Fundamentals- Done!


Specializes in ICU.

I took my final in nursing fundamentals yesterday. Can't believe how fast it went. I ended up with a 91%. I needed a 92% for that A so I'm a little bummed about that but also very happy I passed!! It was a very face-paced 4 weeks. We start med/surg I next week. Doing my last lab tomorrow for fundamentals. I'm excited to start med/surg because we will really get into the nursing stuff now. I'm really liking school and all of my instructors so far and can't believe how far I have come in the past year. It's been an awesome ride!! :nurse: :up:

I do understand what you mean by "real nurse stuff" but never forget real nursing stuff begins with a bath, getting a cup of coffee or finding a recliner for a family member, because the CNA is not always going to be there. NEVER forget it could be you in that bed or at the bedside treat them better than you would want to be treated. Yes my assessments, med pass, checking orders are what I have to do, but sometimes just a cup of ice, coffee an extra pillow sets the tone for a great day. If the patient is happy you are happy.

Specializes in ICU.
I do understand what you mean by "real nurse stuff" but never forget real nursing stuff begins with a bath, getting a cup of coffee or finding a recliner for a family member, because the CNA is not always going to be there. NEVER forget it could be you in that bed or at the bedside treat them better than you would want to be treated. Yes my assessments, med pass, checking orders are what I have to do, but sometimes just a cup of ice, coffee an extra pillow sets the tone for a great day. If the patient is happy you are happy.

Read my post again. No where does it say real nursing stuff. You took it out of context. I said we really get into the nursing stuff right. Meaning we are diving into nursing and diagnosis and care plans with disease process. No where did I say that giving a bed bath was not nursing stuff.

That is what irritates me about the internet. People just read what they want into something not what was actually written.


I read OP as meaning "the nitty gritty heavy duty stuff," which Med/Surg truly is. I'm betting she can already pour a mean cuppa joe!

That is what irritates me about the internet. People just read what they want into something not what was actually written.


Specializes in Neuro, Telemetry.

People don't really read thing how they "want" to read them on the internet. They read things how it is conveyed to them. You were awfully defensive and kind of rude to nowim clean. YOu just as easily could have practiced your communications skills to just say what you meant. I understood your post the same way as Nowim clean did. I don't think (and im sure she didn't either) you meant that basic care is not real nursing. But it was just a FRIENDLY reminder that those basics are very important in nursing care.

"really get into the nursing stuff" could be taken as either basic care is not really nursing stuff OR that your next block will be really heavy with advanced stuff. Take a step back and realize that because its the internet, your point isn't always conveyed the way you think is.

So rude of you! You simply have to explain it further to 'nwom' You can do better next time

Specializes in ICU /ED.

Omg y'all are taking her words waaaay to serious. After "not being a nurse" then get into "nursing". Of course you are excited to get into the "nursing" aspect of healthcare. No where did she say that fundamentals or CNA work was not "real" nursing care! She is excited as she should be . Med/Surg is an awesome start for the nitty gritty of nursing! Good luck to you... Nursing starts with CNA work yes appreciate that time with ur patients but you go to school to get in deeper than that! Have fun!

Do you realize how sad it is that a post regarding how excited someone is to learn got ruined. Pathetic, there needs to be higher minimum educational requirements in nursing... Congrats, sucks about the B!

Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.
Specializes in ER/Emergency Behavioral Health....

Wait guys, I need to get some popcorn.

I think that will be needed every time I open up this site from now on.

:: DRAMA::

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