frustration with tests


Hi! I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions regarding studying for exams so that I can actually make an A. I make notecards, read, take practice exam after practice exam and even do some study groups (which sometimes help and other times I feel are more like chat sessions). I put so much time and effort into my studies (even giving up having a life!) all to get B's. Any thoughts? This is new for me and I must admit that I cried after my first test when I saw the B. :cry: It might sound silly to some, but I am VERY type A and have been my entire life so I strive for perfection and expect alot from myself. I know it's possible to get A's because people do, I just wish I could figure out what I'm not doing.

Thanks for listening!

First of all, my suggestion:

Understand the material. Memorizing why decreased blood pressure causes tachycardia doesn't cut it anymore. To get decent marks AND become a good nurse you must truly understand the material. If you don't get something, profs, classmates, google and even youtube can be indispensable friends. This is the best advice I can offer. I have been saved on many a test not by knowing the right answer specifically but understanding the principle behind the matter and answering through logic. personal thoughts....take them or leave them...

You may be type A and we all like to get good marks but nobody is perfect and a B isn't the end of the world. I am ALL for knowing the material but getting a 75% on a test doesn't necessarily mean that you don't know 25% of the material (it took me a long time to figure that out). I would MUCH rather see a student get a B, and know that he understands where and why he went wrong then to see a student get an A because he can memorize 30 normal lab values.

Thanks for what you said....all of it! I'm actually improving in the fact that this time I didn't cry after getting a B. LOL! So that's progress! I guess it's just hard because I feel like I understand it and put so much time into it that you would think I would get an A. It's probably going to be good for me to break free of the perfectionist mentality. And, you're right, I definitely learn from my mistakes when we have test reviews. I just want to be a great nurse, but I guess being a great test taker doesn't mean a hill of beans if I can't apply what I know and give good care to the client.

Thanks again!


I would just like to comment to the student who is frustrated. First and foremost, don't be! If this is your first semester in the program then you should be applauding yourself. I currently am in the same situation as you are finding yourself in. I have managed to pull an A on one quiz and a B on my first exam. After seeing some of my peers expressions, sadly, not bragging...but, I felt good.I realized that it could have been worse. I have learned( I'm sure you have also) that nursing quizzes, tests, papers...are not like anything that you have encountered before. It is requiring application vs memorization. I think that if you learn how to apply what you are reading to the scenarios in which you are probably being given, then you will be just fine!

I just want to be a great nurse, but I guess being a great test taker doesn't mean a hill of beans if I can't apply what I know and give good care to the client.

Thanks again!

You got it 100% Ask ANY nursing instructor and they will say the same thing.

Don't fret, you're doing well.

You're absolutely right! These tests are like nothing I've ever taken before! I really thought that I understood that before I entered the program, but until you actually take the tests, you really have no clue! I will try to embrace the grades and will work more on the application. I thought taking practice tests would help me more though.

Congrats to you and good luck as you progress! Thanks for your reply!

I just took my second test this semester and found out I got a 90(an A in or program). My first test was a 76 (C in our program).

The only thing I changed study wise was I used Saunders NCLEX study book and did the tests related to the chapters covered. Also I bought a fundamentals success book which seemed to have very similar questions to the test so it was a breeze to me. In all honesty the fundamentals success book helped me far more than any powerpoint.

Oh and one more thing, I started listening to the podcasts while working out. This also helped me know a lot of the answers.

Maybe it was a fluke, I dunno, but I think I may be on to something

You shouldn't be so hard on yourself!! In one of my classes, the average grade was a 60 on the first pathophys exam!!! :crying2: I would LOVE to have gotten a B!

Specializes in NICU, Nursery.

I agree with the first post. Do not memorize, but understand the material well. You will not remember memorized stuff years after graduation, but what will remain is your comprehension on the subject. Understand and nail it hard in your head, so that you can identify it in any scenario it will be presented to you in the future. Study groups are fine, as long as you do more studying and learning than just yakking about gossip and other unimportant stuff. ;)

Specializes in L&D, OR.

I agree with many of the aforementioned about understanding the material rather than memorizing. It will be very helpful for you when you're taking your NCLEX. Additionally, it might help to get a nclex comprehensive book as superramvette mentioned. I didn't use one during nursing school and I regret it because I hated looking through the big, heavy med-surg book with long descriptions when I could easy understand with just the Saunders or Prentice Hall books.

Anyways don't beat yourself up with your B test score because in nursing exams usually that is a job well done! :yeah: So keep up the good work!

Thanks to everyone who posted comments. They were very encouraging and supportive which I needed so much! I try to explain this stuff to friends and family, but in all honesty, no one gets it unless they have either already been in the program or are currently in it. There's just so much to learn and comprehend!

Oh, and super congrats to superramvette for getting an A! Woo Hoo!

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