Frustration with waiting ...

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Well ... I'm working on the prereq's to get into nursing school. Dreading every day that I have to go to work and knowing I can't go to nursing school for at least another year. Additionally I have to save enough money since I'm single and live with my parents (thank god!) to pay my bills. I'm looking to change jobs right now to make more money so I can save more over the next year or so, that is smart at least right?

Well my frustration is I really want to do this nursing thing, but I feel so discouraged from my parents. They both think that business to nursing is too drastic. My mom reminds me (when I mention I'm doing homework for prereq's) that she thinks this is a bad idea and that she will find a way to talk me out of it. She wants me to go for my MBA or JD (which were my other two alternatives before I finally decided on nursing). She's like if you want to help people, volunteer. She knows I've loved science and medicine since a kid, growing up wanting to be a scientist or a doctor.

I know I shouldn't be thinking so far into the future but I have to wait so long and I just want to start nursing. I look at all the possibilities and even if I get out of patient care after a few years, I know I hvae to try it. I am young enough to try to figure out, but I'm people told that I have to start at the bottom again and to re-consider my choices. Hey, the bottom around here is at LEAST $15-20/hr which I'm making a little more than $16/hr at my current position that I hate. Argh, :angryfire SOrry to complain, but I don't have many people to talk to. Most of my friends aren't really "friends" when it comes to this and I like to talk things out. Unfortunately, usually its to myself. Or my boyfriend ... and I Know he gets sick of it. I try to talk to my mom about it, she listens sometimes, but then says something rude and I get all upset. WHY SO LONG TO WAIT!!!!!!!!

Sorry you read so far to hear me biz-nitch about all this ... thanks for reading at least!

I'll just sit here till next year ... :chair:

Heh, sorry you're frustrated. I think its wonderful and very mature of you to be planning and especially concerned about your future.

A year will come and go before you now it, so you're doing the right thing by preparing yourself no matter what field you decide to go into.

Wish I could give you some wise advice, but the decision is yours,

which I might add is a personal decision) but you sound like you've got a good head on your shoulder and you'll do just fine.


Originally posted by Mshheaddoc

Well my frustration is I really want to do this nursing thing, but I feel so discouraged from my parents. They both think that business to nursing is too drastic. My mom reminds me (when I mention I'm doing homework for prereq's) that she thinks this is a bad idea and that she will find a way to talk me out of it. She wants me to go for my MBA or JD (which were my other two alternatives before I finally decided on nursing). She's like if you want to help people, volunteer. She knows I've loved science and medicine since a kid, growing up wanting to be a scientist or a doctor.

I know I shouldn't be thinking so far into the future but I have to wait so long and I just want to start nursing. I look at all the possibilities and even if I get out of patient care after a few years, I know I hvae to try it.

Hi mshheaddoc,

I understand how you feel, and I know that there are a few others on this BB that have also come up against family and/or friends that are not supporting their decision. The only thing that I can suggest is that if this is what you really want to do, DO IT!!! When there is something that you want to get off your chest, come here!!! I'm like you that I have to at least try it or I'll be spending my whole life regretting it.

Unfortunately you have it tough because you will be living with your folks while you start the nursing section. That will be tough. If you have not other option, you are going to need to just let it go in one ear and out the other. If there is too much negativity, just get yourself out of there for a little bit. Study in a library. Maybe once you get in the nursing program you'll meet with a couple classmates that you can share an apartment with...if not, just keep going with your schooling and take yourself out of the line of fire. You'll family will see that you are serious (hopefully) and they will know that if they want the pleasure of your company, they will have to curb their negativity.

Wishing you the best of luck! If you ever need to vent, you can PM me and I'll be glad to be your sounding board.


I wont graduate till 2006 now thats a long wait............................................................................................:stone :eek: :zzzzz

thatldo ... thanks for the pep talk! Its appreciated.

Kris ... I know its going to be hard to wait to begin and there is so much more that complicates things. The more I think about it, the more I want to go to nursing school. I feel with my degree, I have so many more options and those are options that I feel would put me in a better position that right now. I might not stay a staff nurse forever, but my parents say than why get your nursing degree. My answer is Because I'd like to learn how to do it! I think its a flexible profession and although they try to ignore my current boyfriend of 4 years, we are trying to plan some sort of life and working as a nurse would be perfect for me for hours and pay (at least where I live so I'm told). I know I Will use my business "knowledge" again as my boyfriend wants to start his own business. I will probably go on for my MBA as well as further nursing degrees. I want to continue to be ambitious but at times I find it so hard, especially on this board. I didn't realize so many people hated what they did. Another thing I would like to do is get involved politically ... something needs to be done in the field politically, I'm not the type to sit around and watch. I guess its so many different reasons to go into nursing, I Just want to do it for personal satisfaction, the challenge and to make a difference, not just in my life and my patients, but also the world ... Oh enough ranting. Thanks again. I know other people feel like me out there and I'm sure somewhere out there, there is a lost nurse/student who could use this board ... I hope that she finds it. It would help her so much! Thanks for the support!!

Mshheaddoc, I can understand what you mean at times about the BB. For a little bit, it scared me off...but somehow, the pull for nursing is still there for me. I try to stay away from the real negative posts. All though there is venting here, just like you are venting about your lack of family support, many still love being nurses JMHO, just like you love your family, right? I think the most important thing is to find out what area of nursing would be interesting (or areas...because there are many!!!) Who knows what will might change your mind and be a staff nurse for long, or maybe not...right now the biggest thing is to get into nursing school and get that RN. Then you can make future plans.

It's also a sad fact that sometimes the people closest to us (our families) seem to be the least supportive. Who knows for what reason?

If you ever need someone to chat with, please feel free...I think that we are in the same boat.


Hi Mshheaddoc,

I know I shouldn't be thinking so far into the future but I have to wait so long and I just want to start nursing.

First let me say follow your heart. Being an "older student" I can tell you it will never be easier to start a new career than where you are right now. If your heart is tugging you towards nursing, than go for it. NO education is ever wasted.

If you are getting antsy waiting to get into a nursing program would you consider working P/T or per diem as a nurse's aid? Hospitals are in need of aides just as much as nurses. While you won't be permitted to work in the capacity of a nurse, you will gain valuable experience in patient care. Believe me when I tell you many a nursing student I have met really wished they had had some "hands on" before the started nursing school. It's something to consider.

In the mean time, I am sorry that you are up against all this opposition. It still behooves me when I hear about folks wanting to get into nursing and their families/friends being so against it. My gosh, it's not like you are working towards something indecent or immoral.

You stick with it and remember there is always lots of support her at allnurses!


Hey Doc,

Can I just say that I totally hear you and understand what you are saying and where you are coming from.

Our stories aren't completely similar but I do know what it is like to be someplace (speaking figuratively) right now and wanting so desperately to be somewhere else, starting your dream or at least feel as though you are making progress. I remember years ago, my first time round college, I got early acceptance and for almost 10 months before I was to head off to college I was crazed out of my mind. It wasn't that I was totally unhappy at home and finishing high school. But to know that college was just on the horizon and here I was sitting around waiting for September to come, well, it just makes a peson antsy or kind of like getting "cabin fever" in the middle of winter.

It's just me and my husband and although he isn't against me going for a nursing degree he isn't the most supportive either. But I really think that that is a female/male difference. I know that if I was still living with the young women I had as roommates in college they would totally get what I am saying and be totally supportive in the way that I need.

My family is pretty supportive and understanding of why I want to go back to school and completely change career paths. I do think that you will be able to use both your degree in business and nursing together. I think perhaps your family just doesn't understand that. I'm sure the business experience would come in especially handy if you wanted to go into management.

I agree with what Kris says about coming here to vent. There are a lot of us going through some of the same things that you are right now. I'm sure once you meet a couple of your Nursing school classmates you will feel like you have found people who know what you are going through and can support you.

Try to stay positive and I have found that what is working for me is staying concentrated on getting my pre and co-req's out of the way and putting a lot my energy into these classes. It makes me feel like I am accomplishing something and takes my mind off of where I am stuck right now.

Good Luck!


Hop on in! We might as well share that same boat! Don't worry...your pre-req's will soon be over! When I first considered nursing, my father and brother disuaded me and I actually listened to them. I've got my BA in English and they were pushing me to get my MA and teach High School. But after a 2 years even deeper in my rut at work, I finally had to start listening to myself and not to others. Bottome line, you're the one who has to wake up and go to work everyday. And you know what else...I'd rather go into nursing and find out that I don't like it than always wonder, what if?

Also, I started my pre-req's a year and a 1/2 ago and thought that 2 year's was a long time to have to wait to finally be able to go to school full time and get on with the rest of my life. I was planning on starting a family this year (2 year wedding anniversary) but deciding to go to nursing school forced me to postpone for another 2 years until I finish. I know it's irritating know exactly what you want and exactly how to get there but still having to wait. But just count you time by semesters and concentrate on your classes. Between work and school, believe me, the time will fly! I know it's hard to see it that way but just stick to it! If you ever need to vent or wine, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]!


Well at least you have parents to help you with school or at least to live with while in school. So difficult as it may be just lock your lips and go to school and ignore them as best you can.

l had the same problem with my parents, listened to them. 11 years later l have finally done it. l so happy now, wish l had done it sooner.

l don't know whether you have this in your country, but in Australia we can go to tafe (adult education) to do enrolled nursing, which only takes 1 year, then if you want to you can go to university to become a registered nurse.

l have just graduated and received my registration for nursing, so l can work in hospitals and other facilities, gaining experience while waiting to get into university.


My father isn't very supportive either. He thinks I won't be able to handle it. My husband & inlaws think I will be the perfect nurse. I am waiting for my test results to come back to see if I passed. If I passed I will have to have a interview with the program director or what not. I am so worried. They only let 30 students in per year and they go with the highest test grades first. I'm horrible in math so I'm not sure what my score will be there. I am tired of waiting. I'm so stressed out too! Anywho, good luck to you!

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