Being sick isn't an excuse for being rascist.

Holding patients accountable for their actions? I can't get my diabetics from drinking regular soda so what makes you think you can stop a racist from being a racist in a few days in the hospital under your care? What are we going to do, deny care? The guy was a racist before he got sick- you're not going to change that. Hell, he might not even be racist at all, he just trying out a new way to be awful to someone.

Continue to be the best person you can be. I think these types of patients can acually be really beneficial especially newer nurses in thickening up skin and for learning how to respond to ugliness.

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