Published Apr 27, 2015
5 Posts
Hi everyone,
I applied to the Gateway Community College nursing program for the 2015-2016 school year, and found out that I have been waitlisted. I am number 8. From looking at people's posts from last year, Gateway had taken people up to number 20 off the waitist. I know that every year the applicant pool is different, so I was wondering if anyone knew how many people applied this year compared to last year? Also for the people who have been accepted, when do you have to let Gateway know if you will be accepting your seat or not? Just trying to find out what my chances of getting in this year are with my waitlist number, and around what time I would hear anything. I would appreciate any bit of information!! Thank you!
Hi Jackjack14,
I am not certain how many people apply each semester, but the wait list is definitely getting shorter. I applied last November (date stamp: Dec 5) and was recently placed for fall 15 at Gateway's accelerated program, so I only waited one semester. I did not get my first choice, I got placed into my second choice but I accepted it regardless. When I received notification I had been placed, I had 2 weeks to notify them of my decision, if you don't notify them within the time frame they withdraw your application. The more locations/programs you are open with attending, the faster you will get placed.
Hope this helps!
1 Post
Does anyone know what time the nursing classes and clinicals start and end at gateway community college ?
20 Posts
The evening program runs from 530pm-930pm I think ... I'm not sure about the clinical days.
32 Posts
Hello I have recently applied for the 2016 school year. I was told there could be a 1 semester wait however possibility I could start Jan 2016 if I get lucky. How do u know what number you are on in the waiting list? To notify you of your acceptance I was told they notify you via email, whichever one you wrote down in your application. I was told to keep an eye out since the email is also know to go to the Junk folder.
6 Posts
Hello! I just got in for Gateway's traditional program starting Spring '16. I applied on 12/22/14 and was accepted for the Fall '15 program, but I was accepted late (mid-July and class started in 4 weeks) and did not have enough time to get everything together since I was going on vacation so I used my one deferral. I never asked where I was on the wait-list so I don't really know if you can find out. Try asking an adviser. You should be able to send them an email. You are told you have been accepted via email then they also send you a letter in the mail. You can accept placement through your application status page, but you MUST mail, fax, or hand deliver your signed letter. I submitted my acceptance online and faxed in the letter yesterday (10/4).
Congratulations! :) I'm just nervous about starting so soon. But if the notifications already went out for the Spring 16 class than I shouldn't worry. It gives me time to finish up a lab and math class. Keep up updated on how your first semester goes
Congratulations! :) I'm just nervous about starting so soon. But if the notifications already went out for the Spring 16 class than I shouldn't worry. It gives me time to finish up a lab and math class. Keep us updated on how your first semester goes
3 Posts
can you please tell what are the re-requisites one must take before applying for the RN program? also what is the minimum gpa required ? I have completed math, chem, high school bio, psych. its just anatomy n physiology that I haven't taken yet. based on reading previous comment, it seems that it takes about a year to get in.
I live in cali and was planning to attend keiser university in florida since all the cc that offer nursing programs are competitive. what do you think my chances of getting accepted since i'm coming from a different state ?
sorry to ask you guys all these question. I'm desperate to find a cc that is not competitive. private schools are extremly expensive.
hope to here all you soom. take care
Chazzie_Made_It, ADN
110 Posts
Hey all! I just got my placement email! I'll be in Gateway's accelerated program starting January 2016!!! Can't wait to find out who else will be starting with me! Only been waiting since June 2015.
15 Posts
I just went today to submit my application for LPN. I was told most likely placement will be in August 2016 but it is a 1-2 semester wait. I can't wait, so excited. I hope I get to be a lucky one to start soon. All my pre req's for RN are done, so just a waiting game now. I wonder how many applicants they receive.
rac1, ASN, BSN, RN
226 Posts
Hi! I don't know how many applicants there are each cycle - I have always wondered too. I think recently the numbers have been down. On the Maricopa Colleges Nursing site it says the wait list is 4-8 semesters (2-4 years!). I am a CEP BSN applicant and recently attended the info meeting held at Gateway and we were told that the wait list average for all of the Maricopa colleges (for the ADN) is 2-3 semesters. If you don't get in until next year, keep plugging along at those prereq's, because if you can apply to a CEP BSN you will get precedence over ADN applicants! Worth it, IMO!