FSCJ Summer 2011 Accepted!

U.S.A. Florida


Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to start a new thread since the last one was getting soooo long. I'm very excited! Who's with me?

I got them both off of allheart.com. The sphygmomanometer was 70 I think. I got the Riester Ri- san Aneroid sphygmomanometer and it was 75 and I got the Littman Cardiology III stethoscope and it was 155.

This is the one I got..I hope it's ok too!!


It had a good review :)

The shoes I ordered..


you have no idea how long ive waited to wear velcro shoes again! :D

When will we find out what books we need???

So I went to the Financial Aid office and all of a sudden they don't have any record of me filing an appeal?!?!?! I feel like I am going to lose it :madface: The girl I spoke with was of no help. She wouldn't even get anyone else to try and find it. I KNOW that they received it because when I called them last month to verify that they were working on it the lady was able to look it up and tell me the date that it was submitted into the system. It also said "under review" in Connections up until last week. So it just disappeared? I think not! So finally the unhelpful girl gave me the name of a lady to contact, but wouldn't give me the number. I really hate the North Campus Financial Aid Department! UGH! On a bright note, I did get my drug screening done :)

Today I got fingerprinting done, background check done and in progress, drug screening done and I went to the Navy base to see if I'd be covered there for titers (husband is military) and they don't do them there- but I can go back and get my immunizations on base, which is what I'm going to do when I get my titers back. Went to North campus- got the drug screening paperwork, took it to Northside medical clinic and paid $126 for all titers, PPD, and drug screen. I think Tricare may have covered my titers elsewhere, but I didn't feel like running around anymore and just wanted them out of the way. Had class at South campus from 12-4p after doing all of this and WHEW! I am exhausted but so glad I have Parts A, B, & C done with!

I would love to do the BLS class with those of you that are planning on doing it!! I can't wait to meet you guys!! :)

Woo hoo! Does anyone know if we have to buy the exact pants from the booklet?

I am tall and their elastic waist pants are not going to be long enough... I have had experience with drawstring and they fall down frequently. Cherokee makes a awesome elastic pant that is long enough but I am wondering if that would not be allowed. . .

It's a miracle! My loan has posted! Guess they didn't lose it after all... LOL!

We learn everything about books and registration at orientation. Kind of stinks because I'd like to get a jump on looking them over! I found a link to a list of all of the Nursing professors and their ratings per ratemyprofessor.com which last summer's accepted class used religiously. I don't know how to attach it to my post here but I can e-mail it to any of you if you send me a PM with your e-mail. As long as I can even get pm's! lol I'm new to allnurses! I AM SO EXCITED YOU GUYS!!!! I'm still soaking it all in, but- WE DID IT!!! I can't wait to start!!! :rckn:

I read from last summer that we don't have to buy the khaki pants from Meridy's. SO unless they've changed the rules- which I doubt they have (pants are so much harder to size than shirts, especially for ladies!!)- I can't imagine they'd require us to buy the specific Meridy's pair when they haven't enforced that for pervious terms.

yea my sis is in term three and she said there is no use in the lab coats....don't waste your money, and that you may buy you own khaki pants, white pants and shoes. I am all of 4'11 and I am def. buying my pants(all of them in person! lol I went to northside medical today and did my drug screen and titers and immunizations...my arms are killing me!! =( But hey at least I got a lil something accomplished =) Now for this CPR class....when are we doing this guys?? Is there any available classes for thursday?

I think I am going to go to St. Lukes Hospital on Belfort Rd. for $20 for the CPR. Im calling them first thing in the morning. If anyone else is interested their number is 278-4274 ext. 227

I tried calling st. Lukes yesterday and got their voicemail so I left a message. Hopefully they will call back soon! I want to take my CPR there

When will we find out what books we need???

Yeah, I'd really like to order my books since I doubt I'll buy them new from the book store...:(

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