Funny names

Nurses Humor


When I heard this person paged at work, I thought it had to be a joke, then later discovered he is one of our peds residents...

Shane Stokes

Doubt he'll get many patients whose parents are in the medical profession!

I used to work at a hospital that had Dr. Eligator and Dr. Assinassin (actually pronounced a SEN a sen). Here in the Houston area, there is a colorectal surgeon named Butts!

Specializes in Ortho, Med-Surg, ICU, Surgery.

OldORNurse....did you happen to work at Memorial Herman Memorial City?? That's where I knew Dr. Butts and Dr. Heine! I'll be darned! :)

I used to work with a surgeon who whose name is Dr Hack, I currently work with a Dr whose name is Asif ( as if) the other problem is asif in the arabic language is another word for saying sorry, and I happen to be working in Saudi Arabia, when the pts ask who the dr is, I tell them and they all look very puzzled for minute, trying to work out whether that is the docs name or whether I am saying sorry for not being able to understand them!

There is a doctor in eastern Nebraska named Dr Anis (A-nus).

How about Dr. Lipschitz? That's a good one, too!


worked with a cardiac surgeon named Dr Knoe lol his cardiac skills and his name overgrew his reputations.


As a child I had surgery done by Dr. Butcher and thought that I would make his perfect maiden name was Kutter.:)

Two from my KY days:

surgeon named Dr. Hemmer and

drum roll, please...

obstetritian Dr. Wanamaker. (for real!)

I have heard of a surgeon named Dr Puskas and a dermatologist named Dr Skinner. :) Who would have ever guessed!



there's a gi doc in baltimore called dr.butt, sorry first name is not seymore and a high risk ob (perinatologist) in harrisburg pa called dr. hole.

OBGYN here named Dr. Box. :)

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