Nurses' Health Habits

Nurses General Nursing


  1. I participate in the following healthy lifestyles:

    • 55
      Exercise regularly
    • 6
      Eat organic food as much as possible
    • 3
    • 18
      Exercise and organic food
    • 4
      Exercise and vegitarian/vegan
    • 6
      Exercise and organic and vegitarian/vegan
    • 0
      Organic and vegitarian/vegan only
    • 105
      None of the above

197 members have participated

Part of an informal study to investigate the health habits of nurses. Comments welcome!

Being a vegetarian doesn't require extensive diet planning in order to be healthy. Just as eating meat doesn't automatically mean you're getting all the nutrients you need. Meat contains protein, but the bulk of vitamins and minerals are found in vegtables, fruits and grains. Vegetarians tend to eat a larger amount of these foods, and as long as you eat enough calories to maintain your weight, and eat a variety of different healthy foods, you will get all the nutrients you need--including protein--on a veggie diet.

I am always amazed why some people think that being a vegetarian is so difficult, but yet think that just because they eat meat, their nutrient requirements are being met.

Sounds like a trick question on a nursing student's exam! LOL

Mrs. Sherman, Nursing Instructor, "There are no trick questions, only trick answers!"

I picked "none of the above." Well, because, I think that explains that!

Specializes in ICU, nutrition.

I try to eat healthy as much as I can, although I do balance it with foods I enjoy that aren't so healthy as well.

I try to get some exercise every day, although sometimes it's difficult.

I'm another one of ( none of the above). But I do get alot of exercise running my _ _ _ off at work! Oh, and I do have my daily chocolate. Good for the heart you know.

hmmmm, well I had to check none of the above, because I didn't fit neatly into any of the choices... but.......I have improved in some ways, others not. I am still pretty sedentary. I need to exercise. I enjoy walking. I know when the snow goes away, I will walk. But I don't enjoy aerobics, so video tapes are out, and I have paid money for gyms, but the times always seem to be inconvenient, and I end up paying out a contract and never going.....

But my eating habits are greatly improved. No, not a vegetarian, but I don't think that's necessary to be healthy. I am also not convinced organic is the only healthy route either. I was on weight watchers 2 years ago, and that improved a lot of my habits. I did slip into some old habits, but didn't gain back weight, which made me "comfortable", and I continued with the bad eating patterns. This was made worse as when I was in the field doing home health, I rarely had a decent meal, and often ended up with fast food on the run, despite planning ahead. Now I am doing so much better. I am eating much healthier foods in much more "normal" sized portions. I drink mostly water rather than pop. All in all, I think I'm doing pretty well. Physically I feel pretty good, and while I know I need to get moving, I feel I am on the right track. I never smoked, rarely drink (ie a glass of wine on holidays with my family), I guess that's all!

I eat organic foods when they're available, because I don't like to have to worry about pesticides, herbicides and all of the other chemicals that are used in food production these days. Often organics taste significantly better, and I feel good about supporting sustainable agriculture.

I also exercise regularly -- 150 - 180 minutes/week, but I do different activities to keep from getting bored.

Healthy eating and exercise have really made a difference in my life -- three years ago I was eighty pounds heavier, had high cholestrol and borderline adult onset diabetes.

Specializes in ED staff.

I can't imagine being a vegetarian. I coudl probably be cured of this if I had to kill my own meat. I've eaten fish that I've caught but nothing else. I'm fat and sassy and I really don't like it but at this point am not willing to give up my soda habits or my computer devotion, meaning that I sit here a lot on my big behind. I love red meat, when I eat steak or prime rib I want it practically mooing, medium rare......YUM!!!

Specializes in Obstetrics, M/S, Psych.

The older I get the healthier my habits become. Three cheers for old age.

Here's a question for ya: How come so little attention is paid to nutrition in nursing programs? Our ADN_RN program does NOT require any nutrition course for entrance. I had a instructor advise our class if we were still finishing up pre-reqs IF WE HAD TIME(yeah right) to take a nutrtion class, as ITS NOT COVERED VERY MUCH IN THE PROGRAM. Am I dense or is something wrong with this picture? Diet is so interwoven with many of our illnesses you think it would be a critical part of coursework. :rolleyes:

Laura - who doesnt fit into the poll either

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

None of the above. However, I have made some improvements in my diet, like eating very little sugar and trying to balance carbs and protein; this increases my energy levels, plus, for some reason, my arthritis bothers me far less when I don't eat sweets.

The exercise thing is the hard part. I hate to sweat (I do enough of it with my frequent "power surges"), I hate to be out of breath, and I hate to hurt. My philosophy for the past 27 years or so is "I don't have to go to gym anymore, so I don't". I do like to garden, mow grass with an old-fashioned push mower, pull weeds & so on. I also love to swim, but opportunities are limited in wet, cool W. Oregon. Can't walk outdoors until July due to asthma/allergies. I know I've gotta do SOMETHING, but the idea of committing to something like this for the rest of my life terrifies me.

Specializes in Mostly LTC, some acute and some ER,.

I do exercise regularly. On the days I work I am always on my feet, walking . . . occasionally jogging to get my work done, and on my days off I usually go for a hike with my dog, Cujo. When I hike, Its mostly up hill, and I go for miles. Sometimes i stay gone all day enjoying the outdoors.

I try and exercise regularly, though I have some weeks that I fall off the healthy wagon! :p

I make a real attempt to eat healthy, but that doesn't mean I don't get my fair share of cookies and other yummy things. I try to eat healthy (yes even green veggies) because DM runs in my family, and I've seen the ugly side of it. I can't live off chips and soda, much though I would like to. LOL! My Dad (with NIDDM- Type 2) just had a quadruple bypass last year, so...that does get some incentive to squeeze a little walking or fitness into my week! Yikes! Nothing like a little open heart scare to get you rethinking your lifestyle.

Anyone who works the floors knows we are getting at least *some* activity mixed with weight training! A coworker brought in her pedometer the other night to work...and guess what, she clocked in 4 miles during our shift! Not bad, huh!


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