Gainesville-Santa Fe College ASN Hopeful 2011

U.S.A. Florida


Getting ready to take a big chunk of prereqs this summer. Here is what I have....

Summer A

College Algebra

A&P 1

Summer B

Elements of Chem (need for micro)

Humanities (undecided)

What do you think? Any suggestions welcome.

If you made it in this year, how many points did you have?

QueenVictoria - Congrats! I think there were like 420 applicants. How may points did you have total?

Floridagirl87- The letter said they would register you for your nursing classes, only. If you have to take nutrition and a+p ii, you have to register that on your own.

I got the impression, from the letter, that you have to send back your signed 'acceptance to the program' letter and make an appt with the fingerprint people by Jun 28th. I think eveything else has to be done before class starts.

I had 76 but I know someone who got in with 71. What about you?q

Floridagirl87- The letter said they would register you for your nursing classes, only. If you have to take nutrition and a+p ii, you have to register that on your own.

I'm sorry. I read that wrong, they will register you for those classes you just have to let them know.

Well, today was a pretty emotional day for me. I just finished taking my DEP2004 test........I bombed it. At least I can drop a test. My husband said,"You still need to get an A, even though you just got into nursing school!!" Easy for him to say, I've been anxious about our letters all weekend and in shock for the past several hours.:eek:

Congrats to everyone who got in. Good Luck tomorrow, I hope the rest of the letters come soon so we can all relax.

Got my letter late yeserday afternoon! :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

Man, we've got a bunch to get done. I'm going away for two weeks at the end of this month so I better get on it! CONGRATS to everyone who got accepted! My fingers are crossed for those of you who didn't get any news yesterday!

Yay! Congrats!!!!

My letter finally came today and ..... I GOT IN!!!! Whew, way to keep a girl in suspense! I am so excited for everyone and can't wait to start NURSING SCHOOL!!!!!

After everyone gets their letters, should we start a post to help with getting everything done on time? I think it would help, there's so much to do. I would hate for one of us to not do something and have to forfeit our seat!:down:

What do you think, good or bad idea?

My letter finally came today and ..... I GOT IN!!!! Whew, way to keep a girl in suspense! I am so excited for everyone and can't wait to start NURSING SCHOOL!!!!!

Sorry.............. CONGRATS floridagirl87 and littlebirdie! :anpom::hpygrp::anpom:

I got in!! Thank goodness! That wait was horrible! Good luck to everyone still getting their letters!

Gatormommy- I think it's a great idea:)

lgator22 -:ancong!:

I love these emoticons.

Congrats to everyone who got their letters today! :yelclap: I can't begin to imagine what it must have been like to read all these posts yesterday and not get anything in the mail.

Was anyone able to sleep last night?!?! I was so excited and on such an adrenaline high I could not shut my brain off! I think I got maybe 3 hours of sleep. :bugeyes:

Gatormommy- yes, I think a thread like that would be helpful. I made an appointment for fingerprinting next month, and somehow my doc was able to fit me in tomorrow for the physical. I want to get all of this stuff done ASAP so I can just sit back and enjoy the summer.

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