FSCJ Fall 2012

U.S.A. Florida


Hey everyone!! I just wanted to start a new topic since it doesn't seem there are any discussions yet about anyone who is applying to the Nursing program for Fall 2012. I'm a little nervous right now b/c I will still be enrolled in Micro when I apply. Without Micro I will have a 189. I'm still going to apply (with my fingers crosse) in hoped I get in or even get a call from someone denying. If I end up with at least a B I'll have 201 total points. From what I've read a 201 should be guaranteed but then I'd have to wait until Spring. Fingers crossed a 189 w/o Micro will be enough for Fall! I'm so ready to start this program. Nervous & excited. Any tips/pointers would be greatly appreciated =)

I'm in!!!! Check your mailboxes!! :)

My mailman hasn't come yet. Ahhh!!Congrats btw!!!

I just got my packet as well! So excited!!!!! :nurse:

Im in too yay for us :)

Got mine. I'm in!!! Already working on the package. On the certifiedbackground page, I don't see a "Package Code" It says refer to page 2 of 2. I don't have a page 2. Anyone have the code?? AND a page 2?

So excited, can't wait to meet everyone.

Im in! but i have no idea how to pay for all this lol and did anyone else notice that it says for the uniform that it ships in september? does that mean we wont have it when we need it?

I am in as well! I'm still debating between JU and FSCJ but the 50k in loans at JU is making me lean towards FSCJ.

Very excited! Let's keep in touch and start to get to know each other for study purposes!

Got my packet too! Yay!!!

I'm in also, let keep in touch :)

I'm in too! Congratulations everyone! Yay us!Soon someone who is good with fb should start a private group for fall days that way we can all communicate!

I got the packet but it said Conditionally Accepted. Does that mean I'm in like you guys are ?

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