Computer Fatal Error when coming here.

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

If anyone else having this problem?

I'm thinking it's probably me and my computer which is always doing funny things. But I can only come here when my computer has been rebooted. If it's been on for a while, when I come here I get a fatal error, it freezes and I'm forced to reboot to do anything.


What's your computer Spec. and OS?What exactly the Fatal Error say?looks to me your Internet Explorer is causing this However, I would need more information such as the name of the program that's causing the error, what you're doing when the error occurs,have you installed any new programs?

Boy, that sure sounds annoying, 3rdshift!

But I really think it's your computer. What browser are you using? Seems like it's got a problem with another program you're running.

Mine locks up when I use my Word program, ever since hubs installed Win XP. I sent Microsoft a glitch report, but have yet to hear from them.

Definitely send a glitch report on your browser.

go into your system and see how much memory you have left. Mine did the same thing when my memory was down to 30%. I went in and deleted stuff i very seldom use and didn't have the problem after that

Going thru withdrawal???

My suggestion: throw it out the window and buy a new one STAT!! :D


Specializes in Corrections, Psych, Med-Surg.

3rd writes: "I'm thinking it's probably me and my computer which is always doing funny things."

Yes, it is your computer. You need to clean it up, do a virus scan, ad-aware scan, delete unnecessary and temporary files, defrag, compress, diskcheck, simplify the booting requirements (read your applicable "Dummies" book for whatever your "help" files don't tell you how to do).

If the problem remains after all this, then you will need some technical help--but that is not likely.

Don't you just love the cyber-age!

Best wishes,


I have dial up access. Since the Columbia disaster it has been a bit slow. Clicking on shuttle related articles causes my computer to crash.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by Rohb

What's your computer Spec. and OS?What exactly the Fatal Error say?looks to me your Internet Explorer is causing this However, I would need more information such as the name of the program that's causing the error, what you're doing when the error occurs,have you installed any new programs?

I'm not smart enough to answer the question what are my "Spec. and OS". Sorry.

I haven't installed any new programs that I'm aware of. It's only this site that causes that problem. I'm usually just surfing the net reading email, etc.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by sjoe

3rd writes: "I'm thinking it's probably me and my computer which is always doing funny things."

Yes, it is your computer. You need to clean it up, do a virus scan, ad-aware scan, delete unnecessary and temporary files, defrag, compress, diskcheck, simplify the booting requirements (read your applicable "Dummies" book for whatever your "help" files don't tell you how to do).

If the problem remains after all this, then you will need some technical help--but that is not likely.

Don't you just love the cyber-age!

Best wishes,


I'll do a virus scan again, but I've done that recently, but can't remember when. I have a "Quick Clean" program has cleaned up my computer of temporary files, degrags qMonday, etc. But I might be missing something. I don't have any Adaware according to this program, but I do have Kazza, which is a pig, and I sometimes get pop-ups out of the blue.

What's frustrating is that it is only this site. I can be surfing the net for a couple of hours, come here, and then crash.

But obviously, it's my computer, which is what I wanted to know.


Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by emily_mom

Going thru withdrawal???

My suggestion: throw it out the window and buy a new one STAT!! :D


I'm getting to that point! They've come down and are more powerful since I got this monster.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by angiebruno

go into your system and see how much memory you have left. Mine did the same thing when my memory was down to 30%. I went in and deleted stuff i very seldom use and didn't have the problem after that

I've got 50% of my memory in use. I do a lot of downloading of music and CD creating which causes my computer to be very tired.

A similar error was fixed by my technogeek husband who, after long hours going thru the usual causes, found it was an overheating problem. He actually proved this by taking temp readings from inside the CPU.

I forget how it was actually fixed in the end, but I know we went back to the store! I'll ask him for details when he gets home. Hope this helps.

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