Gainesville-Santa Fe College ASN Hopeful 2011

U.S.A. Florida


Getting ready to take a big chunk of prereqs this summer. Here is what I have....

Summer A

College Algebra

A&P 1

Summer B

Elements of Chem (need for micro)

Humanities (undecided)

What do you think? Any suggestions welcome.

If you made it in this year, how many points did you have?

Just got my notification letter and I got accepted! I had 87 points. The letter is not that big, just two papers flat in a large envelope. Good luck!!

Just got my notification letter and I got accepted! I had 87 points. The letter is not that big, just two papers flat in a large envelope. Good luck!!

:yeah:WOO-HOO!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!

Gah! My mail doesn't come until around 5:00. I'm dying over here!!! I guess I'll just keep cleaning my house. It's all I can do to keep from exploding from all this nervous energy!

****Please let my 83 points be enough to make the cut****

CONGRATS CMASN!! That is SO exciting!

Just wanted to say good luck to everyone!!:)

I got it :D. It's a green large envelope with two pages in it.

I had 75 points I believe. I hope that puts some of your minds at ease a bit.

No.........flippin'............way! I got in!!!!!!!!!!! I had 72-74 pts, I'm not sure. I started sobbing when I got the letter because I was so surprised.

Congrats to everyone so far. There IS hope for us low-pointers.:w00t:

No.........flippin'............way! I got in!!!!!!!!!!! I had 72-74 pts, I'm not sure. I started sobbing when I got the letter because I was so surprised.

Congrats to everyone so far. There IS hope for us low-pointers.:w00t:

AAAAAH! I don't even know you and yet I am so excited for you!!!!!!:clpty:

Come on mailman! COME ON!!!!!!!

Thanks LittleBirdie, I know you got in, you had more points than me.

Wow, I'm glad I decided to take the 6 wk DEP2004 class. Now I don't have to worry about it (the class ends next week) and can focus on all the paperwork that needs to be done.

I got in!!:yeah: I had 92 points. They only give you two weeks or so to get your physical and background screening done! :eek:

I didn't get anything at all in the mail today... that may be a bad sign. For those of you who did get in, are you able to register for classes??

My question is- did anyone who got mail Not get in today? :(

That's what I am wondering too? Do they send out rejection letters too? I am majorly stressing.

All of the letters are sent out at the same time. So, if you haven't gotten yours yet, it doesn't mean you were rejected. I just joined this site today and wish I had earlier! I did get my letter today, and I did get in. But, the waiting ALONE really sucked!

Does anyone know how many applicants there were?

Good Luck to everyone!

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